



register レジ
The register is over there.
Let's ask at the rebister.

cashier レジ係りの人(発音:キャア)
I'll ask the cashier.

I'll ask someone.
I'll call someone.
Someone at the ticket gate can help you.
I can't find anyone. 否定文ではanyoneを使う


Do you need some help?
Where is the tain bound for?     bound(adj)



Liverpool(Northen England)
The CAVERN CLUB, a night club in Liverpool, England. It's famous as the place where the Beatles first performed in the eary 1960s.

The original Cavern Club entrance in 1963.

Liverpool Cathedral is the work of Sir Gilbert Scott, who also gave us the red telephone box and the Southwark Power Station in London, now the Tate Modern.
Bankside Power Station, about 1985, before conversion to the Tate Modern
The Red Telephone Box
Scott's 1910 redesign, with central tower


How the STATES Got Their NAMES

Maryland was named after Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of King Charles Ⅰof England, who granted the right to establish an English colony there.

Work hard | Play hard | Party hard
Don't sit so close to the TV. It's going to get worse.
You shouldn't listen to music that loud. It's going to damage your ears.
It's going to be bigger.
If you don't get enough sleep, It's going to burn you out. You're going to burn out.
If you drink so much soda, you are going to get a cavity.
itchy.....If you don't stop scratching, it's going to be rash.


Corals サンゴ礁
colorful corals | underwater garden | animals | not plants |
Corals are made up of many small animals called polyps.


/bɜːn/ /bɜːrn/

★ to produce flames and heat

burn out | burn somebody out | burn myself out 燃え尽きる
to become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time
If he doesn't stop working so hard, he'll burn himself out.
By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport.



Do you think we can get tickets to the Wimbledon?
They are difficult tickets to get hold of. Let me see if we can book the tickets online.
Can I have two tickets to the Men's final for Wimbledon, please?
I'm so sorry but we only have one ticket left for that game.
There is nothing else we can do.
Should we try to buy the tickets from a ticket tout? (ticket tout:ダフ屋)
I don't really want to do that. Maybe we can see what they have available and negotiate the price.

I'm thinking about getting some new shoes.
Those pairs you bought last year are already worn-out. (worn out:ボロボロ)

For here or to go? 店員がお客に聞く 店内hereまたは持ち帰りto go(take outの事)
Fo here ここで食べます
To go 持ち帰ります ※take away(英)持ち帰り
coffee to go(I'd like to have coffee to go)コーヒーを持ち帰りで
店)Anything else? 他には? 客)That's it! 以上です
店)Would you like to have a box? 食べきれないのを箱に入れて持ち帰りますか?
客)Yes, please. No thank you.
客)I'd like to take this out. これを持ち帰りたいのですか(箱もらえます?)
wind tunnel
wind tunnel simulation/testing
It's a hand-me-down clothes from my elder brother.


I enjoy playing tennis onece a week at the indoor club. but I'm poor at tennis.
I wanna level up to become more powerful. It's break-through.

a grass-covered tennis court
hard court(全米・全豪)
grass court / lawn court(全英)
en-tout-cas court / all weather court(全仏)
omni court
clay court

the Grand Slam(全英・全米・全仏・全豪)

Kei Nishikori
He have finally managed to break through Novak Djokovic.

drinking too much

We often see
On friday night at the station, we meet a man drinking out of desperation.

my house

I come home by 6 o'clock.
I don't watch TV after 9pm.


How do you say this word? この単語は何て言うの?
I think that's a good idea.

Who wants to try first?


We must protect the wonders of the sea,(wonders:奇跡)to make a better world for you and me.
We must stop polluting the ocean blue.
When we make a mess, we can't dump it in the sea.


I help you do the dishes.
We have to help save the oceans.
(I help you to do the dishes←間違いではないが原型不定詞が主流のようだ)

I can help you finish it.

Daily life

What should or shouldn't you do for the environment?
Put good deeds in(into) motion.(ちょっとした良い行ないをしよう)

You shouldn't(can't) leave the lights on.
Also, you have to sort the garbage.
You can't litter here.
Some people are using a biodegradable bag.
You shouldn't throw that paper bag away like that. Don't worry, It's biodegradable.
Let's keep this for recycling.
This bag is ecologically friendly.

Camp Rules

You're a camp counselor. Tell the campers the rules.
This is our island. It's really beautiful, so help us protect it. You have to....


disposable chopsticks


I was taking a walk in the wood nearby.

I took(went for) an excursion to (into:普段と違う事をする時)an ordinary mountain. It's called....
I explored this mountain along a small narrow stream till upstream with children.
We looked for crawfishes. but they were not there.
We enjoyed having a lunch box at mountain peak that is just about 200 meters high.
And also I aim to make family ties strong. Especially, the ties of brotherhood.


long holiday season


Winter Sports

This season is all the better for sking with family.
lift tickets at a discount price and not crowded and so on.

as a father

Let me introduce myself just for a minute.
My name is....
I have three kids. I enjoy beeing a dad. But I worry about my children future.

My view is always different from my wife. She say to children, "Do this, Don't do that"
things like that. She is chasing up children all the time.


I'm an ordinary lonely middleaged.

blazu up
She goes to pieces every once a week.



be born
I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in 1968.
I was born in a city in southern Tokyo.
I was born with a weak heart.
I wasn't born into a welthy family.
I was born to/of Japanese parents.
He was born blind.

be born to be
I was born to be a carpenter, not carpenters, because my father and grand father was. But I'm not.
My jog is that         related to a arpenter 


Japanese employee(Japanese salary-man)

overwork death
death from overwork
One of Japanese company even constructed a public tomb in Kyoto for thier employees who wish to be buried with thier colleagues.
tomb 「トゥーム」n.墓  bury「ベェリィ」v.埋葬する 

Playing Sports in School Days

I played baseball in school days
Japanese high school baseball, comparable to American colleage football, is very popular.
The nation-wide tounament takes place (is held) twice a year.
When it comes to baseball, I played in school days. I belonged to the baseball team at junior-high.
Long long time ago, when I was a junior-high student, the beaseball was the most populor sports in Japan. Student players without exception including me had to get a haircut with buzz cut.
It was so rigid here at that time in Japan. Then, there were a lot of strict hierarchy in school sports team.

How about you? Did you play any sports?

buzz cut


on the train
I sometimes see women who are wearing make up on the train.