
Let's talk

Ice breaking
Sorry guys, I've just been jogging before coming here.
It's my daily routine.

small talk
Do you come here often?
Do you live in this area?
I haven't seen you for a while.

How are you?
Not too bad, can't complain.
I just wanna live in a world without mice.
mouse  ウス n)ネズミ  複)mice イス
rat ットゥ n)大型ネズミ
天井裏:above/in the ceiling

How's your week going?
 It's going great.
   I just got back from a week at the beach.
   I just got back from 3 days on mountain.
Where'd you go?  (where'd=where did)
   Just hang out at the beach, mostly.
Do you do that every year?

Let me ask you a question
How are you enjoying your staying Japan so far?
Many things are different here.
How do you pronounce your name?

As you can see my active wear, I have exercise habit.
Swimming in the ocean is as an example.
I'm going for swim to the beach this weekend. 

Once you get into the habit, it's a cinch.
cinch ィンチ n)馬の腹帯、しっかり握る、簡単にできる事・朝飯前=very easy

It goes without saying that I enjoy studying English.
It’s almost 30 years since then, after going to the first oversea trip in Thailand.
I felt inspired to speak English at all.
It’s quite useful in overseas.
How many years have you been studying?
I would say 30 years at least.

What do you do for a living?
I’m an old hand at building a house.

day job
I teach young guys how to get the license to practice architecture at school. 

What field are you in?
What's it like to work there?
I love it, it's challenging and everyday there's something new.
Workin' hard or hardly workin'?

At this time of year
Autumn is "time of harvest".
So, Autumn is a perfect season to have a good appetite.
But as for me, "all year long".

There has been some confusion on the way.
The situation is changing for the better.
I hope things will change for the better.
confusion コンフュ-ジョン n)混乱・混同・あいまい

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