5 new cases of COVID-19 have been tied to ABC hospital in Tokyo.
I got the impression.../I could tell.../I figure...(I thinkよりカジュアル) n)形、図、数字、人の形 v)形取る
My impression is...
★to make somebody nervous and/or confused, especially by giving them a lot to do or by making them hurry すごく焦る、うろたえる
●fluster somebody Don't fluster me or I'll never be ready.
●be flustered(by something) He was flustered by all attention.
She was clearly flustered by Marshall's unexpected arrival.
get flustered
We get all flustered みんなうろたえる
The most flustered I have ever been was...
run something to be in charge of a business, campaign, etc
to run a hotel/store/language school
He has no idea how to run a business.
Both candidates have run a good campaign.
My dad runs this restaurant. 父がこのレストランをやっているんだ。=manage
to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father
Your daughter doesn't take after you at all.
He takes after you. あなた似よ。
It must take after its father. きっと父親に似ているんだね!
My son takes after me. 息子はわたし似です。