

If I had a girlfriend, I would treat her like a princess!


If I were more courageous, I could ask Yumi out!
ask someone out  誰かをデートに誘う

take a look at/ちょっと見る

Can I take a look at your report?


 Our team would work more efficiently.


It is the busy season, and I'm sure he's under a lot of pressure.


What's done is done/That's what they say

What's done is done. なされたことは、なされたことです(終わったことは仕方がない)主語はwhat節
You can't change the past. 過去は変えられない。
That's what they say. みんなそう言いますね 


When I picture the typical American

very patriotic

portion sizes


A new variant of the covid-19 virus is beginning to spread worldwide. The WHO named the mutation Omicron, after a letter of the Greek alphabet. It was first reported in Botswana on the 9th of November. Two weeks later, it was detected in South Africa and  flagged as a "virus of concern". Soon after this, cases were reported in Hong Kong, Israel, Madagascar and Belgium. Epidemiologists have warned that this new strain could be extremely infections. They also said it may be able to evade protections afforded us by current vaccines. This has led to countries Germany and the Czech Republic.

Scientists are currently analyzing Omicron to assess the danger it might pose. They have detected 50 genetic changes in the DNA that affects the spikes surrounding the crown of the virus. Current vaccines focus on these spikes. Any changes in the DNA of the spikes could make the virus more virulent, more transmissible and possibly more resistant against vaccines. Scientists say it could take a few weeks to determine how effective our vaccines are against Omicron. The White House's chief medical adviser has warned that: "When you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility, and you're already having travel-related cases... it almost invariably is ultimately going to go all over [the world]."

mutation ニュ-イション n)変化、変形
Omicron オ-ミクロン  英)オウイクロン ギリシャ語アルファベット第15字
Auto industry executives expect electric vehicles will make up just over half of new vehicle sales in the United States and China by 2030.
auto industry -ト ンダストリー 自動車工業
executive エクキュティヴ n)企業の幹部・重役
make up メイカップ 何かを作り上げる、作り話をする、埋め合わせをする、決心する
makeup n)構成

I go running on the mountain and go swimming to the beach on weekends.



In recent weeks, US Navy ships have worked with other navies during exercises.
The exercises have seen US aircraft carriers sail with their British and Japanese counterparts.
in recent weeks ここ数週間
US Navy アメリカ海軍
aircraft carrier アクラフト ャリア  n)空母 
counterpart ウンターパァート n)相補う2つの物の一方

The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.
hold talks with...   ...と会談する


That's what...

It's so cold/hot out today.
That's what winters/summers in Tokyo are like.
Are winters always this cold?
Usually. I'm used to it at this point. ほとんどね。今はもう慣れてきた。
I'm not. I don't like snow, either. I can't wait for the summer.

That's what I like about mountains. それが山の好きなところなんだ

in the space of

Japan made a dramatic turnaround in its vaccination rates in the space of several months.
I've got(gotten) really good at running and swimming in the space of a few years.


There is a big turnaround of teachers in schools.

There is no sudden turnaround, but it is progressing little by little.

Let's make a turnaround.
Let's expect a turnaround in the sales.
Let's turn things around.

We have to turn the situation around.

business turnaround
I think we need to make a business turnaround or we will go bankrupt.
His contributed hugely to this year's positive turnaround.
go bankrupt 倒産する

24-hour turnaround

With just a month to go until...

With just a month to go until New Year's Day. Time fries. Any plans for the New Year's holiday? 

Japan: From vaccine hesitancy to vaccine success

Japan made a dramatic turnaround in its vaccination rates in the space of several months.

hesitancy ヘズィタンシー  n)躊躇、ためらい
dramatic ドラティック adj)劇的な
a(the) turnaround タ-ンアラウンド n)方向転換、転換
the(a) space 間、あいだ 
contemplate ンテンプレイト v)計画を練る、もくろむ、しようと考える
merrily ラリー adv)楽しく、陽気に、気楽に
selfy n)セルフィー、自撮り
needle ニ-ドル n)注射針
astonish アスニッシュ v)非常におどろかす
bungle ングル  v)しくじる、やりそこなう n)へま、しくじり、不手際
rollout  展開する、展開する事、広げる、伸ばす
overcome  オーヴァーム  v)克服する、乗り越える、打ち負かす
chaos  オス  n)混沌、カオス、混乱、無秩序
immunize ミュナイズ v)免疫を与える
protest プウテスト n)抗議、申し立て   プロスト v)抗議する
demand ディンド v)要求する n)要求、需要
anger ンガァ- n)怒り、激怒
fear フィアー n)恐れ、恐怖
spreader スプッダー  n)スプレッダー、バターナイフ、拡散機、散布機
horrify ホ-リファイ  v)怖がらせる、ぞっとさせる、震え上がらせる
ruined ル-ウンドゥ  adj)荒廃した、台無しの、損なわれた

It seems hard to believe now, but at the beginning of June, I was seriously contemplating flying to the United States to get a Covid vaccine.

With just seven weeks to go until the Olympics, only 3.5% of Japan's population had been fully vaccinated. 
While friends in the UK were merrily posting vaccine selfies on social media, here in the capital Tokyo, we were joking we might not see a needle till Christmas.
With the Olympics about to open, it seems astonishing the Japanese government had bungled the vaccine rollout so badly.

Six months later, it couldn't be more different.
Not only has Japan succeeded in overcoming the early chaos, it's manages to get a higher percentage of its population vaccinated than almost anywhere else on Earth.
Some 76% of Japanese are now fully immunized.

The Olympics was key.
Remember, back in July, the large street protests demanding the games be cancelled? There was real anger and fear the games would turn in to a super-spreader event.
Horrified that their big event might be ruined, the politicians finally got their act together.