

solstice  ル スティス  n)太陽の至点

the winter solstice 冬至
midwinter 冬の中間点
the shortest day 陽が最も短い日



It’s starting to rain

It’s started raining

It started raining


とても(≠ very)


very cold
rather cold

very small town とても小さい町(veryのほうが強い強調)
rather small town とても小さい町(よくないことを表現・どちらかといえば)


to try my luck

I will enter Nagano Marathon to try my luck.


~がなければ ..... だ(仮定法)

If it wasn't/weren't for ~ ,    would/should

(wasn't より weren't の方がフォーマル)

I'm not sure about that. It's quite a long time ago. But one thing is sure. If it wasn't for music such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones things like that, I wouldn't be interested to study English at all.

If it wasn't for earthquakes, Japan should be a better place.

But for ~, Without ~, Except ~

(Without が日常会話的)

Without heavy traffic jam, It would take about 40 minutes driving.

traffic jam 交通渋滞
crowding 人の渋滞


monotony  トニー  n)単調さ・変化のなさ

boring lack of variety
doing the same things everyday

I go abroad to relieve the monotony of everyday life.

I speak English to relieve the monotony of Japanese life.


How was your day today?


Tim Hortons


Tim Hortons ィム ーティンズ
Timmies ティ ミーズ

Many Canadians love to consume.
Timmies is the most popular coffee shop in Canada.
It's our nationwide chain of coffee shops.
The reason it is called Tim Hortons is because it was founded by a Canadian hocky player named Tim Horton, very Canadian.

When you go to Timmies, the drink of choice for many Canadians is a "Double Double".
A "Double Double" is when you get your coffee with two cream and two sugar.
Many Canucks have to go to Timmies to get their "Double Double" in the morning.

consume コン ス-ム v)消費する、飲食する


Change Jobs

Oh, let me ask you something about change jobs.
Actually, a friend of mine is going to leave her company next month.
So, how long before leaving the company do you need to tell the boss?

change jobs 転職
get a new job 新しい仕事を手に入れる
resignation  レ ズィグ イション n)辞職
start working for a new company

Quit (インフォーマル・カジュアルで多少消極的なニュアンス・諦めるニュアンス)
Leave (ナチュラル) 

Maple Syrup

When it comes to maple syrup,
A Canuck said to me. They eat Pizza to put some maple syrup on top.
maple  イ プル  n)カエデ・モミジ
syrup シィ ロップ n)シロップ・みつ
to put/add/place/sprinkle/dust
place v)置く、入れる、位置づける
sprinkle スプン クル v)ぱらぱらとまく・振りかける
dust  v)ほこりを払う、粉などを振りかける

Canada is one of the countries that I want to go to.

Which city are you from?
Are you from west or east?
I like hiking.
Do you have any recommendations of places to go hiking around there?

Where would you recommend?
Where is the best place?

The Rocky Mountains
The Rockies are in the western area of Canada.
Vancouver ヴァン ク-ヴァー /British Columbia (BC)
Calgary ル ガァリー /Alberta アル ァータ

Niagara Falls ナイグラ フォールズ
In the eastern area of Canada, we also have one of Canada's most popular tourist destinations and this is Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is also in Ontario.
Torontoント (Most native speakers just say Trono ノ)/Ontario オン リオ
Montreal  ント リ オー /Quebec ク ベッ

Give comment/feedback to me

giving relevant answers to the questions
relevant レ ヴァント  adj)適切な


What was your impression of Japan in comparison to what you expected?

ーYou know. About 20 years ago, the Internet was not advanced as it is today. So maybe if it was today, I would just look up Japan on the Internet and learn about it. But at that time, I had no real visual what Japan was. Except my friends told me, it was fantastic, interesting, good food, people were nice, and that kind of things. But had no real image. When I got here, I just found it, so fascinating, so interesting, so different things from Canada. Particularly, ok, go to a place like Shinzyuku which has more lights than Las Vegas lol. But then, with all the technology, all the lights, all the...so futuristic. But you go down one little, a tiny street. And there is a 3rd generation Kimono shop, and it feels like time has stood still. Traditional Japan and modern Japan have existed. In reality I found it effortlessly. I found very very impressive and that's why made me fall in love with Japan.

A mixture, old and new, in a way. and then you came across Rakugo at the performance restaurant in Yokohama. You fell in love with Rakugo. But falling in love with Rakugo and becoming a Rakugo storyteller are two very different things. What made you decide to become a Rakugo storyteller? 

ーWell, it was really an immediate decision. When I first thought Rakugo, I have been here for five years. So, I can speak and understand some Japanese. Otherwise, I don't think Rakugo is very exciting. You know, Kaguki, there are dancing, beautiful costume and many things, you can enjoy without understanding language. But Rakugo, if you don't understand, it's not so interesting. It's actual. It's comical. It's traditional, everything I had done even before I came to Japan when I was doing at the theater. It was the comic theater. It was the traditional Greel theater. So, Rakugo seemed to contain everything that I have been living for. And interesting in up to that point. So, it was really an immediate decision. Now, this is what I was born to do. 

comparison コン パァ リソン  n)比較
advanced アド ヴァンスト   adj)前進した・先進的な・進んだ
as it is today  こんにちほど・こんにちのように
visual  ヴィジュ アル  adj)視覚による  n)映像・視覚素材、ビジュアル
effortlessly   フォーァト レスリィー adv)楽々と=easy
effort  フ フォーァト  n)努力
endeavor  エン ヴァー  n)努力(フォーマル)
exertion イグ ザァーション  n)さらに大変な努力
make an effort/endeavor
make exertions
fascinate  ファ-スィ ネイト  v)魅了する
futuristic  フューチャー スティック adj)未来を先取りした・超現代的な、未来派の
stand still  とまっている・じっとしている


in a way  ある意味
come across  ふと見つける・出くわす  
immediateミ-ディエット n)即座の・すぐの
actual  クチャル  adj)実在の・現実の
comical  コ ミカル  adj)こっけいな・おかしい、喜劇の

2022 Dec 8



The contemporary city
contemporary  コンンポラァリー  adj)現代の

Sample the street food
For an authentic taste of Hanoi, look to the street kitchens of the Old Quarter.
sample   サァンプル  n)サンプル v)試しに体験/試食する


be spoilt for choice

be spoilt for choice


It comes to food in Japan, you'll certainly be spoilt for choice, but don't miss the fantastic Tonkatsu dish.
certainly サ-ァ トゥンリー  adv)確実に・きっと・間違いなく、もちろん・その通りです
spoil   スポイル   v) だめにする⇒人を甘やかす
spoil - spoilt - spoilt 

It comes to hobbies of mine. I'm spoilt for choice (迷うほど沢山ある)
, such as running, swimming, cycling and mountain hike, also eating lol. 
Food Choices
It makes for a wide variety of food choices there.

These trees are handed/exported/given from one country as a token/sign/pledge/mark of their friendship.
It's a gift.
The project is a symbol of the friendship between the two countries Vietnam - Slovakia.
Peace, friendship and cooperation are what people should aim for.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the China - Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
token  ト-クン n)乗物・ゲーム機なのどメダル(トークン)、しるし・証拠・象徴・記念品
pledge プレッジ  n)堅い約束・誓約、しるし・証拠
mark マ-ァク n)痕跡、あざ、印
cooperation   コウ オペイション  n)協力・協調

... is the destination of choice for ...

Shibuya is the destination of choice for fashion and food lovers alike.
alike  ア イク  adv)同じように、等しく

Hakone is the destination of choice for Onsen lovers and mountain hikers alike.

Chinese food

Chinese food is the right choice for any time for any day.



numb  ァム   adj)《身体の一部が》感覚を失った


It's so freezing cold today.
I can see my breath.
My hands are numb. (My hands are freezing cold)


Talk about Movies

"Cry Freedom" British one, in the late 80's is one of the great movies I've ever seen. It's a movie starring Denzel Washington and Kevin kline.


And also,I love action movies such as 

n the early 80's

他の話題から"movies"に移った ~もまた・~も同様に
I used to watch lots of movies too.
I also used to watch lots of movies as well.
I used to watch lots of movies as well.

I like nonfiction period dramas about great people who left their mark on society.
Their stories in the face of hardships are both inspiring and motivational.
ーindeed, they give us wisdom to live in today's uncertain times also I love to get a glimpse of people’s lives through the clothes they wear as well as their surroundings.

nonfiction ノ-ン フィクション n)ノンフィクション・ノンフィクション作品
period ピリエッド n)ひと区切り・期間・時期・時代・周期 adj)ある時代の
drama  ドラマ n)劇・ドラマ
period dramas  時代劇・年代物ドラマ
mark マ-ァク n)痕跡影響、あざ、印、標識
face  フェイス n)顔、正面、表面、側面
in the face of  ~の前で、~に直面して、(困難問題)をものともせず、~にもかかわらず
hardship ハ-アドシップ  n)苦難・苦労 
inspiring イン スパァィアリング  adj)ふるい立たせる、刺激的な
motivational モウチヴェイショナル adj)動機づけの、モチベーションが上がる
indeed インディ-ド adv)本当に・実に・まったく・確かに   in+deed
deed  ディ-ド  n)行為・偉業・実行・事実 
wisdom ゥィズダム n)賢明・分別・知恵
uncertain アン サーァトゥン   adj)不確実な・確信がない・はっきりしない・ぼんやりした
glimpse グリンプス   v)ちらっと見る n)ちらっと見る事
lives ラァイヴス   n) life の複数形
as well as = and   同様に
surroundings   ラウンディングス n)取り巻く環境・状況
surrounding   adj)取り囲む・周囲の



a purebred Persian cat
a ragdoll cat    

she slept on the other intern's lap.

rag doll ラグ ドール  n)ぬいぐるみ
lap ラァ ップ n)ひざ・着席時の腰から膝がしらまでの部分


plural  プルーラァル  adj)複数の・2つ以上の

plural nouns


singular シィ ンギュラーァ  adj) 単数の・1つだけの

singular nouns  単数名詞
noun ナァウン  n)名詞



 intern インターァン  

n)実習生・見習い v)インターンとして勤務する・研修する

an intern


preference  プファレンス  n)好み・ひいき

movie preferences



go to the chiro

go to the doctor と同じ

chiro-  「手」の意
osteopathic physician
bodywork therapist

osteopathic オスティオスィック adj)整体の
physician フィズィシャン n)悩みなどを癒す人、救済者、医者


To reset my pelvic bone

Last night, I went see a chiropractor to reset my pelvic bone.
pelvic ペルヴィック adj)骨盤の


Every time .../whenever ...

Every time/Whenever I hydrate, my bottles get/become gradually lighter.
My bottles get/become gradually lighter, every time/whenever I hydrate.

Every time I have eaten a lot, Tonkatu Cuisine is the best choice.
