Taxi Drivers in London
Taxi drivers in London are so good, aren't they?
They are amazing.
Did you know they have to take a special test called "The knowledge" which is set to be the most difficult test in the world.
They have to know the tiny streets and every landmark.
be set to be... ...ということになっている
The secret of Youth
lotion with collagen
I use lotion with collagen. It really helps my skin stay young.
lotion ロ-ション n)化粧水、ローション
collagen コラジェン n)コラーゲン
Teach English to Japanese People
We Japanese feel shy sometimes to speak up English.
unusual custom
You've already realized that ...
Japanese people don't express their thoughts very well, even "Yes" or "No".
speak up 声に出して
express イクス プレス
thought ソ- ト n)考える事・思考、意見 v) think の過去・過去分詞
Working Overtime
I think one of the obstacles is the long working hours. Working overtime is very common in Japan and it's typical for us to still be at work at 8 or 9 o'clock. They should create a new culture, a new atmosphere, which allows employees to leave (work) on time.
obstacle オブスタ クル n)障害物、じゃま
typical ティ ピカル adj)典型的な
lingua franca リングァ フランカ
English as a lingua franca
English tends to be the lingua franca in conversations between educated people.
If it wasn’t for the English rock stars/artists, I wouldn't be interested to study English at all.
London is a place on my bucket list.
GBP (Great Britain Pound)
British pound is always stronger compared to Japanese yen.
They say the cost of living in London is high.
I can't even afford to eat roast beef or fish-and-chips at a restaurant.
What brings you out here in Tokyo?
Are you enjoying Tokyo so far?
my iron intake
Iron cookware boost your iron intake.
I like to eat pork liver grilled or stir-fried with chives in order to boost my iron intake. 「レバニラ炒め」=liver (stir-)fried with chives
pork ポ-ク n)豚肉
liver リヴァー n)肝臓
stir スターァ v)かき混ぜる
chives チャアイ ヴス n)ニラ
Chives vs Green Onions |
cookware クック ウエアー n)調理器具 ★pots and containers used in cooking
boost ブ- ストゥ v)促進させる、上昇させる ★boost someting: to make something increase, or become better or more successful
iron アイ アン n)鉄 ★metal: a chemical element. Iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food. ★tool: a tool with a flat metal base that can be heated and used to make clothes smooth ・a steam iron
intake イン テイク n)摂取・吸収、摂取量・吸収量
onion n)玉ねぎ
green onion n)長ネギ
scallion スカル リオン n)長ネギ = spring onion
leek リーク n)イギリスのネギ
leek |
I don’t eat any junk food.
Diet can help me be healthier.
fruit/vegetables/vitamins (natural vitamins)/junk food/tea/alcohol
a lot of:たくさん/some:ある程度の量/any:否定文で全く~ない
i take some vitamins every night.
He ate a lot of watermelon.
He drinks some tea in the afternoon.
I don't drink any alcohol.
She eats a lot of vegetables.
In Korea, the number of people who eat kimchi is decreasing. But in other parts of the world, the number of people who eat kimchi is actually increasing!
Just in case
Better to be safe than sorry
on the safe side
in case
Just to be safe
to be on the safe side
just to make sure
Let's take an umbrella in case it rains.
I'll bring some cash in case they don't accept credit cards.
New Zealand PM Jacinda will step down.
She became the youngest female head of government in the world when she was elected prime minister in 2017, aged 37.
It's a good time for her to step down.
Overseas, she's definitely viewed very well.
Whereas I think internally she's probably maybe lost the public's acceptance a little bit.
【挨拶】G’day/Howdy How’s it going? Not too bad. Have you had a good day so far? How was your day today?
【How are you?】It's been busy after a long break.(new year's break) Did you have a good time on holidays? I went to Vietnam for hiking and relaxing. The majority countries have no entry restriction nowadays. 日本はまだまだ遅れている Japan is way behind in/on new normal.
【コロナ規制】What are the requirements related to Covid-19 for getting into Japan at that time? I mean immigration/entry restrictions.
【容姿】You look young! You are a new graduate, aren’t you?
【若い】It’s good to be young! I miss my youth!
【外国で働く】What is it like to work overseas?
【ステレオタイプ】When you think about Japan, what stereotypes come to mind?
【カルチャーショック】blowing is something we can only see in Japan.
【国のどこ出身】You are originally form where in Australia?
【行きたい場所】is one of the attractive destinations.
graduate グゥラジュ エイト v)卒業する n)卒業生 adj)卒業した
Christmas Island
An Australian external territory
Christmas クリス マス n)キリスト降誕祭=誕生日を祝う祭典
external エクス タ-ナル adj)外部の・外の ⇔ internal
Food Lover
quantity over quality 質より量
I'm a kind of food lover.
I'm a kind of big eater.
But quantity over quality.
Yeah it’s about time to reveal my secret as a big eater.
quantity クウォン ティティ n)量
quality クウォ リティ n)質
Online Shopping
order something online ネットで注文
groceries 食料品
some frozen foods 冷凍食品
I ordered groceries online.
The groceries will arrive between nine and eleven.
以前はカタログが届いて郵送で注文 "mail-order shopping"
leave something at the door 置き配
leave something at the front door
They'll leave the groceries at the door.
Please do not leave it at the door.
hand delivery 直接手渡し
I requested hand delivery.
I was supposed to get hand delivery. 直接手渡しで配達してもらうはずでした
mean to するつもり
I didn't mean to order eleven. 11個も注文したつもりはありませんでした
I meant to order seven. 7個注文したつもりでした
mean ミ-ン v)~を意味する・示す・意図する
mean-meant-meant メン ト
Mosquito Bite
I hear that there is no mosquito in England.
mosquito-free environment 蚊のいない環境
I got a mosquito bite.
Mosquitoes become inactive above 35 degrees Celsius.
Mosquitoes become dormant above 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
I got so many mosquito bites while I was spacing out in the garden.
bite バイトゥ v)かむ
inactive インア(ナ)クティヴ adj)活動していない、不活発な、休止中の
dormant ドァ マント adj)眠っているような、不活発な
above ア バ ヴ 前)~より上に
degree ディ グリー n)程度、級、度、学位
Celsius セル シエス n)セルシエス、摂氏
Fahrenheit ファ-レン ハイト n)ファーレンハイト、華氏
space スペイス n)空間、あいだ、宇宙 v)間隔をあける
space out ボーっとする
zone ゾ- ゥン n)地域 v)地帯に分ける
zone out ボーっとする
Bad Habits
Eating Patterns
skipping meals
not drinking enough water
alcohol abuse
alcohol アルコ ホール n)酒
abuse ア ビュ-ズ n)悪用・乱用 v)悪用する・乱用する
pattern パァ ターァン n)型
Other life styles
sitting for long periods
too much of phone use
staying up
Driver's License
I need to renew my driver's license this month.
It's too much hassle to go to the license center in person.
It could take a whole day!
Really? In the US, people can renew their license online.
A friend of mine in the UK tells me the same.
They only need to renew once every 10 years.
They're so lucky!
license=licence ライセンス n)免許、許可証
hassle ハアスル n)煩わしい事
hustle ハアスル n)張り切る事
in person 代理でなく本人が直接、じかに、生で
a whole day 丸1日、終日
once every 10 years 10年ごとに1回
Once every 3 years, we need to renew our driver's license in person.
It's the same old to take a lecture for a few hours in person.
It's so boring I almost fell asleep.
blood pressure
I'm going to prescribe you some blood pressure medication.
Is the medication going to make me sick?
You may experience some side effects.
Do you think it will work on me?
It has worked well for patients with similar symptoms. For you, we will start with a low dose.
Alright, should I take it after meals?
You can take it once a day with or without food.
Is my insurance covering the medication?
Yes, it is covered by your insurance.
Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your care and time.
prescribe プリ スクライブ v)処方する
blood ブラッド n)血・血液
symptoms シィンプ トムズ n)病気の症状
dose ドウズ n)薬の服用量
insurance イン シュランス n)保険
all と every
"all" が「全部」という大らかな単語に対して、 "every" は「どの~もみんな」と「個々」に意識が及んでいて常に単数扱い
all the children
every child
Every child has his/his or her/their own room.
We are all happy.
The teachers all agreed.
You can have it all. 全部差し上げますよ
We think every customer is precious.
precious プレシャス adj)価値のある、大切な
Every member of the team has their role to play.
role ゥロウル n)役割・役目
role to play 役割をもつ、果たすべき役割
You must attend all the meetings. I mean every meeting, OK?
Are you good at cooking?
I don't know if I'm good at cooking.
But I enjoy it.
For me, It's a kind of therapy.
therapy セラピィ n)治療、療法
She is such a great cook.
Every family has its chef. どの家族にもシェフはいる
Manchester マン チェスター n)イングランド北部の商工業都市
★a large city in north-west England.
Liverpool リヴァ プール
★a large city and port in north-west England
Birmingham バ-ァミング ガム n)イングランド中部の工業都市
★an industrial city in the West Midlands of England.
London ロンドン
★the capital city of England and the UK
Sunday Roast
roast beef and mashed potatoes
roast ロウスト v)肉などをあぶる n)あぶった肉 adj)あぶられた
mash マァ シュ n)すりつぶしてどろどろのもの v)~をつぶす・どろどろにする
Sunday roast is a traditional meal of British and Irish.
It's traditionally consumed on Sunday.
consume コンス-ム v)消費する、飲食する
You miss real/authentic British food/cuisine?
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