

The line is so long.


prepare for ....
I need to prepare for the class.



Know the competition
With business rivals, honesty is the best policy.
Being direct, honest, and upfront will help keep you from being blindsided later, and in many cases, it will allow you to truly understand the viability of the opportunity. When someone asks you about a feature your competitor offers, the best response is simple, "Yes (or no), we can(not) do that. I am curious, how important is that feature for you to make this decision?"


There's no better feelings than ....
There's no better feelings than closing the deal after a tough price negotiation. Everyone is smiles, satisfied with the deal.

There's no better feeling than finishing a marathon.


make your price
I try to make my price for shopping.

a price negotiation
Do not walk into a price negotiation unprepared.

bargaining skills
improve your bargaining skills

Price negotiation is a game of strategy
preparation will give you the confidence necessary to achieve the outcomes you want in your next price negotiation. You must define your goals, research your customers, and know when to compromise and when to stand your ground. When you have a clear picture of your goals. it will be easier to steer negotiations in your favor and get the price you're looking for.

strategy   n)兵法、戦略・戦術
outcome n)結果・成果
define v)意味をはっきり示す
compromise n)歩み寄り・妥協 v)妥協する
steer v)かじを取る・進む・導く
favor n)好意
in your favor   あなたのおかげ・好意で

Sometimes we need to compromise.
Life is full of compromise.

Have you ever negotiated prices before?
---Yes, I have negotiated prices before, but the prices are mostly set in Japan.
Do you think you are good at negotiating prices?
---I am good at discussing prices and have had success before, but it depends on the situation and people involved.
When negotiating prices, how much should you offer at first?
---When negotiating prices, it's smart to start with a lower offer. Then you can negotiate and they can respond.
Is negotiating a good skill to have?
---Yes, negotiating is an important skill. It can help in business, buying things, and relationships.

When was the last time you were overcharged? What happened?
---I can't have personal experiences, but sometimes people charge too much. Always check receipts and prices. If you think they charged too much, politely ask for a correction.
What do you usually do when you realize you are overcharged?
---Politely tell the seller and show proof if you have any. Ask for a refund or fix. Most businesses will help.
How can you make sure that you aren't overcharged?
---To make sure you don't pay too much, you can: compare prices, read receipts carefully, check prices before buying, and know about extra fees.
What are some common excuses that people give for overcharging?
---Sometimes businesses charge too much by mistake or because of miscommunication. They usually fix it. 

people involved  関係者・関わりのある人


frustrate   /'frʌstreɪt/ verb
It can be frustrating.
I felt really frustrated.


The price is set
The prices are mostly set in Japan.


arrange accommodations
The travel agency is going to arrange accommodations for participates.



a street shop


change something from A to B
You want to change your membership from Omori to nationwide?


can make it go ...
make 使役 + O +動詞原形
I can make it go for the morning swim tomorrow.


have more choices
We'll have more choices than ever.


It's worth it.


make an appointment for next time
Did you make an appointment for next time?


I can clearly recall ....

I can clearly recall my first driving.


profitable   /'prɑːfɪtəbl/   adj)利益になる・もうかる
It's not a profitable money-making business.


lost in your phone

Have you been lost in your phone and you didn't hear what was going on in the world around you?
Unfortunately, this has happened to me too.

I didn't hear what you said

Oh, I didn't hear what you said. Sorry. What was that?


/kən'trɪbjuːt/ v)寄付する・ささげる・貢献する
★ to give something, especially money or goods, to help achieve or provide something

What concerns me is how much humans are contributing to the melting of the polar ice caps.


/səb'mɜːrdʒ/ verb
★ to go under the surface of water or liquid; to put something or make something go under the surface of water or liquid

The ice in Antarctica is melting so sea levels are rising and some low islands are being submerged.

liquid /'lɪkwɪd/ クウィド adj)液体の n)液体
Antarctica /'æn'tɑːrktɪkə/ n)南極

What concerns me is ....

(=I'm worried/concerned about ...)

What concerns me is
the number of tourists arriving in Japan
how we can increase the number of children
the Rwanda scheme
how fast polar ice caps are melting

scheme  n)事業計画・施策・制度
polar /'pəƱlər/ adj))北極・南極の、極の
ice caps  =polar ice caps  n)氷冠・陸地を覆う氷河の塊



keep motivating myself
I'll keep motivating myself.


could have ever imagined

something that exceeds expectations or a situation that is beyond belief
Now, there are more English videos than I could ever have imagined when I was a kid.

exceed   v)超過する・上回る・越える・まさる
expectation   n)予想・予期・待望
belief   n)信じること・信念・信用



get back to you
I'll get back to you later.


All seats require reservations



no choice but to .... 他に選択肢が無い
If determined that the items that were provided did not successfully meet the conditions then there will be no choice but to discard it.

have to, be necessary/forced to   ~する必要がある
日常的)have to   中和的)be necessary to   強制的)be forced to
In the case that it is determined that the submitted items do not meet the prescribed conditions, we may be forced to dispose of the said items.

said items  当該品 

out of my control コントロールできない
There were some circumstances that I had no way of changing and I ended up refusing.
There were some circumstances that were out of my control.
There were some circumstances that were out of my control, so I had to refuse the invitation.

extenuating/unavoidable circumstances   止むを得ない事情
extenuating /ɪk'stenjueɪtɪŋ/ adj)酌量すべき
unavoidable /,ʌnə'vɔɪdəbl/ adj)避けられない


/'rʌgɪd/ adj)
★ (of the landscape) not level or smooth and having rocks rather than plants or trees
・rugged cliffs
・The countryside around here is very rugged.
・They admired the rugged beauty of the coastline.

★ (of somebody's face) having strong, attractive features
・She was attracted by his rugged good looks.

rugged features



mix natto and fresh egg together
My usual breakfast is "mixed fresh egg and natto together" with rice. 


keep/bear in mind

bear   /ber/   n)クマ  v)重いものを持ち運ぶ・持ち続ける、産む


The weather looks perfect this weekend.
It's warm and sunny.


just have to do it
Well, then you just have to do it.


I wanted to overcome my fear.


I was terrified at the thought of
I was terrified at the thought of swimming in the ocean.



Our company negotiated the price for the contract. 

bargain /'bɑːrgən/ v)交渉する・掛け合う
He's skilled at bargaining with people.
He's good at bargaining prices.
He can bargain well.

play games
play a love game
games with love
I'm not good at playing a love game.


sales clerk

clerk /klɜːrk/
shop assistant


flute   /fluːt/
a wooden flute


flea market
flea   /fliː/ n)蚤
market   /'mɑːrkɪt/ 


sol /səƱl/
soles レス  複)フランス・ペルーの旧通貨単位


your last offer
A buyer or seller won't negotiate anymore after his/her last offer.

Is five dollars your last offer?


The best you can do is the maximum amount that a buyer can pay or the minimum amount that a seller can take. 

Is that really the best you can do?
Is 30 dollars the best you can do?



Koreans are hot, aggressive, energetic, emotional and upfront; while Japanese are cool, polite, measured, calm and inscrutable.

inscrutable   /ɪn'skruːtəbl/   adj)人の表情などが不可解な
★ (especially of a person's expression) impossible to understand or interpret
・He was wearing that inscrutable look again.
・Her face had become inscrutable.
・inscrutable to somebody   Unfortunately, this language is largely inscrutable to non-specialists.

measured   /'meʒərd/ adj)慎重な・控えめな
★ slow and careful; showing control
・She replied in a measured tone to his threat.
・He walked down the corridor with measured steps.

upfront   /,ʌp'frʌnt/ adj)率直な・ざっくばらんな
★ upfront (about something)   not trying to hide what you think or do
・He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.

threat   /θret/   n)脅迫
intention   /ɪn'tenʃn/ n)意図・意向・目的