

make your price
I try to make my price for shopping.

a price negotiation
Do not walk into a price negotiation unprepared.

bargaining skills
improve your bargaining skills

Price negotiation is a game of strategy
preparation will give you the confidence necessary to achieve the outcomes you want in your next price negotiation. You must define your goals, research your customers, and know when to compromise and when to stand your ground. When you have a clear picture of your goals. it will be easier to steer negotiations in your favor and get the price you're looking for.

strategy   n)兵法、戦略・戦術
outcome n)結果・成果
define v)意味をはっきり示す
compromise n)歩み寄り・妥協 v)妥協する
steer v)かじを取る・進む・導く
favor n)好意
in your favor   あなたのおかげ・好意で

Sometimes we need to compromise.
Life is full of compromise.

Have you ever negotiated prices before?
---Yes, I have negotiated prices before, but the prices are mostly set in Japan.
Do you think you are good at negotiating prices?
---I am good at discussing prices and have had success before, but it depends on the situation and people involved.
When negotiating prices, how much should you offer at first?
---When negotiating prices, it's smart to start with a lower offer. Then you can negotiate and they can respond.
Is negotiating a good skill to have?
---Yes, negotiating is an important skill. It can help in business, buying things, and relationships.

When was the last time you were overcharged? What happened?
---I can't have personal experiences, but sometimes people charge too much. Always check receipts and prices. If you think they charged too much, politely ask for a correction.
What do you usually do when you realize you are overcharged?
---Politely tell the seller and show proof if you have any. Ask for a refund or fix. Most businesses will help.
How can you make sure that you aren't overcharged?
---To make sure you don't pay too much, you can: compare prices, read receipts carefully, check prices before buying, and know about extra fees.
What are some common excuses that people give for overcharging?
---Sometimes businesses charge too much by mistake or because of miscommunication. They usually fix it. 

people involved  関係者・関わりのある人

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