running partner
partner /'pɑːrtnər/ n)相棒・仲間、配偶者
Can you tell me about your experience with running partners?
---Running partners are crucial for motivation and accountability.
How have running partners helped you stay committed to your fitness goals?
---They push me to keep going when I feel like giving up.
Have you ever had a particularly memorable experience with a running partner?
---Yes, once my partner helped me finish a marathon when I was struggling.
It sounds like running partners play a significant role in your fitness journey. Is there anything else you would like to share about the importance of having a running partner?
---Running partners make exercise more enjoyable and help me push my limits.
crucial /'kruːʃl/ adj)きわめて重大な、厳しい・試練の、すばらしい
accountability /ə,kaƱntə'bɪləti/ n)説明責任、結果に対する責任・成績責任
committed /kə’mɪtɪd/ adj)熱心に取り組んでいる
role /rəƱl/ n)役割、役目
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