懐かしく思う miss/miss ~ing
You will miss having birthday parties, when you grow up.
I miss having birthday parties.
You will miss cooking real Japanese food in your country.
Japanese food(料理全般は数えられない名詞で単数形を使う)
British food, etc
I miss you.
慣れていない not used to to:前置詞(不定詞ではない) ※From EIGO with Luke
I'm not used to eating natto. 納豆の味に慣れていない(まだ)
I was not used to eating natto.
I was not used to the taste of natto.
慣れる get used to
I'm getting used to eating natto. 納豆の味に慣れてきた(徐々に)
I was getting used to eating natto.
I was getting used to the taste of natto.
I got used to eating natto. 納豆の味に慣れた(もう)
I got used to the taste of natto.
慣れている be used to
Now, I'm used to eating natto. 納豆の味に慣れている(普通に食べている)
Now, I'm used to the taste of natto.
I'm used to the Tokyo Underground. 東京の地下鉄に慣れている
I'm used to taking the Tokyo Underground. 東京の地下鉄に乗るのに慣れている
※参考 used to (前にbeが無い場合) ~するのが常だった、よく~したものだ
I used to ride horses. 昔よく馬に乗った
I'm used to riding horses. 馬に乗るのに慣れている
It takes getting used to. それは慣れが必要です。 to:前置詞(不定詞では無い)
The daily routine takes a lot of getting used to. 日課は慣れが沢山必要です。
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