degree「ディグリー」n,程度、学位 conviction「コンヴィクション」n,確信
I'm absolutely sure I filled them in.
I'm a hundred percent sure I did.
A moderate degree of conviction
moderate「マーダレット(米) モーダレット(英)」adj, 中くらいの、適度の
I'm pretty sure I ordered them.
I'm fairly sure I said it was today.
A low degree of conviction
I'm not really sure. I'll have to check.
I'm not so sure I told her.
A: I just had a call from HR. They were wondering if you’d sent the training reports.
(had sent: 過去完了) HR:human resources 人事部
resource「リソース」「リソース」 n,源、資源 natural resources 天然資源
B: Yeah, I sent them by courier on Tuesday morning.
They should be there by now. 今ごろ小包はそこに届いているよ。
should be there そこにいるべき、そこにあるべき by now 今ごろは
A: Ther haven't received them yet. Are you sure?
B: I'm pretty sure. Let me check if I have the receipt. Wait a minute.
I might have sent them to the Accounting department by mistake.
receipt 「レスィ-ト」n,レシート
****************************************should be there そこにいるべき、そこにあるべき by now 今ごろは
A: Ther haven't received them yet. Are you sure?
B: I'm pretty sure. Let me check if I have the receipt. Wait a minute.
I might have sent them to the Accounting department by mistake.
receipt 「レスィ-ト」n,レシート
I'm pretty sure I emailed
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