Recently my mother became unable to do many things such as using rice steamer.
I'm now caring my frail mother.
Preparing her meals, giving medications to her, things like that.
But I'm not with her 24/7. She lives by herself. She can do almost everything.
But she has a kind of mild dementia.
So she must not to use the stove in the kitchen.
But home appliances help her.
To boil some water and heat up food such as a thermo-pot and a microwave.
She is in fairly good shape apart from having some heart trouble.
(she has a history of heart trouble)
I see caring for my mother as paying her back for all she did for me as a kid.
You know, in most societies in the past,
it was standard for people to take care of their aged parents.
How are your parents (doing)?
caregiver ケアギバー n)(高齢者、子供、病人等の)介護者
She goes the facility every other day.
(nursing) facility 高齢者施設 nursing home
She always forget where she left that her house key or her insurance card and so on.
insurance card 保険証
patient ID 診察カード
She is thinking out loud. 独り言を言う(思っていることを口に出す)
Forgetting stuff is also part and parcel of normal ageing.
Smartphones have become part and parcel of our daily lives.
parcel パァ-サル n)小包[英]、小さな部分 par部分 cel小さな curried chicken pie parcels
package n)小包[米]
part and parcel (of...) (...の)重要な一部・本質的な部分・かなめ
stuff スタッフ n)(漠然とした)もの
regularly forget to take her medicine
She might become easily upset or annoyed, get frustrated more often or lose confidence.
Everyday activities can become a challenge.
Her condition has worsened in recent weeks.
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