
No New Zodiac Sign, NASA Clarifies

clarify  クアファイ  v)明らかにする、わかりやすくする、浄化・透明にする
claim  クイム  v)主張する、自分のものにするぞ
zodiac  ゾゥディアック  n)十二星座
Ophiuchus  オフューカス  n)蛇遣い座
rumor ルーゥマァ-  n)うわさ
circulate サァーキュレイト v)ひと回りする、循環する
resurface  リサァーフェス  v)再び出てくる、再び表面化する
purport  パァポート パァ-ポート  v)偽って称する、偽って主張する
cause a stir 騒ぎを起こす
stir スターァ v)かき回す
addition  アディション  n)付け足し

Keep Your Guard Up

let one's guard down 気を緩める

second wave 第2波

controversial 議論を引き起こす

insist 主張する

effectiveness 効果

decrease 減らす

transmission 伝染

significantly かなり

That's why... そんなわけで...だ

Security Guard

Hey, Ashley. Did you hear that some cities in the world have gone back into lockdown?

I did. The number of positive COVID-19 cases appeared to go down, but it started to increase again.

We shouldn't let our guard down. The impact of the second wave is said to be greater than the first.

In the U.S., masks have become controversial. Some insist that they have the right not to wear one.

Some people seem to doubt their effectiveness, but some studies show that masks decrease transmission significantly.

I didn't know they were so effective! I sometimes forget mine when I go out.

I do, too. That's why I always carry a few extra ones in my bag!

Good thinking! We all need to try and stop the spread.

Extreme Weather

devastate ヴァステイト v)荒廃させる、受身)がっかりさせられた、ひどく落ち込んだ

torrential rain 集中豪雨

extreme weather 異常気象

global warming 地球温暖化

record-breaking 記録的な

heatwave 猛暑

natural disaster 自然災害

I was devastated to see the news about the torrential rain that hit Kyushu recently.

It was scary. Extreme weather, like heavy rain causing floods, often occurs in Japan.

I think it's getting worse lately. Maybe because of global warming?

You might be right. The other day, I saw that even Siberia experienced a record-breaking heatwave.

We need to be prepared for natural disasters. This year, I've added extra masks to my emergency kit.

Local governments have hazard maps online. They show which areas are likely to flood.

Is that right? I'll check it out and prepare an emergency kit with masks.


How long have you known your husband for?

I've known my husband for about ten years.


 locust ウ カスト n)バッタ、イナゴ

plague プレイグ n)大発生、疫病