

燃費効率がよい n)fuel efficiency adj)fuel-efficient   
fuel  フィューアル ィュ-ゥ n)燃料
efficiencyフィシャンシィー n)効率・能率
efficient イフィシャントゥ adj)効率的な・能率的な
economical エコミカル adj)節約の・省エネの

own ウン adj)自分の(所有する)
own ウン v)所有する
What kind of car would you like to own?

the no-frills model
no-frills ノー フルス  adj)簡素な・実質本位の・余分なサービスは提供しない

This car is pretty reasonably priced for such a powerful car.
priced プイスト adj)価格の 
high priced/pricey/expensive

plain プイン adj)平らな・飾りのない
flashyラ-シィ- adj)派手な・けばけばしい

wheel  ウィ-ル n)車輪

have started using ...(使い始める)

A number of Lawson outlets have already started using paper containers for some rice bowl dishes.

dining out/cooked meal

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the amount of plastic discarded in Japan has increased as more people buy cooked meals instead of dining out.
discard  ィスカード n)廃棄  ディスカード v)廃棄する [原義:dis 離す+カード]


responding to calls  要望に応える
Responding to calls to reduce plastic waste, some convenience store chains are switching to paper packaging for takeout food items.


It began selling a grilled salon dish in a paper case box in March.
それは売りはじめました 神の箱に入れた焼き鮭料理を 3月に 

He learns to cook at least two new dishes every month.


We will monitor demand for these new products and seek customer feedback.
私たちは監視します これらの新製品に対する需要を そしてお客様の意見を求めます


Only the lid is plastic, so use of the material is reduced by about 40 percent.

Japan’s industries import raw materials from around the world.
rawロー  adj)食べ物が生の、材料が加工されていない


◎How are you? と聞かれたら
Not too bad, can't complain. ここ数年よく聞く返答
(I've) been/seen worse. 以前経験済の悪状態に比べればマシのニュアンス
worse  bad/illの比較級  ⇔better

How's your family?
How are your friends, family and boyfriend doing well? 
people you know 知り合いの人たち
people around you 周りの人(電車居合わせた周りの人々等の意) 


cockatoo カトゥ- n)オウムの一種 ranging from Australia 
rangeインジ n)v)(物事が及ぶ)範囲、連なり、山脈



Stop joking around.

冗談じゃありません 真面目です
I'm serious.


I can't imagine what you're going through.

Well, I keep thinking... 


How are you holding up?  元気出てる?(明るくもなく暗くもなく普通に声かける)
How's he holding up?  Maybe he's alright.
hold up もちこたえる、遅らせる(delay)、手を上げろ!、
Who's holding up the queue/line? 誰がモタモタしてるんだ?

We've got company.  相棒・連れが来た。
company n)会社、仲間
The more the merrier.   多い方が楽しいよ。
merrier ゥ リア- adj)陽気な、お祭り気分の(merryの比較級)


kick the habit/kick the habit of
Convenience stores try to kick the plastic habit.
smartphone habit

make it a habit/make a habit of
I make a habit of taking note.  いつもメモを取るようにしています。
I make a habit to exercise after work.

I would say OK, as long as you don't make a habit of it. 常習的でなければいいんじゃないですか。
※as long as は
(時間の限度 ~する間は)(条件 ~さえすれば)、
※as far as は
(範囲) As far as I know, 

I wanna get ... habit under control.  ...癖を抑えたい
I am in the habit of going to bed at midnight.


It expects the move will reduce plastic waste by about 250 tons per year.

If you know how to reduce the calories in this recipe, tell me.
calorie  ロリー  n)カロリー  [原義は熱]
recipe  ゥシィピー n)調理法・レシピ 


The chain plans to expand this to around 6,400 outlets by May.

outlet ウトレット n)出口・放出口⇔inlet  販路 アウトレットショップ コンセント


Some convenience store chains are switching to paper packaging for takeout food items.

I recently switched from drinking coffee to drinking green tea.
The chain will also switch to paper cups for iced coffee.


my co-worker/coworker
my colleague

my work mate
my work associate
my work buddy

my fellow worker

associateウシィエイト n)提携者・仲間 adj)仲間の v)結びつける、提携する
fellow  adj)親しい仲間の  n)親しい仲間


I had uncontrollable bouts of coughing. 
I tried not to cough, but I just couldn't stop.
Well, those things happen. よくあることだよ。
uncontrollable  アン コントローラブル adj)手に負えない、止められない
bout  ウトゥ n)病気などの発作
cough  コ-フ v)せきをする  n)せき
cough/coughing terribly/incessantly/constantly/excessively/all the time
can't stop coughing
have a bad/terrible/horrible/nasty/ugly/serious/awful cough
get/catch a cough
give a cough せきばらいをする
a hoarse/dry tickly cough かれたせき
a cough with phlegm
experiencing bouts of coughing
hoarse ホ-ァ ス   adj)かすれた、ハスキーな声の

sneeze  スーズ v)くしゃみをする n)くしゃみ a sneeze 
Here comes my sneeze. くしゃみが出る
I can't stop sneezing/my sneeze.  くしゃみが止まらない
”Bless you" -Thank you
I sneeze.
keep (on) sneezing
give a sneeze くしゃみをする

I (still) have a runny nose. 
I am running out of tissues. ティッシュがなくなりそうです。
My nose is running.
My nose won't stop running. 
stuffy nose 鼻づまり


It was kind of a disaster, actually.  大失敗・惨事だった。


Food spoils/goes bad quickly in this season.
Unpasteurized foods spoil quicker than sterile ones. 低温殺菌されていない食べ物は殺菌された食べ物よりも腐るのが早い

Govt. to let all COVID states of emergency lapse

The Japanese government is to let coronavirus states of emergency and quasi-emergency declarations lapse when their current terms expire on Thursday.

quasi-  クワーズィー    combining form)ある程度の・準・みせかけの
declaration デクイション n)宣言・声明
lapse ップス  v)一時的に衰える  n)一時的に衰える [原義:すべること]
expire イクスイァー v)期限が切れる・終了する

The number of new coronavirus cases has dropped significantly.
case ケイス n)事件・問題・状態
significantly  シグフィカントリー  adv)著しく・かなり

Ward Bank

mull over
mull over your choices じっくり考えて選ぶ
They prefer to mull it over. 彼らはじっくり考える事を好みます。
When I was a fledgling contractor,


irony and sarcasm

irony イロニー n) =least expect
Where is the fire? Fire station/department is.
What an irony. My marriage counselor get a divorce recently.
When I bring an umbrella, it never rains. When I forget to bring an umbrella, it rains. What an irony.
Smartphones are supposed to make people's lives better, but the irony is, they also create problems.

sarcasm サ-ァ カズム n)皮肉・いやみ
元気が無い人に I know you are excited on Monday, right?


metaphor  タ フォー n)比喩(like・as などを用いない)[原義:移動する]
Life is a journey.
Time is money.
12 o'clock is lunch.

That’s a very apt metaphor. それはとてもうまいたとえですね。
apt アァプト adj)ぴったりと当てはまる


What's your favorite kind of ramen?

What ramen do you like (the) best?
I don't have a favorite ramen. but I like all kind of one.
I'm so sore from training...
Today I had training on the mountain 男体山 "the big beauty" for a half day of speed hiking. Speed hiking is to walk or run fast uphill. I kept walking on the steep hill and running for 4 hours without a break in spite of drizzle/light rain. It's located "Nikko" that is a popular tourist spot. It's famous for a world heritage site. But we didn't have as many tourists as usual due to the influence of the sate of emergency.
located by the lakeside

steepティープ adj)急勾配の・険しい a steep slope
drizzle リゾル n) light rain

前置詞として「~にもかかわらず」despite/in spite of
接続詞として「~にもかかわらず」althoght/even though

After that その後
After this, enjoyed "Open-air Onsen". then after that, having a nice "Ramen". I was really happy with that. 

What are you doing this weekend?
What day is your weekend?

A Full English Breakfast

What do you usually have for breakfast?

Normally I would eat a bowl of cereal or I'd have a plate of toast.
Or on a special occasion, bacon sandwiches.
cereal シィリアル n)穀物(麦・米・トウモロコシなど)

What about a full English breakfast?

Only on weekends. So this is a really famous breakfast in the UK.
The full English where you have eggs, sausages, bacon...

This bread has nuts in it. このパンにはナッツが入っています。
Does this bread have nuts in it?
Does this omelet have mushrooms in it?
This cheese has chocolate in it.
This sauce doesn't have any alcohol in it.

baguette バァ ゲット n)フランスパン
a loaf of bread パン1斤
two loaves of bread パン2斤

A full Japanese breakfast is...

炊き立てご飯 freshly cooked rice
温かい味噌汁 miso soup with tofu
納豆 natto, fermented soybeans with a strong smell
焼き海苔   dried seaweed
焼き鮭(定食) a grilled salmon(dish) (meal set with grilled saimon)


as a result of...

Many countries are experiencing extreme weather as a result of global warming.

a rise in popularity

Rugby is experiencing a rise in popularity in Japan, too.
In 2019, before the pandemic, it's still fresh in my mind/memory.



I'm in my early/mid/late 50s.

He's a fifty-something marketing graduate.
He's a fifty-something accountant.

I really like/enjoy running.
I'm a big fun of go karting.   kart n)ゴーカート 
I am a keen "noun"
I am a keen runner/tennis player.

I'm from a family of five.
We are a family of five.
We are five in our family.
I am one of three siblings.
I'm one of three.
I am an only child.


I have over 25 years of experience in the construction field.
I've worked in construction field for over 25 years.


The US will let fully vaccinated travelers from the UK- and many other countries - visit from November.
let v)...に...することを許す let A do

A ban on foreign travelers began in March 2020, at start of the pandemic.
From November, passengers can travel to the US from the UK and EC if they are fully vaccinated.

Vaccinated visitors will also need to take part in testing and contact tracing.
contact tracing  

At present, only US citizens, residents and foreigners with special visas can enter from most European countries.


France accuses Australia, U.S. of lying in escalating crisis

PARIS- France on Sunday accused Australia and the United States of lying over a ruptured Australian contract to buy French submarines, saying a grave crisis was underway between the allies after Paris recalled its ambassadors.

President Emmanuel Macron on Friday ordered back the ambassadors to Canberra and Washington  in an unprecedented move to signal his fury over Australia's decision to break a deal for the French submarines in favor of American vessels.

The row has, for now, ended hopes of a post-Donald Trump renaissance in relations between Paris and Washington under President Joe Biden and also focused French attention on boosting the EU's security strategy as it ponders NATO's future.

accuse  ア キュ-ズ v)訴える/非難する accuse A of ...ing    Aを...で訴える/非難する

lie-lay-lain 自動詞)横になる・横たわる・寝転ぶ lying  lie over 延期/保留される
lay-laid-laid 他動詞)...を横にする・...を置く laying
lie-lied-lied v)噓をつく lying

rupture  プ チュアー v)裂ける・破断する
grave レイヴ n)墓 adj)厳粛な・深刻な
underway アンダ エイ adj)進行中で
ally  ライ  ア イ  n)同盟国
allies ア-ライズ アイズ allyの複数形
ambassador エンセダー n)大使




  優しく何かを促す gently urge


The trail really is a metaphor for life.

Life, like a trail/traveling, is rarely going to be flat, with packed dirt, and established markings/my own style.

dirt -ァト n)汚れ・土
markings -ァキング 


There was so few...

How's your day been? been busy?

There was so few Nova classes available time slots that I have no choice but to come here tonight.
予約可能な時間 available time slots
slot スット n){原意}乳房間のくぼみ 溝、すきま、当てはまる、スロットマシン

spewューウ v)噴出、排出する(a steam engineが煙を出す)
 spew carbon/spewing more carbon 
steam engine 蒸気機関車 SL=steam locomotive
locomotive ロウコウティブ n)機関車

demolition デモション n)爆破による建物解体

modish ウディッシュ adj)=fashionable modish marriage

theme スシィ-ム n)テーマ theme/amusement park テーマパーク

That's too bad. That's a shame/pity.
This is the prize for participation of the race.

wetland 湿地帯・沼があるような、ワニがいるような所
sea  陸地に囲まれている海
ocean  seaより広範囲の海洋

water rafting
raft いかだ・ゴムボート

China is Australia's biggest trading partner, and in the past, the two have maintained good relations. But in recent years that has been broken down.

Australia has accused Beijing of interfering in its domestic politics, blocked Chinese investment, and banned Chinese telecom giant Huawei from building Australian tech infrastructure.

accuseキューズ v)【人を責める】非難する・訴える
interfere インタァー フィァー v)邪魔をする・妨げる


make the most/best of...

I make the most of a lot of schools by traveling after work.
I’ll make the most of this sunny day and go for a bike ride.


What's the secret of your success?

College-Bound 大学への進学がきまった 大学進学が希望の
bound バ-ウンド adj) ...行きの

You are always the brightest kid/teacher in the class.
brightest  bright ブイト adj)輝く・利口な

A lot of us are having trouble with...

A lot of kids are having trouble with statistics.
It's very hard.
It's really is. 本当に。そうだよね。
Thankfully, we have great tutors here. ありがたいことに
Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. うまくいくよ。コツをつかむよ

A lot of us are having trouble with .......
   the third-person singular 's' rule 3単現のS
   (Simple) Present (tence)現在形
   Present continuous/progressive (tense) 現在進行形
 Future (tense)未来形
 (Simple) Past (tense) 過去形
 Past continuous/progressive (tense) 過去進行形
 Present perfect (tense) 現在完了形
 Past perfect (tense)過去完了
 Subjunctive (mood)  仮定法
That's a really tricky.

subjunctive サブジャンクティヴ n)仮定法 adj)仮定法の
relieve v)ほっとする・解放する
relief n)ほっとすること・解放

How did the presentation go?  プレゼンはどうだった?
Thankfully, everything went smoothly. 
smoothly ス-ズリ adv)なめらかに・スムースに

How was your vacation?=How did your vacation go?
(How did it go はどんな感じで進んだの?どういう結果になったの?のニュアンス)

Sep 6 2021

Presenting Unprecedented Challenges

Climate change also happen in more areas of the world than beforepresenting unprecedented challenges to human health and to how we live.

present   プレゼント adj)現在の、今起こっている、目下の
present プレント v)引き起こす、生じさせる
unprecedented アン レセデンティッド adj)前例のない
precedent レセデント n)前例

Working out in order to adapt...
I need to adapt to the heat wave next summer...
Climate change is awful.

Never experienced before
For the first time in the history

As the Joe Biden administration forged ahead in its vaccine drive, many states began lifting restrictions, ditching mask mandates and allowing businesses to reopen.

In June, California- the US's most populous state- announced its "grand reopening", while New York lifted nearly all restrictions as its vaccination rate passed 70%.

Overall, cases have remained low. New infections are less than one-tenth of the average daily rete at the height of the pandemic in January, even as they have doubled in the last two weeks.

But there are growing concerns about the Delta variant that has been surging in some under-vaccinated states. As the vaccine rate slows, some states are recommending residents keep wearing masks because of worries over the more infections strain.

In New York City, cases have jumped by almost a third in a week, with some of the highest rises in neighborhoods with the lowest vaccine rates.

Deaths are creeping up, but not as sharply as cases. State officials say the overwhelming majority of people now hospitalized with Covid-19 are unvaccinated.

administration アドミニストイション n)政府、当局、管理
forge フォーァジ v)着実に前進する forge ahead 着実にこなす
ditch ディッチ n)みぞ・水路 v)みぞに落とす、捨てる
mandate ンデイト n)命令
overall adv)全体として
one-tenth  10分の1
surge サ-ァジ v)うねる・押し寄せる・高まる・殺到する
strain ストイン n)引っ張る、緊張、重荷
creep up  近づく・忍び寄る
overwhelm オーヴァーウェルム v)おおう、殺到する、圧倒する
overwhelming オーヴァーウェルミング adj)圧倒的な




I think の代わりに使う

I'd say/I would say
I reckon(英・豪)

If you ask me
As far as I can tell   
As for as I'm concerned

※As far as I know 私が知る限りでは【範囲】

In my view
To my mind
Personally speaking
※Summer season is coming back today.

Do you know / Have you ever heard what 〇〇〇 means in Japanese?

Is there a bridge across A to B?
main island/mainland

Any good places to go?
I've been thinking about the travel destinations if things get back to normal. 

②the other day
the incident, supermarket stabbing happened.
(In New Zealand , in Auckland) 
a violent attack, a violent extremist
A terrorist attack
It was carried out by a person who was under police surveillance.
who was inspired by the Islamic State(IS) terrorist group.
He stabbed and wounded at least six people.
It was senseless.
Police killed the man
It was hateful and wrong.
It was carried out by an individual, not a faith.
faith フェイス n)信頼・義務・約束
I was "absolutely gutted" to hear about the attack.
gutted ティッド adj)がっかりした・大打撃を受けた
in a critical condition
to preserve our lives
preserve プリザァ-ヴ v)保護・保存する

On the other hand
I don't mean to brag, but there is no country as safe as Japan.
Japan is experiencing an increase in crime such as/like
Did you hear about the incident
The man who was throwing acid at a man on an escalator at a Tokyo subway station. 

sulfuric acid サルフィアック n)硫酸
a liquid/liquids   クウィッド   n)液体 adj)液体の
burn/get burn/a burn -ァン v)火傷する n)火傷


Hidden Gems



hidden gam of Kyoto
You find hidden gams if you go off the beaten track. 踏み慣らされた道、普通の道
Something that not a lot of people know about(あまり知られていない何か)
You have something that not a lot of Japanese know about your country.

The building is an architectural gem.

She is a real gem.
He is a hidden gem.

Culture Shocks

Living abroad always brings about cultural shocks, but there is no country that would give you bigger cultural shocks than Japan. They like to embrace new...
embrace イン レイス v)進んで選び取る、捕らえる、快諾する

Fancy toilets/Capsule hotels you can/will only see in Japan.
Fancy toilets means sophisticated.
fancy 気まぐれな、凝った、変種の
sophisticated 学のある、洗練された、精巧な

keep me skinny

 Behind schedule

It seems that...

It seems that you're not big fun of...


It depens on... ~かできるかどうかにかかっている、次第である

The success of Tokyo Paralympics all depends on whether organizers of the games will be able to control coronavirus infections, IPC head Andrew Parsons said.

The approval rating all depends on whether it will be able to control Covid.
approvalプ-ルヴァル n)賛成 approval rate 支持率

It depends on whether things get back/return to normal.

There'd probably be...

But... there'd probably be mosquitoes and thing like that.
I guess...there'd probably be longer lines.
In reality there will probably be fewer/more.

realityリティ- n)現実・真実 in reality 実際には


Wouldn't you be better off...

Suggesting better courses of action
Wouldn't you be better off wearing short sleeves?
  I was thinking there’d probably be mosquitoes and things like that.  

Place to live

I live in the outskirts/suburb of Yokohama. 



Man with pickaxe attacks vehicle carrying Beat Takeshi


A vehicle carrying acclaimed Japanese comedian, film director and actor Takeshi Kitano was attacked by a man with a pickaxe and a knife on Saturday night.

Kitano, 74, also known by his stage name Beat Takeshi, was inside the vehicle on the premises of private network TBS in Tokyo when the attack took place at around 11:40 p.m., the station reported.

The attacker, a man in his 40s from Chiba Prefecture, cracked the windshield and hit other parts of the vehicle, TBS and other local media said.

No one was injured in the attack, reports said, which took place after Kitano had finished filming a live news and entertainment show for TBS.

The man was detained by security personnel until police arrived.


New Zealand PM Ardern says supermarket stabbing was 'terrorist attack'

NZ PM Jacinda Ardern: "This was a violent attack. It was senseless"

Police in New Zealand have shot and killed a "violent extremist" after he stabbed and wounded at least six people in an Auckland supermarket.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the incident was a "terrorist attack" carried out by a Sri Lankan national who was under police surveillance.

The man, who has not been identified, was inspired by the Islamic State(IS) terrorist group, Ms Ardern said.

Police killed the man within 60 seconds of the attack on Friday.

"What happened today was despicable, it was hateful it was wrong," Ms Ardern said in a news conference. "It was carried out by an individual, not a faith."

She added that she was "absolutely gutted" to hear about the attack.

Of the six wounded people, three are in a critical condition and one is in a serious condition, health officials say.

"The hospital staff are doing everything they can to preserve their lives," the mayor of Auckland, Phil Goff, told the BBC.

"We're all horrified by what's happened. But... justice came pretty swiftly for the offender," he added.

senseless ンスレス  adj)感覚のない、非常識な、無意味な
stab スァ-ブ v)突き刺す n)突き刺すこと
stabbing タァビング adj)刺すような n)殺傷事件
extremist イクス トリーミ スト n)極端論者・過激主義者
wound v)負傷させる
wounded ウ-ンディット adj)傷を負った
incident ンシデント n)出来事、重大事件
carry out v)実行する、果たす
surveillance サァ ヴェイ ランス n)監視

Yoshihide Suga to step down as Japan's prime minister

Japan's Yoshihide Suga prime minister has said he will not run for re-election as party leader this month, signalling the end of his tenure.

Mr Suga had been appointed to the role just a year ago following the resignation of Shinzo Abe.

The shock announcement comes as Mr Suga's approval ratings dropped to an all-time low.

Japan- which is still under a state of emergency- is now grappling with its worst ever Covid wave.

The country, which has now seen more than 1.5 million virus cases, has also seen a slow vaccination roll out.

The decision to host the Olympics Games this year despite the worsening pandemic also proved to be hugely unpopular.

step down as...   ...の地位を降りる・...を退く
signalling(英 =signaling(米 
signal n)信号、シグナル、合図、サイン、表れ v)信号で伝える、合図する
appoint アイント v)指名・任命する
appointed アインティッド adj)指名・任命された
role ウル n)役割・任務・職務
approval アプ-ルヴァル n)賛同
a person's approval rating 支持率 
all-time adj)いつでも変わらない・これまでで最も~な・空前の
grapple ゥラップル v)grappling with...   ...に取り組んでいる
roll out
prove ルーヴ v)証明する、示す
hugely ヒュ-ジリー adv)extremely

Suga says he intends to resign

TOKYO-  Prime minister Yoshihide Suga said Friday he will not run for re-election as party leader this month, effectively ending his tenure after just one year, his party's secretary general said.

Suga announced his intention to resign at an emergency meeting of senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), Toshihiro Nikai told reprters.

tenure ニュアー n)在職期間
intention インンション n)意図・意向・態度
rulingーリング adj)統治する・有力な・支配する・主な
Former Japan international striker Shinji Okazaki has agreed to join Spanish second-division side FC Cartagena on a free transfer, the club announced.


China is banning children from playing online games for more than three hours a week, the harshest restriction so far on the game industry.
ban 禁止する
harsh 厳しい


Space Agency

Japan's space agency plans to bring soil samples back from the Mars by 2029 ahead of the U.S. and Chinese missions now operating on Mars,