
be gonna

Do you have any plans today?
I don't have any plans.
Are you gonna stay home all day today
I'm just gonna relax around the house. 家でくつろぎます。
You're just gonna relax around the house?

頼む・依頼 Will you....?
Will you help around the house?   家の事手伝ってくれる?
I'll do the dishes. I'll vacuum.
Will you fold these clothes?   これらの洋服をたたんでくれる?
fold フォ-ゥルドv)折る、折りたたむ、包み込む、隠す
OK. I'll do it later.
Will you really do it later? 本当に後でやってくれるの?
OK. I'll do it now.
Will these clothes fit in the drawer?   これらの洋服が引出しにはいる?
fit フィット adj)ぴったり合った v)ぴったり合う、ちょうどおさまる
drawer ドゥ ワー n)(製図)描く人、たんすの引出し
If you fold them well, they'll fit.
I'll do my best.


Not likely

Not likely. とんでもない! ありえないね。 それはないな。

on the go

on the go 忙しい・活発

I've been on the go these days. 

Having a side job keeps me on the go. 

A healthy breakfast on the go is getting popular. 



terrible レブル adj)ひどい、恐ろしい

terrificフィック adj)すばらしい、非常によい



Nothing to do with that, but It is embarrassing at my age.
Last weekend I barely ate up half KG of the Jiro style ramen.
You know, the soup is such a delight of salt, oil and garlic.
Have you heard Jiro style ramen before?  


barelyアリー  adv)わずかに、かろうじて、なんとか、ほとんど...ない
delight ディイト  n)喜び、楽しみ =joy
garlic -ァリック  n)にんにく
at my age 私の年齢で

麺でる 川崎店

I barely ate up half KG〈ハーフケイジー〉(500g) of the ramen.

I don't want it for a while. ⦅しばらくの間⦆
I don't need them for the time being.⦅当分⦆
I don’t want anything ramen for a while.

glutton ラトゥン ラテン n)大食家、凝り性

I can barely remember my time at that traveling.
I can barely make a living as a house builder.



retire リタイアー v)退職・引退する、棄権する、場所を去る、寝る
It's getting late. I think I'll retire. 遅いのでそろそろ寝ます。


on and on

on  線の上 継続/接触
in     面・立体の中
at     点

on 継続 on and on 延々と、ひたすら
She talked on and on about space.  彼女は宇宙について延々と話し続けました。

on 線の上
I live on the Denentoshi Line. 
I live on the border of Saitama and Tokyo.
on my/the way home


I make something myself

What did you have for dinner yesterday?
_ I made something myself.
Did you make it yourself?
_My dad helped me a little.
What did you try to make?
_I tried to make an omelet.
Was it easy to make?
_It was harder than I expected.
Did your dad like it?  お父さんは気に入りましたか?
_My dad said it wasn't good.
Was it THAT bad?  そんなにまずかったの?
How bad was it?      どのくらいまずかった?
_It was better than nothing.    ないよりはマシでした。
Were you able to eat everything?   全部食べ切れましたか?
_We ate almost all of it.     ほとんど食べました。
Did you save the leftovers?   残りはとっておきましたか?
_I put the leftovers in the fridge. 

omelet/omelette オームレェット n)オムレツ


It wasn't very good/crowded/kind/etc.

About how much was it?

「いくら?」とぶっきらぼうに尋ねるより「大体いくらくらい?」と尋ねたほうがスマートのように文頭に about をつける。



おまけ=お負け 売手が買手に駆け引きに負けてサービスする

freebie/freebee フウ リ-ビー informal  n)無料でもらえるもの
 something that is free, usually provide as part of a promotional scheme
free gifts

Children love sweets that include a small toy as a free gift.

If I buy 3 packs of snacks, I can get one extra.

If you collect 5 stickers, you can exchange them for a prize.

schemeキーム n)制度、政策、たくらみ

come with...

Did it come with dessert?
Did the bento come with dessert?

It came with dessert.

I gave it to Steve.

bento box 弁当
lunch box  弁当の容器


on you

on のイメージは「上に載っている」「接触」

Nothing to do with that, but I have to tell you.
You have a big stain on your shirt.
oh, it's a part of design, isn't it? sorry about that.
on my desk/the wall/the celling/on you
Do you have your passport on you?  ハスポートを身につけていますか?
Do you have money on you?
I have lots of family photos on the wall.

Put some water on your napkin.
Can I try it on? 試着していいですか?
put my tie on ネクタイを締める
I'd like to try this sweater on.
sweaterウェター n)セーター

get on the bus/the train/the plane/ the ship
He was on a bicycle/a motorbike/a horse
get IN the car

Jack, you were right about this Indian restaurant. 
It IS different from others. (Be動詞を強調して文全体を強調する)
Right. I think this is authentic Indian curry.
The naan is excellent too.
authentic オーセンティック adj)本物の、本場の
naan ナァーン n)ナン
nan bread ン ブレッド n)ナン

On ...ing


On hearing the news, she jumped for joy.
On arriving at the station, we could find her.


Uh, Jack, you have a big stain on your shirt.
You spilled some of your curry.

stainイン n)染み、汚れ
spillル v)(液体などをうっかり)こぼす spill-spilled-spilled


Alexis, come on, let's go!
What's keeping you? 何をモタモタしてるの?
Give me a few minutes, Caspar. I'm putting on my make-up.
I've been waiting for 20 minutes. How long does it take?
What's the big hurry? 何をそんなに急いでいるの?
We're just going to the mall.
We've been there a thousand times. 行ったことがある(何回も)
We're wasting time. 時間の浪費
And the neighbors keep looking at me strangely.
Nobody cares. 誰も気にしないよ
Keep waiting.
The mall isn't going to disappear. モールはなくならないよ
My whole life is nothing but waiting. ~でしかない、~なだけだ

keep someone going


Keep me going 私を頑張り続けさせる
I ate a few rice crackers to keep me going.
それが僕の支えなんだ It's all that's keeping me going.
I don't know what keeps her going after all these years.


I'll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.