Alexis, come on, let's go!
What's keeping you? 何をモタモタしてるの?
Give me a few minutes, Caspar. I'm putting on my make-up.
I've been waiting for 20 minutes. How long does it take?
What's the big hurry? 何をそんなに急いでいるの?
We're just going to the mall.
We've been there a thousand times. 行ったことがある(何回も)
We're wasting time. 時間の浪費
And the neighbors keep looking at me strangely.
Nobody cares. 誰も気にしないよ
Keep waiting.
The mall isn't going to disappear. モールはなくならないよ
My whole life is nothing but waiting. ~でしかない、~なだけだ
keep someone going
Keep me going 私を頑張り続けさせる
I ate a few rice crackers to keep me going.
それが僕の支えなんだ It's all that's keeping me going.
I don't know what keeps her going after all these years.
I'll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.
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