

udon noodles with curry on top


I don't mind if someone comes.


revised/corrected version
I revised the timetable.

revise   /rɪ'vaɪz/ v)修正する


I've seen .... before.
Oh, actually, I've seen him before.


team up with ....
Who did he team up with on the race?


/'gruːpi/ noun
★ a person who is a very enthusiastic fan of a pop group, singer or other famous person and tries to see or meet them whenever they can

I'm a kind of your groupie lol.


a false sense of security

It can lead us to a false sense of security.
Carrying mace, which is like pepper spray or a minor weapon.

mace   /meɪs/ n)メイス(棒状の中世の武器)


eat that all
Do you think you could eat that all by yourself?


What is an air fryer and how does air frying work?

You've seen them, heard about them and now it's time to try them out.
Air fryers offer a new way to add a delicious, crispy texture to a range of recipes.
If you're wondering what is an air fryer and how does it work, this guide will walk you through the functionally of an air fryer and what types of food are best for air frying.

KitchenAid air fryers are countertop ovens that offer air fryer along with other functions to help you broil. bake and dehydrate your favorite ingredients. if you decide that an air fryer is the right tool for your kitchen, you can choose a KitchenAid countertop oven with air fry that complements your cooking style and preferences.

Also known as an air fryer convection oven, an air fryer can be a countertop appliance, or a feature built into an oven or range, that allows you to cook crispy, golden-fried food without using a pot or pan full of oil.


mushy やわらかい食べ物・どろどろの

The outside is crispy pie and the inside has a mushy custard cream.


He has a very high sales quarter.


monetary policy


The bank helped the economy by making money more available and lower interest rates.

Monetary policy can also be used to control inflation rates.

lower interest rates 低金利
interest n)興味・好奇心、利息・金利・株

物価変動率 inflation rates
物価(物やサービスの価格)が変わっている:The rate of inflation is the change in prices for goods and services over time.

上手くいっていない not going well
Monetary policy is not going well these days.


/ʃrɪŋk/ verb
★ shrink (something) to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way.
★ to become or to make something smaller in size or amount

You know how the rainy season has started, but no rain.
---What's that about?
Well, it turns out the rainy season is shrinking because of climate change.

turn out  v)結局~であるということがわかる

I see a picture of ....

I see a picture of a mother and twins.


Some older Americans spend money to make homes safer

According to a survey, many Americans over the age of 50 prefer to stay in their own homes. Most of them got their homes on a loan that's easy to pay. But because of this, many older adults are choosing to stay in their old homes rather than move to a different one since there aren't many available houses.


This is what S V

I'm a sucker for earrings.
This is what I usually buy when I go to a new country.

I'm a sucker for thick noodles, ramen that is a high calorie.
This is what I work out hard every day.



how to use
Did you get more information on how to use it?


a little slice of real life
You'll be able to get a little slice of real life as well.
There is a nice park for running in the town near me in Tokyo.

as ..... as .....

It was as good as hot onsen in the middle of winter.

The train was as cold as sitting in a refrigerater.


simile   /'sɪməli/ n)比喩

a garbage dump
Early in the morning, the beach was like a garbage dump.

The kids were hopping about like rabbits.
hop about  v)はしゃぐ

The water in the lake was as cold as ice.



I thought ...
I thought they were open 24/7.

I was under the impression that ...
思い込む・てっきり~だと思っていた   impression(印象)
I was under the wrong impression that there is no class.

That was my misunderstanding.

I mixed up the ....
I mixed up the time/date.


decide not to do
I decided not to work on Sundays during this summer.



take a nap
I'll go to my room for a nap.

got some sleep
I wasn't feeling well but I felt better after/once I slept for a bit.


be warm
My legs become warm and a bit painful in two days after hard work.



What is it about?
Wha is it about the event?


tendency   /'tendənsi/ n)傾向・素質
I hope this tendency goes in the right direction.

direction   n)方向・道筋・方針



for a moment/second


a decent meal
I didn’t have a decent meal after the long ride.


I feel/get dizzy.


I'm a good kind of tired.



how my kids are doing
I went the open school day how my kids are doing.



a flat tire
I got a flat tire.

My bike has a tire puncture.

fix a flat tire
I need to fix a flat tire.

a puncture repair
I have to do a puncture repair on my bicycle.

a puncture repair kit


due to work
Due to my work reasons, I need to drive there carrying my bike.

because of work
I have to get up early tomorrow because of my job.


open class/school/house day
The school is having an open house for the parents tomorrow.

open house  通常はアクセスできない場所に入ることが許されるイベント

parents' day
My mom never came to parents' day.

class observation day

parent-teacher conference


To be spoiled

to be treated incredibly well, indulged, or pampered

We're so spoiled because our neighbors share good food with us. "Have you ever had a neighbor bring you over some freshly made cookies or maybe some soup that they just made on a cold day? It's such a beautiful feeling. This is a way to truly show love, I think. So for me, I have several neighbors that are constantly sharing food together. I feel spoiled. I am spoiled that my neighbors share such good food with me. What do you think this means, to be spoiled? This just means that I am treated well. Maybe even above well. I am pampered. Someone is taking care of me more than is even necessary. I'm spoiled. 

Her children are spoiled. She always gives them what they want. We do sometimes use this negatively for children. So if your child always asks for toys and every time they ask for a toy, you say yes. Anytime, you're walking down the aisle in a store and they say, "I want to buy that." You say, "Okay." And they want to buy something else, and you say, "Okay, okay, okay, okay." Well, you know what? Your children are spoiled. This is not a good thing. It's not a good thing for us as adults either, but when someone is spoiling me by giving me food, this is generally just kind of a neutral or good thing. But make sure that you try not to spoil your children too much. We want them to be grateful for things that they have.

Come to think of it

when an idea appears in your mind while you're speaking

Come to think of it, it is snack time. Let's go eat something. Maybe like your kids, my kids are always asking for a snack, but I try not to let them eat a snack all day, all the time. We have kind of snack times. It's not extremely strict, but if they ask me for a snack and it's around 10 o'clock in the morning, that's generally snack time and they say, "Mom, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I need a snack." I might say, " Well, come to think of it, it is snack time. let's go eat something." So here we're talking about something that just appeared in my mind in the middle of this conversation. I wasn't thinking, snack time is coming soon, I'm going to prepare a snack. No, my kids asked me for a snack and I just remembered, "Oh, come to think of it. Oh, look at that. It is snack time. Let's go eat." So it's something that just comes up in the conversation. I want to give you another example for this. Last week, my sister and I were talking about my grandparents and thinking about them, and I said, in the middle of the conversation, "Come to think of it, I haven't heard from my grandma in a while. Maybe I should give her a call." Okay, we were having this conversation about our grandparents, and I realized in the middle of that conversation that I hadn't heard from my grandma. She hadn't called me for a while, so I thought, "Oh, come to think of it. I haven't heard from her for a while. Maybe I should call her. It just came up in my mind in the middle of the conversation. 



get soaking wet/get soaked
I got soaked in the heavy rain.
Your outfit get soaking wet in sweat.

I got soaked skiing in the rain.
