
work out/workout/exercise

Do you do any exercise?
Did you have a good workout yesterday?  workout:名詞
From NHK English
Do you go to a gym?/Do you belong to a gym?/Are you going to a gym?
I signed up for the kick boxing club.
Do you work out often? 一般の人にはwork out:workは動詞
Do you train often? アスリートにはtrain
Let's work out together.
Just don't get hurt.ケガをしないでね hurt:「ート」v,ケガをする n,ケガ
Please don't get hurtでもよいがjustのほうがソフト pleaseはあつかましさがでる
Did you hurt your hand?
My back is better./My back gets better./My back feels better.
I hope you'll feel better. I hope you get well soon. get well soonはお見舞い、メール等で
Do you play tennis often? oftenは文中でもよいが最後が伝わりやすい
Do you often play tennis?
I'm looking for a water fountain. 水のみ場を探しています
water fountain水のみ場 fountain「ファウンテイン」n,泉、水源
Do you like to lift weights?  lift weights:ウエイトトレーニングをする
I usually lift weights, then swim. Usually I lift.
I lost a little weight. I lost a little bit weight.
I have to get in shape. 身体の調子を整えなくては need to/got to/gotta
That hurts. That doesn't hurt. Does that hurt? けが

be sore(筋肉痛)
I'm a little sore. すこし筋肉痛です。 sore「ア」adj,痛い
I have a sore throat. throat「スウト」n,のど

I'll stretch later.
I'll just watch for now. for now:とりあえず、いまのところ
Good gym, isn't it? Good pool, isn't it?
Yeah, It's a little crowed today, though. 少し混んでいるけど thoght:~だけど。。
Yeah, I like the skylight. skylight:天窓
Oh, hi there. Hi there. How have you been? Good, and you? Good thanks.
So how's everything? Are you feeling good?
Yeah, but I gained some weight.
I wonder if it is easier to eat less, or exercise more.

Well, see you around the gym. See you around the gym. Bye-bye. Bye-bye
What is your favorite way to stay in shape.
Walking. I go for a walk twice a day.
When I was younger, I played badminton and rugby.
Those are good old days. Good old days:懐かしい

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