
前置詞 because, since, as & so


I'm running almost everyday because I'm going to run a marathon.
I'm tired cuz I pulled an all-night last night. 徹夜した

since, as, so:相手がこれから伝える内容を把握、示唆できる情報を与える
Since it's raining, the baseball game got cancelled.
It's raining so the baseball game got cancelled.(soはカジュアルな表現)
He asked his boss if he could take the day off as he was feeling sick.
He was feeling sick so he asked his boss if he could take the day off.



I'm bored. (I'm boring は私は暇な人の意になりNG)
This movie is boring. I'm bored to death. 死ぬほど暇。

It was slow day today. It's so slow.
No, It's been quiet taday. The cafe was quiet.

I'm available untill three. 15時までは時間があります。

A:Are you free this weekend?
B:I don't have any plans for the weekend.
A:Me neither. Why don't we hang out toghther.

A:What will you do tonight?
B:Well, I have no plan.

A:Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
B:No, I'm free tomorrow. Why?
A:I'm gonna go see a movie. Do you wanna come?

I'm too busy. I have no time.
I have nothing to do.
I've got nothing to do.


Why don't you 〜

Why don't you come and play baseball with us.  play chess/play monopoly

Do you want to go and get some pizza?
We could go see a movie.
You can come watch the game here.

①Why don't you go see a movie?
②Why don't we go see a movie?
③Why don't you come see a movie?
一般会話ではrudeになるのでWhy don't you goの表現は避けたほうが無難だ。

Have you thought about what to get for the kids?

Christmas is coming soon.
Have you thought about what to get for the kids?
Well, Mika is asking for a cheerleading jacket. But it's quite expensive.
How much is it?
About fifty thousand yen. Getting it is a little unfair to Yukichi and Mai.
Don't you think?
Mmm, I know. Maybe you can buy the jacket.
But when you give it to her, tell her that she won't get a birthday present this year.
Oh, that's a great idea. Especially since her birthday is soon.

ask  v,尋ねる、依頼する、求める
a little unfair  少し不公平
since  前置詞 ...からずっと 接続詞:...だから
 ※becauseのような直接的な因果関係を示さない 参考ページ



root for...ートゥ」v,応援する
Which team are you footing for?   Who are you rooting for?
So how do we root for each other, when we do this sport?
Everyone in the stadium was rooting for the home team.

The sound of chhring crowds could be heard outside the theater.


I was going to / I was supposed to


●I was going to go for run last night but it rained.

●I was supposed to go for run last night but I got to get up early tomorrow morning.

Weren't you supposed to go on a business trip today?
Weren't you supposed to turn in your essay today?  (turn in:~を提出する essay:作文、小論文)

◎「be supposed to」
●be supposed to~ 「規則や期待を示す」
You are supposed to wear a suit to the event.
We are supposed to get 20 days of paid vacation a year.
You are not supposed to smoke here.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow.

was supposed to~ 「(過去形)~する予定だったがしなかった」〔前出〕
I was supposed to go Christmas shopping yesterday but I watched a movie instead.
I was suposed to get a haircut today but I rescheduled it to tomorrow.

●be supposed to be~ 「一般的に信じられていることを示す」
Christmas is supposed to be spent with family.
This book is supposed to be life-changing. 人生を変えるような本


I had an interview with Yukichi. And he sure was worried about his future plans.
sure, adv確かに  副詞は一般的にbe動詞、助動詞の後。動詞の前にくる。。。
I was wondering if there was something we can do to help him.
I wonder if より  I was wonderingのほうが丁寧
What if we take him somewhere interesting. Maybe that would give him some ideas.
Like where? Let's see. He likes video games, robots. Oh, he is really getting into astromy.
I know. I'll ask Dad if we can show him the research lab in Tukuba.
lab「ァブ」n,研究室 ask 人 if... 人に...かどうか聞く
That's a great idea, Doug. I think he'd love the chance to go. What do you think, Mr. Takagi?
Awesome! I can't think a better plan.
Who had an interview with Yukichi? Mr. Takagi.
What is Yukichi getting into?
He is really getting into astronomy.
I showed him a picture.
I showed a picture to him.
How do we improve our English? Show me the ropes?
the ropes n,コツ  rope「ロゥプ」n,ロープ

22 Nov 2016
We are supposed to meet him near the information desk.
Mmm. Let's look at the floor map.
Here is the information desk.
We have to go upstairs, make a left turn and go to the end of corridor.
Doug, over here.
Hi, dad.
Welcome to Jinnan aerospace.
Here is our control center.
Wow, so many people are working.
This way, everyone. I want to show you a cutting edge monitoring system.
Yukichi, push that green button.
Is that?
It's Jupiter. I see Saturn and its rings.
What are you studying Mr. Tagagi?
We are trying to figure out how to get to space craft to reach those planets.
●supposed to...   be supposed to...   be supposed to be...   ...することになっている
●control center コントロールセンター、制御室
●cutting edge「テイング ッヂ」最前線,最先端の
●monitoring system 監視システム、モニタリングシステム
●space craft, space ship, space vehicle 宇宙船
Where do they suppose to meet with Alex?
Where are they supposed to meet with Alex?
Near the information desk.
Where do they go first after meeting Alex?
Control center.
Here is the information desk.
We have to go upstairs, make a left turn and go to the end of corridor.
make a left turn=turn left
Over here. ここです
Over there.
This way. こちらへ This way, please.
That way. あちらへ
Out there. 世の中の
Many people out there are still looking for a job.
in here.
There is a rest room in here. ここにトイレがあります
She was standing over there. 彼女が向こうにたっています
out here.
It's cold out here. 外は冷えます
up there.
We live up there in the mountains. あの山の中に住んでいます


No legroom. 脚が伸ばせない
My seat won't recline. シートがリクラインしない willは意志
That's because you're seated in the last row of the cabin.
be seated 座る はしばしば受身で使われる
Could we change seats? 席を変えてもいいですか?
May I change to another seat? 他の席に変えていいですか?
Can I change to that seat? あの席に変えていいですか?
Could you change my seat? 席を変えてもらえますか?
Not now. We are expecting strong turbulence.
expect v,予期する、期待する
Whoa! It's getting bumpy.
bumpy adj, 凸凹の、浮き沈みの激しい
Buckle up! シートベルトを締めて!
buckle「 クル」 v,締める n,留め金具、バックル
Your attention, please.
Due to severe weather our flight has been diverted to Tucson.
due to ~のため due:adj
So much for our vacation plans.
so much for...  so:それくらいの much:量 それくらい⇒~はそんなところ、所詮それくらい
so much for love 愛なんてそんなもん
so much for that あんなもん、そんなもん
so much for that idea. やっぱりそのアイデイアはだめだったよね
Tucson should be fun.
Whatever!  どーだか、どうでもいいね この意味の場合は「whatever」が高音声

Stranded in Tucson
(get) stranded in...  ...で足止めを食らう strand「ストァンド」v,立ち往生させる stranded adj
When is the next available flight to Phoenix?  available「アヴェラボル」adj,使用できる
All frights are grouned indefinitely.
be grounded(飛行機が)地上待機中である ground v,地上におく
Do you offer compensation for non-refundable hotel bookings?
offer compensation for... ...の補償を行なう compensation「コンペンセイション」n,補償
non-refundable hotel booking 返金付加のホテル予約
We aren't responsible for weather delays.  responsible「レスンシブル」adj,責任のある
Your Airline could at least put us up in a hotel. 
put...up   ...を泊める
Would you like to speak to the manager?
speak toは talk to より改まった感じ
Come on, Harvey! Let's explore Tucson.



Who (do you think) is the greatest actor in the world (ever)?
It's got to be..... 「(口語)...に決まってるよ/...に違いない」
It must to be.../It has to be.../It's got to be...(It has got to be...)
I'd say it's
I think it might be


work out/workout/exercise

Do you do any exercise?
Did you have a good workout yesterday?  workout:名詞
From NHK English
Do you go to a gym?/Do you belong to a gym?/Are you going to a gym?
I signed up for the kick boxing club.
Do you work out often? 一般の人にはwork out:workは動詞
Do you train often? アスリートにはtrain
Let's work out together.
Just don't get hurt.ケガをしないでね hurt:「ート」v,ケガをする n,ケガ
Please don't get hurtでもよいがjustのほうがソフト pleaseはあつかましさがでる
Did you hurt your hand?
My back is better./My back gets better./My back feels better.
I hope you'll feel better. I hope you get well soon. get well soonはお見舞い、メール等で
Do you play tennis often? oftenは文中でもよいが最後が伝わりやすい
Do you often play tennis?
I'm looking for a water fountain. 水のみ場を探しています
water fountain水のみ場 fountain「ファウンテイン」n,泉、水源
Do you like to lift weights?  lift weights:ウエイトトレーニングをする
I usually lift weights, then swim. Usually I lift.
I lost a little weight. I lost a little bit weight.
I have to get in shape. 身体の調子を整えなくては need to/got to/gotta
That hurts. That doesn't hurt. Does that hurt? けが

be sore(筋肉痛)
I'm a little sore. すこし筋肉痛です。 sore「ア」adj,痛い
I have a sore throat. throat「スウト」n,のど

I'll stretch later.
I'll just watch for now. for now:とりあえず、いまのところ
Good gym, isn't it? Good pool, isn't it?
Yeah, It's a little crowed today, though. 少し混んでいるけど thoght:~だけど。。
Yeah, I like the skylight. skylight:天窓
Oh, hi there. Hi there. How have you been? Good, and you? Good thanks.
So how's everything? Are you feeling good?
Yeah, but I gained some weight.
I wonder if it is easier to eat less, or exercise more.

Well, see you around the gym. See you around the gym. Bye-bye. Bye-bye
What is your favorite way to stay in shape.
Walking. I go for a walk twice a day.
When I was younger, I played badminton and rugby.
Those are good old days. Good old days:懐かしい


Japan's defense budget in fiscal 2017 could hit a record high of around 5.1 trillion yen ($44.64 billion), a government source said Thursday, as the country seeks to cope with security challenges amid China's maritime assertiveness and North Korea's missile threats.
FY:fiscal year, fiscal「フィスカル」adj 会計の, in fiscal 2017;2017会計年度で
TRIL:trillion「トリオン」n, adj 兆, 兆の
A Violent Prosecutor/Korea