
bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots that represent spring are in season in May. 春の風物詩、タケノコの旬は5月です。

On Children's Day, they are often used for dishes, containing a wish for growing up straight, quickly, and healthily like bamboo. 5月5日のこどもの日には、タケノコのように真っすぐすくすくと育ってほしいとの願いから料理によく使われる。

Let's tell you about bamboo shoots today.

Bamboo shoots are said to grow by dozen of centimeters per day and are fast-growing. タケノコは1日に数十センチ伸びると言われており成長が早い。

They lose their freshness quickly after the harvest. 収穫後に鮮度が落ちるのも早い。

Thus, it may be the best to eat them as soon as possible after you get them. したがって、入手したらできるだけ早く食べるのが望ましいだろう。

Bamboo shoots are famous for containing rich nutrition. タケノコは豊富な栄養を含むことでも有名だ。

They are high in fiber and improve the intestinal environment. 食物繊維が豊富で腸内環境を整ええてくれる。

Moreover, they include potassium and are effective for high blood pressure. 加えて、カリウムが含まれており、高血圧予防にも効果的だ。

Why don't you enjoy the seasonal food that is considered auspicious and easily digestible? 縁起が良く、身体にも優しいタケノコを食べて、旬を味わってみてはどうだろうか。 

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