

My back is a little sore. 背中が筋肉痛だよ。

sore ソーア adj)筋肉痛などでヒリヒリ痛い

I'm not used to using there muscles. それらの筋肉を使うことに慣れていないよ。

muscle ッソル n)筋肉

muscle pain は深刻な病気のイメージ 単純な筋肉痛は sore を使う

I'm so sore from snowboarding.

We walked a lot today. I'm afraid we are going to be sore tomorrow.

My arms are sore.

I played soccer for the first time in forever and now my legs are so sore. 久しぶりにサッカーやったから足が筋肉痛だよ。

My abs are so sore from yesterday's strength training. 昨日の筋トレで腹筋が痛い。

How was your holiday? It was great! I climbed Mt. Fuji and watched the sunrise from the top. It was breathtaking. Wow. That sounds so cool. Climbing Mt. Fuji is on my bucket list. Was it hard to climb? Not too heard actually, but I was so sore all over the next day.

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