I eat as much food as two people.
No wander you've been gaining weight.
Mom is as good at cooking as you are.
I know, but she only makes light Japanese meals. あっさりとした和食
I have as many friends as you.
My son gets as much praise as my duaghter.
My sister is as good at tennis as I am.
Answer as many questions as possible.
as~as possible できるだけ~の
as~as necessary 必要なだけ~の
Tom is as good a player as Ken.
形容詞を比較対象としている為 a good player が good a player として形容詞を前出ししている
Kaya is as dedicated a teacher as any of my staff.
a dedicated teacher が dedicated a teacher となっている
as~as any... どの...にも劣らず
As for me, what a terrible month! February was a bad month.
I'm now caring part time for my frail mother. She turned 87 recently. I moved in with my mother in Tokyo. I used to cook for my kids, but now for my mother. What a radical change of lifestyle.
(病気で)倒れる collapse, be stricken 気絶する faint
My mother collapsed from/with a stroke.
My mother was stricken from/with pneumonia.
collapse コラップス v)崩壊する、倒れこむ n)崩壊、衰弱
strike ストライク v)打ち付ける、ひらめく、突然襲う strike-struck-stricken
faint フェイントゥ v)気が遠くなる、気絶する
stroke ストロウク n)脳卒中
pneumonia ニュゥモゥニア n)肺炎
He caught/contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized.
contract コントラクト v)契約する、関係を結ぶ、重い病気にかかる
The baby's cold developed into pneumonia.
People with weakened immune systems are at a high risk for being infected with pneumonia.
weaken ウィ-クン v)弱める、弱まる
immune イミュ-ン adj)免疫をもつ、抗体をもつ
救急車 call an ambulance
call 911(US)/999(UK)
ambulance crew 救急車の救急隊員
crew クゥルー n)乗組員 (単複両扱い)
満床 full, out of beds
The hospitals were full/out of beds.
入院する be hospitalized, be in the hospital
She was hospitalized with/for heart disease.
She got hospitalized with cardiovascular disease.
cardiovascular カーディオヴァスキュラー adj)心臓血管の cardiovascular disease
It's important to exercise often to prevent heart and cardiovascular disease.
施設に入れる place, house, put away
We place old people in institutions.
In that case, the authorities will house you in some kind of government facility.
I will strongly recommend that we place our mother in a nursing home or rehab.
institution インスティテューション n)設立、機関、施設
rehab ゥリ ハァーブ n)リハビリ、リハビリ施設 rehabilitation の略
put away 片づける、収容する、捨てる put clothes away in a closet
What's the interesting for me is that...
Regular Exercise
What's the interesting for me is that it can bring physical as well as mental health benefits. Especially swimming, which means floating on the water, helps me relax from bipedal walking all day long.
bipedal バイペダル
Learn English
I reckon English is hands down the best global language, learn about different culture, date more people like you guys, and exercise my brain.
reckon レコン v)...だと思う《英 カジュアル》 =guess
To Chicken Out
to decide not to do something out of fear
I wanted to go sky-diving, but I chickened out at the last second.
When I was a beginner, I chickened out sometimes.
out of... ...の外に、...の中から、 ...から、...のために
Just out of curiosity, ......
out of fear 恐怖心から
out of kindness 親切心から
out of pity 同情から
out of pity を例にとると、以下のように使われます。
He helped me out of pity.
out of kindness 親切心から
out of pity 同情から
out of pity を例にとると、以下のように使われます。
He helped me out of pity.
Goal: Improve health care
High-quality health care helps prevent diseases and improve quality of life. Health People 2030 focuses on improving health care quality and making sure all people get the health care services they need.
Helping health care providers communicate more effectively can help improve health and well-being. Strategies to make sure heath care providers are aware of treatment guidelines and recommended services are also key to improving health.
Some people don't get the health care services they need because they don't have health insurance or live far away from providers who offer them. Interventions to increase access to health care servicesー like lowering costs, improving insurance coverage, and increasing use of telehealthー can help more people get the care they need.
curious キュ-リアス
He is such a curious boy, always asking questions.
curious about something They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.
curious as to something Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.
curious to do something I was curious to find out what she had said.
I'm/was just curious something about.....
I'm curious to know....
Just curious!
inquisitive インクウィズィティヴ adj)質問好きの、詮索好きの
Does Japanese cuisine agree with your palate?
Do you find Japanese cuisine to your liking?
Are you fond of Japanese cuisine?
Are you fan of Japanese food?
Is Japanese food high on your list?
How do you rate Japanese food?
Do you enjoy Japanese food?
palate パァ レット n)味覚、好み
The food was not to my taste.
Japanese tea is more to my taste than Chinese tea.
The movie was not to may taste.
I like scrambled eggs more than sunny-side up.
I'm looking for a good but reasonably-priced restaurant.
Dress up like...
dress up おしゃれする、正装する
dress up like ...のような服装をする
He is really dressing up for this date. Do you think he's going to change his pants?
He is dressed up like an annoying tourist.
Notice the difference between dress up which is fancy and dress up like which is to imitate the someone dresses.
annoy アノイ v)悩ます、苦しめる、わずらわしい
annoying アノィング adj)人を悩ます、いらいらさせる、迷惑な
fancy ファンシー adj)派手な、見事な
I wanna go travel overseas dressing up like an annoying tourist.
cut down/back on
He's trying to cut down on sweets, especially chocolate chip cookies.
I try to cut down on carbs, especially rice.
I need to cut down on alcohol.
Let's cut down on our expenses.
It's time to cut down in eating out.
He really cut back on his cigarettes.
Why don't you cut back on exercising?
I'm thinking about cutting down on carbs.
Are you going on a diet? ダイエットを始めるの?
Let's go to Europe next year.
We have to cut back on our expenses then.
expense イクスペンス n)出費
carb カーァブス n)炭水化物 通例-s =carbohydrate
carbohydrate カーァボハイドレイト n)炭水化物 通例-s
Feel Inspired
It's almost 30 years since then, after going to the first overseas trip in Thailand, I felt inspired to speak English at all.
This time next year/week.
I hope we can travel overseas without any problem/issue.
I hope we could travel overseas without any problem.
(could 過去系⇒仮定 多分できないだろうなぁ のニュアンス)
issue イシュー n)外にでること、発行、問題点
I hope we can stay one more day.
I hope we could stay one more day.
I hope to see you in person.
I hope we could see you in person.
in person じかに、生で
wrap/bundle up
wrap ゥラップ v)包む n)包装
bundle バンドル v)束ねる n)束
Don't forget to bundle up before you go outside!
Make sure you wrap up. It's cold outside.
Would you like to wrap this up? これを包装しますか?
Please wrap it up for a present プレゼントとしてラッピングして下さい。
wrap up in paper 紙で包む
I wrapped up well because it was cold outside.
This growing popularity leads to Japan's first major winter sports event, which is the 1972 Sapporo Winter Olympics, which was also the first Winter Olympics to be held in Asia, right? So not just a significant milestone for Japan, but also for the continent.
hold 開催する⇒be held 開催された
milestone マイルストーン n)マイル標石⇒重要な時点、画期的な出来事
continent コンティネント n)大陸
not only/just/merely but also
Not just is daily exercises good for your body, (but) also for mental.
Not only is English useful for traveling but also for
He is not only popular but also smart.
He is not only a comedian but also a singer.
The singer not only sings but also entertains a lot of people.
The singer loves not only to sing but also to dance.
The singer is famous not only in Japan but also in the U.S.
Not only the singer but also you like apples. その歌手だけでなく貴方もリンゴが好きだ。
Not only does he likes apples but he also loves pineapples. ⇒倒置文
merely ミアリー adv)ただ...にすぎない、単に...するだけ(onlyより改まっている)
meat-free meals
the Vegan Society
think about getting a balanced diet
Schools to start meat-free Monday lunches
a primary school
Some UK primary schools have decided to make Monday school lunches meat-free, but not everyone is pleased. The schools in Anglesey, an island in northwest Wales(FUW) feels that it has problems.
likely peaked
The head of a COVID-19 advisory panel for the health ministry, Takaji Wakita, said Wednesday the recent surge in coronavirus infections in Japan likely "peaked" in early February even though caution is still warranted.
consider shortening
quarantine period
entering the country
border controls
Japan is considering shortening the quarantine period for those entering the country from the current seven days to three, as part of its eased COVID-19 border controls, government sources said Wednesday.
shorten ショ-ァトゥン v)短くする
Professional pillow fighting pay-per-view event comes to streaming
The Pillow Fighting Championship(PFC) recently held its first live pay-per-view event. Many people think that pillow fighting is only childhood horseplay, but Steve Williams, the CEO and founder of the PFC, says that it's a true professional combat sport. The PFC event was shown on the sports streaming platform FITE in January.
Most PFC athletes have backgrounds in other combat sports like Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) or boxing. They use specialized pillows and wear costumes during the 3-round matches. Williams says that the sport may look silly, but the athletes are serious about it and train hard to win. Interested athletes can register to fight on the official PFC website.
According to Williams, PFC fighters don't want to get hurt, and their audience doesn't want to see blood. He says that the PFC is focused on good competition, and athletes need to have strength, stamina, and strategy to win. Williams feels that pillow fighting could become a mainstream sport because most people have experience fighting their siblings and friends with pillows.
Do you agree that pillow fighting is a true professional combat sport?
Other than pillow fighting, what childhood activities or games could become professional sports?
Do you think that children today play the same activities and games that you played in your childhood?
at (the) risk of...
We have been at the risk of catching it.
But we cannot keep staying home forever.
at the risk of sounding weird...
At the risk of sounding stupid, how does it work?
ridiculous リディキュラス adj)ばかげた
arrogant アロガント adj)横柄な
Hey Z, why are you looking so serious? Is there something in that article?
Good timing, Kohei. I'm reading something terrifying about the expressways in Japan.
Really? I thought that roads and railways in Japan are built well and properly maintained.
It's not always the case. Most were built during the period of high economic growth, about 50 years ago.
That long ago? I wouldn't be surprised if they were starting to decay and fall apart!
That's just it! People are at risk of getting injured due to its infrastructure.
Oh, on! If something like the Metropolitan Expressway was to collapse, it could end up being fatal.
That would be frightening! I appreciate that many workers are out at night rebuilding our infrastructure.
I agree. You've made me realize that the hard work of there people is keeping our lives safe.
properly プロパーリー adv)適切に
decay ディケイ v)徐々に腐敗する、虫歯になる n)腐敗、虫歯
fall apart バラバラになる
fall フォ-ル v)落ちる fall-fell-fallen
apart アパァ-ト adv)離れて、ばらばらに、個々に
end up 結局最後には...になる How did you end up in Japan?
fatal フェイタル adj)命にかかわる、致命的な
I've been eating way too much junk food recently.
You are at risk of getting seriously ill if you don't watch your diet.
I know. I need to cook healthy dishes from now on.
eat way 食べ歩く、どんどん食べる
watch one's diet 食事に気をつける
I'm not sure if we can park here, but I'm in such a rush.
You'll at risk of causing accidents if you don't follow the rules.
That's true. I'll double-check the sign just to make sure.
in such a rush 大急ぎで
Feb 2, 2022
This Friday, the 2022 Winter Olympics kick off in Beijing, the second Olympics to be held during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the first ever to be held on entirely artificial snow.
With omicron surging around the world, Japan Times sports reporter Dan Orlowitz tells us about the stringent measures put in place to allow these Games to take place, and how Japan is responding to the U.S. call for a diplomatic boycott of these Olympics. Later in the show, Dr. Madeleine Orr joins us to talk about how climate change is threatening the Winter Olympics, and why Beijing is so uniquely reliant on artificial snow.
first ever 初めての、史上初めての
first-ever co-hosted event 史上初の共催イベント
entirely インタイアリー adv)まったく、完全に、すっかり
put in place
call for
Well, Japan isn't committed to the full diplomatic boycott. They're hedging their bets because I think they want to maintain civil relations with China, if not friendly.
So they will be sending Japan Olympic Committee President Yasuhiro Yamashita, they will be sending Seiko Hashimoto, who was the president of the organizing committee for Tokyo 2020. They will be sending Kazuyuki Mori, who's president of the Japan Paralympic Committee. They are officials, they are from the government, ostensibly, but Kishida is not going to fly over, you're not going to have any cabinet representatives in Beijing. And that lets China save face, it lets Japan save face, and it lets Japan be able to take the position that it is sort of standing in solidarity with the United States and its other allies who are doing this full boycott.
commit コミットゥ v)取り組む
committee コミティ n)委員会
boycott ボォイコット n)ボイコット v)ボイコットする
diplomatic ディプロマテイック adj)外交上の
hedge one's bets 複数のものに賭ける、両面作戦をとる
hedge ヘェッジ v)策をとる、保険をかける、両掛けする
bet ベツトゥ n)賭け v)賭ける
maintain メインテイン v)維持する
ostensibly オステンシブリーadv)表面上は
solidarity ソリダリティ n)結束、連帯、団結
Do you get anything for your girlfriend or wife today?
I hear Valentine's day is in the form of a man buying something like flowers or candy for his girlfriend or wife.
Japanese Valentine's day is totally/complete opposite to western countries.
You know, a woman gives a present to a man.
Do you have any particular feelings what the UK and the US are complete opposites?
particular パァティキュラー adj)特有の、個別の
The ancient capital of Kyoto has long been a tourist mecca, attracting domestic and international travelers to its World Heritage-designated temples, shrines and rock gardens.
designate デジィグネイト v)...を意味する. adj)指定した
From the city's traditional geiko(geisha) quarter of Gion to Kinkakuji, the Golden Pavilion, Kyoto's has few rival few cities anywhere in the world when it comes to cultural treasures.
quarter クウォ-ター n)4分の1、地域地区
pavilion パヴィリオン n)特設建築物、パビリオン、大型テント
rival ライヴァル n)競争相手、ライバル
put/keep something on ice
I’m putting my plans for traveling overseas on ice until the pandemic ends.
I’m putting my plans for a new car on ice until I finish college.
rack my brain
rack ゥラック n)ラック、網棚 v)ラックにかける、考え尽くす
I have been racking my brain all day to think of what I should buy my wife for her birthday.
The minister for health said, as the Omicron variant is spreading at record speed.
minister ミニスター n)大臣
at record speed 記録的なスピードで
eat/dine out, go to a restaurant
dine ダイン v)食事をする
Have you eaten yet?
No, I haven't, and I'm hungry.
Me too. Let's go out for dinner.
Where to?
What about Joe's Italian?
How many times have you eaten there?
I eat there a lot. It's one of my favorite places.
I went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible.
Really? Then let's go someplace else.
What do you suggest?
How about the Royal Indian?
It's not far from here.
I've never heard of it. Is it good?
Yes, I've been there several times, and I've never been disappointed.
OK. Let's try it. I haven't eaten Indian food for a long time.
You won't be disappointed, and the prices are reasonable.
Ah, so you mean I'm going to pay.
Well, that would certainly be nice.
What about reservations?
If we get there early enough, we won't need them.
I hope you're right.
Don't worry. If you have to wait, I'll pay the bill.
I went to Nagano for a half day of snow hiking last weekend.
despite the quasi-state of emergency
this/last weekendに前置詞on/at/overは使用しない on米語 at英語
quasi/semi-state of emergency
priority preventive measures
priority preventive measures will apply in Tokyo as well as in twelve other prefectures.
priority プライオリティ adj)順序が先であること、優先すること、重要であること
preventive プリヴェンティヴ adj)予防の
shorter business hours
extend イクステンド v)(一方向に)引き伸ばす、延長する
Japan will extend its current pandemic measures by another two week.
Japan plans to extend COVID-19 state of emergency beyond May 31.
The Japanese government has started preparing to extend the sate of emergency over the spread of the coronavirus in nine prefecture.
The entry deadline was extended.
Those are .../That is a ...
Those are cool cowboy boots. かっこいいカウボーイブーツですね。
That is a nice color.
As they say, ".........."
As they say, "Everything's a bigger in Texas."
As they say, "Most of Japanese are shy."
As they say, "Most of Americans are used to speak in public."
(You know) what they say, ".........."
don't/doesn't know how to...
乗馬ができない⇒乗馬の仕方を知らないI don't know how to ride a horse.
feel comfortable around...
Do you feel comfortable around big animals?
Do you feel comfortable around people? 人付き合い・社交場など快適ですか?
I lost my phone.
My phone has a white strap.
Someone's phone is ringing. (バイブレーターでも”ring”を使う)
Can I use this phone in the US?
I'd like to use my phone from Japan.
I'm use to this phone. この電話に慣れています。
May I use your charger for a minute?
運び手(電話関連企業):carrier ≠ career
carrier キャリア- n)運ぶ人
career カリ-ア- n)経歴、職業
Which carrier do you use in Japan?
料金プラン:payment plan
Which payment plan is the most popular?
Can I cancel anytime? いつでも解約できますか?
かけ放題:unlimited calls
How much extra are unlimited calls? かけ放題は追加でいくらですか?
text テクスト n)本、文章 v)携帯電話でメールを送る
Can I text with this phone? この携帯電話でショートメールを送れますか?
S+might as well+V
We might as well go today.
We might as well take a picture.
I might as well get in touch with my friend in Houston.
Since we talked about the place....
Since we talked about the place, why don’t we give it a try there.
That's....for you.
This is so big. That's Texas for you.
Someone turns in my wallet to the police. That's Japan for you.
turn in 警察に引き渡す
※for youを省略する場合あり
※youと関係なくても"for you"と言う
come all the way
I came all the way to Tokyo.
Thank you for coming all the way to the airport.
You don't have to come all the way to our office.
I'm sorry you had to come all the way here.
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