

at (the) risk of...

We have been at the risk of catching it.
But we cannot keep staying home forever.

at the risk of sounding weird... 
At the risk of sounding stupid, how does it work? 
ridiculousディキュラス adj)ばかげた
arrogant ロガント adj)横柄な

Hey Z, why are you looking so serious? Is there something in that article?
Good timing, Kohei. I'm reading something terrifying about the expressways in Japan.
Really? I thought that roads and railways in Japan are built well and properly maintained.
It's not always the case. Most were built during the period of high economic growth, about 50 years ago.
That long ago? I wouldn't be surprised if they were starting to decay and fall apart!
That's just it! People are at risk of getting injured due to its infrastructure.
Oh, on! If something like the Metropolitan Expressway was to collapse, it could end up being fatal.
That would be frightening! I appreciate that many workers are out at night rebuilding our infrastructure.
I agree. You've made me realize that the hard work of there people is keeping our lives safe.
properly プパーリー  adv)適切に
decay ディイ v)徐々に腐敗する、虫歯になる n)腐敗、虫歯
fall apart  バラバラになる
fall フォ-ル v)落ちる fall-fell-fallen
apart パァ-ト adv)離れて、ばらばらに、個々に
end up 結局最後には...になる  How did you end up in Japan?
fatal フェイタル adj)命にかかわる、致命的な

I've been eating way too much junk food recently.
You are at risk of getting seriously ill if you don't watch your diet.
I know. I need to cook healthy dishes from now on.
eat way 食べ歩く、どんどん食べる
watch one's diet 食事に気をつける

I'm not sure if we can park here, but I'm in such a rush.
You'll at risk of causing accidents if you don't follow the rules.
That's true. I'll double-check the sign just to make sure.
in such a rush 大急ぎで


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