As for me, what a terrible month! February was a bad month.
I'm now caring part time for my frail mother. She turned 87 recently. I moved in with my mother in Tokyo. I used to cook for my kids, but now for my mother. What a radical change of lifestyle.
(病気で)倒れる collapse, be stricken 気絶する faint
My mother collapsed from/with a stroke.
My mother was stricken from/with pneumonia.
collapse コラップス v)崩壊する、倒れこむ n)崩壊、衰弱
strike ストライク v)打ち付ける、ひらめく、突然襲う strike-struck-stricken
faint フェイントゥ v)気が遠くなる、気絶する
stroke ストロウク n)脳卒中
pneumonia ニュゥモゥニア n)肺炎
He caught/contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized.
contract コントラクト v)契約する、関係を結ぶ、重い病気にかかる
The baby's cold developed into pneumonia.
People with weakened immune systems are at a high risk for being infected with pneumonia.
weaken ウィ-クン v)弱める、弱まる
immune イミュ-ン adj)免疫をもつ、抗体をもつ
救急車 call an ambulance
call 911(US)/999(UK)
ambulance crew 救急車の救急隊員
crew クゥルー n)乗組員 (単複両扱い)
満床 full, out of beds
The hospitals were full/out of beds.
入院する be hospitalized, be in the hospital
She was hospitalized with/for heart disease.
She got hospitalized with cardiovascular disease.
cardiovascular カーディオヴァスキュラー adj)心臓血管の cardiovascular disease
It's important to exercise often to prevent heart and cardiovascular disease.
施設に入れる place, house, put away
We place old people in institutions.
In that case, the authorities will house you in some kind of government facility.
I will strongly recommend that we place our mother in a nursing home or rehab.
institution インスティテューション n)設立、機関、施設
rehab ゥリ ハァーブ n)リハビリ、リハビリ施設 rehabilitation の略
put away 片づける、収容する、捨てる put clothes away in a closet
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