

You sing really well.  歌が上手ですね。
songの名詞ではなく動詞sing+really well がポイント

You speak Japanese really well.

17 May 2022
I went ocean swimming last weekend.
The water is not warm enough for a swim.
The ocean/sea water temperature was 19 degrees Celsius,  That means 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

degree ディグリー n)程度、度、学位
Celsius ルスィエス  n)セルスィエス(スエーデンの天文学者)、摂氏
Fahrenheit フェアレンハイト  n)フェアレンハイト(ドイツの物理学者)、華氏

is something that

Why do you study English?
What made you decide to study English?
What is something that you study English?

...is something that...
That is...(とっさに言葉がでてこない)something that has a lot of history.
There is...(いきなり伝えたいことがあると直接的に言いずらい)something that I really want to tell you.


Oh, you've seen most of Japan/around Tokyo, right?

Oh, I've always wanted to visit England.

Kyoto? My goodness. I haven't been there in/for decades.

Is it far from London?

It's about as far as Shizuoka.

That would be wonderful/great/nice!

Don't forget to take your driver's license with you?

My job took/has taken me around Tokyo.

He will take you to your apartment on his car/motor bike.

16 May, 2022
Well, I've seen most of Oxford. It's lovely city, but I'd like to see other places.
 Where do you want to go, Roxy?
I've always wanted to visit Stonehenge.
 Stonehenge? My goodness. I haven't been there in decades.
Is it far from here?
 It's about as far as London.
Can you take me to Stonehenge, Grandpa?
 Sure. How about next Saturday? 
That would be wonderful!



Harajuku has really changed a lot!

The station is completely different.




イクスプシット  adj)〈映画・写真などのシーンが〉露骨な、きわどい、性描写の

French movies are explicit.


be/get used to

Are you used to Japan yet?  もう日本には慣れましたか?
I'm used it now/already. もう慣れました。
I'm not used it yet. まだ慣れてません。
I'm not used this cold weather at all.
I'm used to getting up early.
I'm used to having meetings on line.

Have you gotten used to...
I've gotten used to...

British English イギリス英語
the time difference 時差
get/wake up early 早起き
have meetings on line オンライン会議
cold weather この寒さ
海水温  sea/ocean water temperature
The ocean water temperature is 

水風呂  cold bath
You take a cold bath after (A)taking/(B)having a sauna. The water temperature is about 19 degrees Celsius. 


hold 開催する

We are going to hold an annual meeting next week.
The university is planning to hold an international symposium on the next-generation wireless communication.

be held/take place 開催される

The Christmas Concert will be held at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium.
The Olympic Games are held every four years.
The opening party will take place on Monday.
The discussion will take place next Friday.

have (パーティーなどを)開催する  


When will Japan open to tourists?

Over the past few months, Japan has been slowly easing its COVID-19 related border restrictions. In March, after almost two years, it started allowing in students, academics and business people. Then in April, parents and immediate relatives of foreign residents were allowed to enter the country. But the borders are still closed to tourists, a broad category of people that includes everyone from leisure travelers to the unmarried partners of residents of Japan. This week on Deep Dive, Kanako Takahara, The Japan Times' head of domestic news, join me to discuss when Japan might reopen to international tourism, and what that reopening might look like.

immediateミ-ディエット adj)直接の関連がある
broad ブゥロード adj)幅の広い



fill v)満たす

fill me up
I had a bag of chips for lunch but it didn't fill me up.

fill me
Watching them together fills me with joy.

I would be more likely to say "fill me up" rather than "fill me".
There is no rule, just idiom.


a problem with... 問題があります
There's a problem with the order we received today.

poor condition   ひどい状態
The items you sent are in poor condition.

defective  ディフェクティヴ adj)欠点のある n)欠陥品
More than half of the merchandise are defective.

replacement   交換
We need a replacement for the defective products immediately.
We need the entire order to be replaced by June 30.


be folded up
be not included
has/have been put in
has/have been left out

The Golden Week

happy times=the golden week
billion(一兆)of people

Do you take a lot of days off?
You'd had a work on that day? その日は働く?
It's like a spread holiday. 飛び石連休
spread スプレッド v)広げて伸ばす、散らして配置する、まき散らす



a juggling act


How are you?
Barely(almost not OK). My life's been a juggling act lately between work and home life, work-life balance.  
I think you need to learn to say, "No." It's better to do one thing well rather than do ten things poorly.

barely アリー adv)かろうじて、なんとか、やっと


Bill Gates says no beef for rich countries

Synthetic and Plant-based Meat

Do you think your country should stop eating real meat?
Imagine you can only eat synthetic meat or plant-based meat. Which one will you choose?
Do you think that synthetic and plant-based meat will ever taste 100% the same as real meat?

Greenhouse Gases

To lessen greenhouse gases, Gates believes that rich countries should switch to only synthetic or plant-based meat. Do you think his idea is reasonable?
Other than farming, what other human activities cause greenhouse gases to increase(ex. cutting down trees, driving cars)?
Do you think it's still possible to fix the world's greenhouse gas problem, or is it too late?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates recently suggested that rich countries should eat only synthetic or plant-based meat. Synthetic meat is grown in a lab from animal cells, while plant-based meat is created from plant and other non-animal ingredients. Gates added that the world's 80 poorest countries should still eat real meat.

In Gates' new book, he says that it's impossible to completely get rid of the greenhouse gases that come from cows and the fertilizers used for the grass that they eat. In the US, 10% of the total greenhouse gases come from farming. To lesson them, Gates believes that countries should switch to eating only synthetic or plant-based meat.

According to Gates, the taste of synthetic and plant-based meat is different from real meat, but manufactures are trying to improve it. Some plant-based meat companies have also made their products more affordable and easily available. Impossible Foods now offers a set of two burger patties for $5.49(about \600) and a 340-gram pack of ground beef for $6.99(about \765). A similar company, Beyond Meat, has partnered with Walmart to sell its products in more than 2,400 stores.

synthetic スィンティック adj)組み合わせの、合成の
plant-based  植物由来の
lab ラァブ n)研究・実験室 laboratory ラァブァラトリー の略語
cell ル n)小部屋、細胞
ingredient イングリ-ディエント n)材料、食材⇒類語 element n)要素
greenhouse グリーンハウス n)温室
greenhouse gas/gases n)温室効果ガス ※地球に温室効果をもたらすガス CO2 など
fertilizer ファ-ティライザー n)肥料、化学肥料
grass グゥラァス n)草、芝
glass グラァス n)ガラス、コップ
manufacture マニュファクチャー n)生産、製造 v)生産、製造する
affordableフォ-デブル adj)手頃な、手に入る
patty パァティ n)パイの皮、ひき肉の薄い円形に作った料理
partner パァ-トナ-ァ n)相棒 v)パートナーを組む、提携する
farming ファ-ミング n)農業

Van, Truck, Lorry, SUV

Van ァン

BE) a covered vehicle with NO side windows in its back half, usually smaller than a lorry, used for carrying goods or people
AE) a covered vehicle with side windows, usually smaller than a lorry, that can carry about twelve passengers

SUV エス ユー ヴィ-  sport utility vehicle

utility ユーティリティ- n)実用性、利便性、役に立つもの、公共サービス(電気水道ガス)



double-decker 2階建てのバス・電車・船、ロンドンのダブルデッカー
=open top bus
decker ッカー  n)船の甲板員、…階のバス・電車・船、...層のもの
double-decker in London

from Sam


horse and cart/buggy

from Sam


Bollard ボラード(British)
buffer stop バァファア- (British) n)鉄道車両なのどの緩衝器付き車止め
bumping post
buffer stop 
bollard/bumping post/stopblock

bumping post/buffer stop
 from Sam

How are you finding...?


How are you finding your job?

How are you finding Japan?
