Can you tell me about what happened after the marathon?
-----After the marathon, I felt a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. I met up with my friends and family who were there to support me.
Did you have any specific celebrations or activities planned after the marathon?
-----Yes, we went out for a big meal to replenish all the calories we burned. It was a great way to celebrate our hard work and bond over our shared experience.
How did you feel overall about completing the marathon?
-----I felt proud of myself for pushing through and reaching the finish line. It was an incredible feeling of achievement and I can't wait to do it again.
a mix of ... いろいろな物が混ざっている・複数の要素が一緒になっている
exhaustion /ɪg'zɔːstʃən/ n)疲労困憊・極度の疲労・完全な消耗
replenish /rɪ'plenɪʃ/ v)補充・補給する、再び満たす
calorie /'kæləri/ n)
bond /bɑːnd/ v)つなぐ・結ぶ、接着させる n)つなぐ・縛るもの、ボンド
bond over ... ~を通じて絆を深める
proud /praƱd/ adj)誇り・自慢に思う
incredible /ɪn'kredəbl/ adj)信じられない
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