
Cycling around Taiwan

Taiwan is a beautiful island with diverse landscapes and rich culture, making it a perfect destination for cyclists.
Firstly, cycling around Taiwan offers a unique experience to explore the island's stunning scenery.
From the rugged mountains to the picturesque coastline, cyclists can enjoy breathtaking views throughout their journey.

Additionally, Taiwan is known for its delicious cuisine, and cycling allows travelers to stop at local eateries to savor authentic dishes along the way.
Food plays a significant role in Taiwanese culture, and sampling different regional specialties adds to the overall experience.

make it  うまくいく・やり遂げる・何とかする(直訳:それをつくり出す)
make+O+C   OをCの状態にさせる
stunning   adj)見事な・気絶させるような・ぼう然とするような
rugged   adj)ごつごつした、頑丈な
picturesque /,pɪktʃə'resk/ adj)絵のように美しい
coastline /'kəƱstlaɪn/ 
eatery /'iːtəri/ n)米語)飲食店
savor /'seɪvər/ v)味わう
play  役割を果たす ≪in≫
role   n)役割しよくする
sample /'sæmpl/    v)試食する・試しに体験する
specialty   /'speʃəlti/ n)得意・専門、得意料理
add to ...    ~を増大させる
overall   /,əƱvər'ɔːl/ adj)全体にわたる

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