
ラジオ英会話 9th-13th Sep 2019

9th Sep/chat, argue, discuss, negotiate

I'm going first/I want to go first/Ladies first
chat おしゃべりをする
argue 論する主張する 白黒つける
discuss 議論する(他動詞 discuss aboutはNG)
negotiate 交渉する(綱引きのイメージ tag of war)
The two brothers often argued about the most ridiculous things.
 ridiculous (adj ばかげた
Today, we need to discuss arrangements for the upcoming conference.
 arrangement (n 整理、準備
 conference (n 会議、協議
 upcoming (adj やってくる、近づく
My boss always remains calm when she negotiates.
 remain (v ~の状態であり続ける
 calm(adj 平静な

10th Sep/say

Say, Chris, what day of the week is it today?
Do you mind if I join you? (Mind if I join you?) Of course not.
Have a seat/Take a seat
How are things? 調子はどう?
I have some news. I'm quitting. 辞めるんだ
What did you say? I’m leaving the company.
The current situation here leaves me no other choice.
 今の状況がleave(~の状態にさせる) 私にno other choiceの状態にさせる
But you're one of the key people in this company.
 key n)主要な 要所
We won't be able to do anything without you.
I don't know about that. 

You know, guys, the textbook is one of the key parts of study English.
Yeah. It would be hard to do anything without it.
Say thank you.
I have to say that I'm surprised by your reaction.
The sign says you can't swim here.

(Let's) say...  仮に...としよう、例えば
Let's say I talk with the boss and see what he thinks about your proposal.
 proposal n)提案

Why don't you come around to my place, say, at 8:30?
 ※come around 動詞+前置詞(動詞+副詞)の組み合わせを句動詞と呼んでいる。一語の動詞では堅苦しく感じる事もある為、ネイティブが頻繁に使用する。

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