
Venice is flooding--what lies ahead for its cultural and historical site?

Images of the flood St. Mark's Basilica in Venice have shocked many across the world this week. Since Tuesday, parts of the city were damaged by the most severe high waters Venice has seen in over half a century, with six-foot high tide levels engulfing 85% of its streets and building, some of which are of tremendous cultural value.
A man walks across the flooded St. Marks Square on November 15, 2019 
basilica n)古代ローマの大建造物 バッリカ
severe adj)激しい、厳しい、シビア   セヴィ
in over... ...を超える
foot n)足、フィート(30.48cm) feetはfootの複数形   six-foot adj) 6フィートの
tide n)海の潮 タイド
engulfing v)(波などが)飲み込む インルフ
tremendous adj)ものすごい、非常にすばらしい
cultural adj)文化の、芸術の ルチャラル
value n)価値 ヴァリュー

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