
Outbound tourism

Chinese outbound tourism numbers are set to jump by more than 25% this year from 2020 but remain "basically at a standstill" compared to pre-pandemic levels.

outbound ウトバウンド adj)外国行きの ⇔ inbound 本国行きの
outbound flights/passengers/travel/trip/tourism
tourism トゥアリズム n)観光、観光客
set to ...へ向かう
standstill タンド スティル n)停止、行き詰まり

I've been having an itch to go abroad. Pre-pandemic, I go visit

I’ve been having an itch to go visit UK.

   I've been having an itch to go abroad. Pre-pandemic, I go visit 

Japan’ve reached an important milestone of Covid situation. It’s going to down/away or not.


How to ensure good work-life balance?

It can be difficult to get life-work balance right.(get right life-work balance)

Everyday chores/activities I have in the morning.

work-life balance
morning chores/activities


It depicts an Australian soldier murdering an Afghan child

Open the Tightest Border

I hear Australia will reopen the tightest border to skilled migrants and international students, as well as Japan and South Korean citizens, but I'm not sure China is including or not.
I remember that Chinese official posted, last year, the fake picture on a Twitter against Australia. It depicted an Australian soldier murdering an Afghan child. Is China 5 years old? Acting like a baby, I guess. 

tight タイト  adj)しっかり締まった、堅い、厳しい
migrant  イグラント n)渡り鳥、出稼ぎ労働者、移住者


Australia to ease border ban on some foreign citizens

Australia will begin welcoming more foreigners from 1 December.
Australia says it will begin significantly relaxing bans on foreigners entering the country, prioritising certain groups.
Skilled migrants and international students, as well as Japan and South Korean citizens, will be among those allowed entry from 1 December.
All must be fully vaccinated.
Australia has implemented some of the world's tightest border controls since March last year, including on its own citizens.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison called Monday's announcement an "important step forward".
Under the relaxed rules, eligible visa holders will be allowed to return to Australia without needing a special exemption.

Last year, Chinese official posted the fake image/picture on a Twitter against Australia.
It depicted an Australian soldier murdering an Afghan child.

depict ディクト v)表現する、描く、表す、叙述する [原義:十分に塗る]
soldier ソ-ウジャー n)軍人、兵士
murder マ-ァダーァ n)殺人、殺害 v)殺す、殺害する
Twitter トゥ イター n)ツイッター  
twitter v)鳥がさえずる n)さえずり


Sunbathing can have/bring some benefits.
sunbathing ンベイズィング n)日光浴   sunbathe ンベイザ v)日光浴をする
Let's go and sunbathe.  Let's go and do some sunbathing.

Sunlight is the best way to boost our natural vitamin D levels.
sunlight サンライト n)日光
boost ブ-スト v)押し上げる

This vitamin is very difficult to get through diet alone, and for that reason our main source of vitamin D comes from the sun.
get through ...で補う、...を通り抜ける、入り込む、押し通す、到達する
diet イエット n)食生活、食事、ダイエット
main source 源、発生源、供給源

'Depending on your skin type and sun strength, 30 minutes of sun exposure every day on your arms, chest and face during the summer months gives you enough vitamin D,' She says. Here are some of the health benefits of Vitamin D:
It's essential for a healthy immune system, and helps your body fight diseases.
It helps your body absorb calcium, promoting strong bones.
It helps to improve brain function and development.
strength ストレンクスゥ n)力、強さ、体力、抵抗力
exposure イクスウジャー  n)日光・風雨・冷気にさらされること、身をさらす
disease ディズィ-ズ n)病気(...病)
absorb アブ-ァブ v)身体が養分を吸収する
calcium カルシアム n)カルシウム
promote プロウト v)促進、増進、助長する
function n)機能 brain function/development 脳機能/脳の発達


soak up the sun

soak ソ-ウク v)つける、充満させる、吸収する

I enjoyed soaking up the sun.
It's good for my skin to have a little sun for vitamin D, for my sprit.

I really wanted to soak up the atmosphere/festivities of Olympics games.

festivity (festivities) フェスティヴィティズ n)お祭り気分、にぎわい、祭礼

soak up the sun 日光浴をする
soak up the atmosphere 雰囲気を楽しむ、雰囲気につかる
soak up the festivities お祭り気分につかる
soak up the scenery
soak up history

Even though it's really bright, it's nice to soak up the sun.
It's good for your skin to have a little sun for vitamin D, for your sprit.
I am soaking up the sun.
Just a couple minutes and I feel better.
Do you like to soak up the sun for a couple minutes?


high/fast metabolism

metabolismボィズム  n)代謝、新陳代謝
high/fast metabolism 代謝がいい

The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold.

Fast metabolism burn more calories and are less likely to accumulate a lot of fat.
The older you get, the slower your metabolic rate.
This is one of the reasons that people tend to gain weight as they age.
That's because aging is linked to a variety of changes, including nutrient deficiencies, decreased quality of life and poor health outcomes.
Luckily, there are things you can do to help prevent deficiencies and other age-related changes. For example, eating nutrient-rich foods and taking the appropriate supplements can help keep you healthy as you age.

accumulateキュ-ミレイト v)積み上げる、蓄積する、集める

a big/small appetite

appetite ペタイト n)食欲 

I have a big/small appetite. 私は食欲旺盛/小食です。
I don’t have an appetite. いまは食欲がない
I lost my appetite. 食欲が失せた


blackout n)停電、報道規制、意識喪失  v)意識を失う

We had a blackout yesterday.
Blackouts are common in Canada during the summer.

outage  アウ テージ  n)停電、1つの建物に対しての停電(但し以下の例文は可)
Power outages occurred all over the city.
He caused an outage in the whole building.  彼は停電を起こした建物全体に。

We had a blackout yesterday. 地域が停電になった
We had a outage yesterday.   家・建物が停電になった

There was a total media blackout during the trial.
trial トライアル n)試験、実験、裁判
※検閲(政府に不都合な情報を規制する)=censorship センサーシップ n)検閲(けんえつ)

Her disease causes blackouts once in a while.
I drank so much last night that I blacked out.
He was so scared he blacked out.

Several lines of the president's transcript were blacked out.
The media blacked out all the names in the document.

Not bad, can't complain.
I'm just booked this lesson tonight.

There was so few classes available time slots.
It's getting harder to make same-day bookings.
It seems that a lot of students return to school to take real lessons after lifting the emergency.

The US opened its border to non-citizens who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Japan plans to remove spectator limit for large-scale events.
The pandemic has receded. but on the other hand, in Europe, cases are increasing again. 
But totally unpredictable situation 全く予断を許さない状況だ





The self-ruled island

Many Taiwanese believe that Japan would come to Taiwan's aid militarily if China invades the self-ruled island, a survey showed.
aid イド n)助け
come to someone's aid 人の救助に向かう、助けに来る
invade インヴェイド v)侵攻する、攻め入る
rule ゥルール n)ルール、支配、統治
survey サ-ヴェイ n)世論調査


get sick : 軽い病気になる

Take this medicine in case you get sick.

in case...   もし...なら

become ill : 重い病気にかかる

My aunt became ill and has been hospitalized.

be hospitalized  入院する

get over : 病気が治る

I got over the flu.

I am getting over it.  治ってきてるよ
the flu  インフルエンザ

cure : 病気を治す (heal : 傷を治す)

He took some medicine to cure his stomachache.
The doctor cured him of rheumatism.

cure 人  of ...   人の...を治す

stomachache 胃痛
rheumatism リウマチ

sick again : 軽い病気をぶり返す

I feel sick again.

catch a cold again
My cold has returned.
relapse 再発、癌などが再発する  He had a relapse of cancer.


in a bad condition : 身体がだるい

I am in a bad condition, so I will take a day off.

take a day off 休みをとる

Under the weather : 体調不良の

I have been under the weather for a few days.
be/feel under the weather

Not feeling well : 具合がよくない

I'm not feeling well, so I will stay home all day.


sick : 軽い一時的な症状・体調が悪い・精神的に

I felt sick. 体調が悪かった
He was sick in bed. 病気で寝ていた
I got sick from food poisoning. 食中毒で気持ち悪くなった
carsick 車酔い
seasick 船酔い
I am sick 精神的に病んでいる
morning sickness つわり
be sick in bed 病気で寝ている
food poisoning 食中毒

ill : 重病の ※英では軽い病気や吐き気の意味で使う

He is critically ill. 重病です
It is not a serious illness. さほどの病気ではない
illness   病気
critically ill  重症の  critically  クリティカリー adv)致命的に
serious illness  大病    serious   シィリアス adj)重大な

disease : 病名を示す「~病」

It is called Alzheimer disease.
Fruits and vegetables can help prevent heart disease.
A cataract is an eye disease. 白内障は目の病気です

skin disease 皮膚病

prevent プリヴェント  v)防ぐ、予防する
Alzheimer ルツハイマー  n)アルツハイマー病、認知症
cataract キャタラクト n)白内障


a burn

A burn is an injury to the skin caused by fire or heat.
If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned.

a sore throat

When you have a sore throat, the back of your throat is often red and infected.
A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria.
If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow.

a sprained ankle

A sprained ankle can be so painful that you can't walk.
Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk.

a headache

A headache can be caused by an injury to the head.
Headaches can be very painful and can last for a long time.
If you have a headache, your head hurts.

an earache

An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear.
Earaches occur more often among small children than adults.

injury ンジュリー n)けが
burn バァーン  n)やけど
sore ソ-ゥア adj)ひりひりする、つらい
throatウト n)のど
bacteria バクリア n)細菌、バクテリア
painful インフル adj)痛い、苦痛
swallow スワロウ v)飲み込む
sprain スプイン v)くじく、捻挫する
crutch ラッチ n)松葉杖
last ラ-スト v)続く、継続する adj)最後の

open its border to non-citizens

American Airlines welcomed 150 international flights as the U.S. opened its borders to non-citizens who are vaccinated against COVID-19. 


Japan to remove spectator limit for large-scale events even in virus sate of emergency 

Japan plans to remove the spectator attendance limit for large-scale events and allow venues to be filled to capacity even under a COVID-19 sate of emergency by using a system to check whether visitors have been vaccinated or have tested negative for the virus, government sources said Friday.

Under the current guidelines, attendance at large-scale events such as professional sports games and concerts is capped at 5,000 spectators or 50 percent of venue capacity, whichever is larger.

As new and serious COVID-19 cases have sharply fallen across the country recently, the government will revise the guidelines after heating the opinions of coronavirus experts possibly on Nov 19, the sources said.

removeム-ヴ v) to get rid of something unpleasant, dirty, etc
 remove something: She has had the tumor removed.
tumor チュマー n)腫れ・ふくらみ
limit ミット n) the greatest or smallest amount of something that is allowed


Random crime/stabbings seem to be more and more common these days.
random ンダム adj)行き当たりばったりの、奇妙な [原義:突進]
stabbing スタビング n)殺傷事件 adj)刺すような


Quote Of The Day
The pandemic has receded, vaccinations have progressed, and economic activities are returning to normal, so people are beginning to feel they are OK to keep things as is.
Naoto Nonaka, a professor of comparative politics at Gakushuin University, commenting on the governing coalition retaining a comfortable majority in the lower house in Sunday's election.
recedeシ-ドゥ v)後退・退却する、次第に弱まる


One of the best things about cycling is that it provides regular exercise and decreases our carbon footprint- and makes you feel less guilty about having a jam doughnut during your coffee break.

The birthrate often decreases in times of financial uncertainty.

decrease in...   ...の減少


Many people relocate from the countryside.
relocateケイト 英)リロイト 移転する、転勤する

be on the rise

It seems that prices are on the rise these days.
prices 物価
It seems that the urban population  is on the rise all over the world.

Crowded Places

I've lived in Tokyo/this city since I was born. but, I can't get used to the/this crowd. 

Today is a weekend, so there are more people out than usual.


A jump in the number of people in China infected with bird flu this year is raising concern among experts, who say a previously circulating strain appears to have changed.
a jump 急上昇、大幅な伸び
previously adv)予め、前もって、以前
circulating v)ひと回りする、循環する、出回る、広まる
strain v)ぴんと引っ張る、最大限に張りつめる n)ゆがみ、血統、変種
appear to  ~するように思われる、見える
raise concern 懸念・心配・不安を引き起こす