get sick : 軽い病気になる
Take this medicine in case you get sick.
in case... もし...なら
become ill : 重い病気にかかる
My aunt became ill and has been hospitalized.
be hospitalized 入院する
get over : 病気が治る
I got over the flu.
I am getting over it. 治ってきてるよ
the flu インフルエンザ
cure : 病気を治す (heal : 傷を治す)
He took some medicine to cure his stomachache.
The doctor cured him of rheumatism.
cure 人 of ... 人の...を治す
stomachache 胃痛
rheumatism リウマチ
sick again : 軽い病気をぶり返す
I feel sick again.
catch a cold again
My cold has returned.
relapse 再発、癌などが再発する He had a relapse of cancer.
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