
Waymo, Uber forget past argruments over self-driving car technology to work on robotaxis in Phoenix

Self-driving car pioneer Waymo is teaming up with ride-hailing leader Uber in the Phoenix area to carry passengers and deliver food in robotic cars. In the past, driverless car technology caused a legal battle between the two companies, in which Waymo accused Uber of stealing the technology. The case culminated in Uber agreeing to pay $245 million.

As the two companies team up, Uber, whose business still depends on human drivers, will be able to send Waymo's driverless vehicles to pick up passengers and deliver food. The addition of Waymo's robotaxis to Uber's services is expected to help further increase the number of customers of the ride-hailing company.

On the other hand, the partnership will help Waymo expand its robotaxi services. Supporting Uber's services works to the advantage of Waymo since the company will have more opportunities to introduce its driverless vehicles to a wider range of Phoenix residents. However, Waymo did not announce how many of its robotic cars will be used to pick up Uber passengers and deliver food.

pioneer  n)先駆者・草分け・パイオニア
team /tiːm/ n)仲間・組・競技チーム v)チームにまとめる
team up   チームを組む、手を組む、協力する
hail /heɪl/ v)人を呼び止める、タクシーを呼び止める
robotic    adj)ロボットの
legal  adj)合法的な、法律の
accuse v)訴える
culminate /'kʌlmɪneɪt/ v)最高潮に達する、最終的に~になる
addition    n)付け足し・おまけ
further /'fɜːðə(r)/ /'fɜːrðər/ adj)さらにいっそうの   far-further-furthest
father /'fαːðə(r)/ /'fαːðər/
works to the advantage of...  ~に有利に働く
mobile   /'məƱbaɪl/ /'məƱbl/ adj)自由に動き回れる、持ち運びできる n)携帯電話
Businesses Teaming Up
①What companies in your country have teamed up?
異なる得意分野; different specialty fields
Every company has their own strengths and weaknesses.
代表例を挙げると;Give typical examples
Let me give you some typical examples.
Some car companies teamed up with others which has different specialty fields dealing/coping with emissions regulations.
specialty   /'speʃəlti/ n)本職・得意
speciality   /,speʃi'æləti/ n)本職・得意
strength /streŋkθ/ n)強さ、体力、勇気
weakness /'wiːknəs/ n)弱さ、体力のなさ、意志薄弱
emission   /ɪ'mɪʃn/   n)放出・放射
regulation /,regju'leɪʃn/ n)規制、条例・法令

②Do you think it's a good decision for companies to team up?
向上する;advance(進歩する), progress(上達・発達する), improve(改良・改善する)
Technology will be advanced.

③Imagine you have your own company. What company would you likely team up?
密接な関係がある;a close relationship, a close connection with
There is a close relationship between construction and real estate.
Construction has a close connection with real estate.

Ride-hailing and Food Delivery
①How popular are ride-hailing apps like Uber in your country?
They prepare the meals in the microwave.

②Would you like to use driverless taxis?
I love going on rides(attractions) like roller coasters.

③Do you think driverless taxis and food delivery will be a successful business in your country?
It has tough restrictions/rules/regulations on the traffic. 

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