”Beyond Utopia" is a documentary that follows families as they attempt to escape oppression, revealing a world most of us have never seen. This one won the Audience Award for U.S. Documentary Competition and I managed to get tickets to this one at the last minute and this was surprisingly pretty great.
The concept is something we have heard before but the film does a good job and exploring the dystopia of North Korea and explores political aspects that are genuinely uncomfortable to watch. Throughout, the film has great presentation, the interviews from the participants were interesting to listen as they provide a good insight of their escapes and experiences with North Korea. The direction was pretty good as the film maintains a steadily tone and good structure.
utopia /juː'təƱpiə/ n)理想郷・国、理想的政治体制
attempt v)試みる・企てる・挑む
oppression /ə'preʃn/ n)抑圧・辛苦(しんく)
op-~に向かって press押す→圧迫する
reveal v)見えなかったものを明らかにする・明かす
dystopia /dɪs'təƱpiə/ n)地獄郷(⇔utopia)
aspect n)側面、様子
genuinely adv)心から・本当に・純粋に
throughout adv)初めから終わりまで 前)すみからすみまで
interview n)インタビュー・会談
insight n)洞察・洞察力・見抜く力
direction n)方向・道筋・目標・指示・手引き・演出
steadily adv)しっかりと・堅実に・落ち着いて
tone n)音・音声・口調・語気・調子・雰囲気
Beyond Utopia is a documentary that follows families as they attempt to escape oppression from their country, North Korea.
The film does a good job to explore the dystopia of North Korea.
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