
Survey: YouTube is teens' most used social media website

Teen Usage of Social Media
・American teenagers say that they use YouTube and TikTok "almost constantly." Do you think that social media usage is a good thing or a bad thing?
1⃣Social media can be good or bad depending on ”どのようにつかうか” how you use it.
2⃣"~に役立つ it helps us+動詞原形” It helps us 
3⃣つながっている stay connected,
4⃣but "~の状態にさせる it can make us +動詞原形” it can make us 
5⃣feel lonely or inadequate
6⃣〜を引き起こすAlso can lead to 
7⃣ネットいじめ cyberbullying and invade privacy
Using social media a lot can make you sad and worried. 複雑な問題It's a complicated problem. A good thing about social media is that to help us share information, connect with others, and be creative. It can also create positive change.

・Why do you think teenagers are attracted to social media (ex. it is fun, it connects them to their friends)?
1⃣友達とつながり Teens can connect with friends
2⃣情報を最新の状態にする and stay updated.
3⃣経験の共有 They can also share experiences
4⃣自分を表現する and express themselves.
5⃣自分を肯定される(フィードバックをもらう) They also get validation, feedback
6⃣LIKESやコメントを通して through likes and comments from others(peers).  
1⃣創造力We allow teenagers to show their creativity
2⃣考え気持ちをシェア and share their thoughts.
3⃣新しい考え・視点・趣味を見つける Teens can use social media to find new ideasperspectives, and hobbies.

・What tips would you like to give teenagers about their social media usage (ex. limit your usage to 1 hour, protect your privacy)?
1⃣~に注意しなければならないYeah, Teenagers should be careful with
2⃣(⇒何をシェアするか・誰と話すか) what they share and who they talk to online.
3⃣プライバシー設定 Changing privacy settings is important
4⃣個人情報を守る to keep personal information safe
5⃣誰が自分の投稿やプロファイルを見れるようにするか and control who sees your posts and profile.
6⃣注意を払う・慎重になったほうかよい It's better to be cautious.

usage /'juːzɪdʒ/ n)利用
inadequate   /ɪn'ædɪkwət/ イ ナディクット adj)不十分な
validation   /,vælɪ'deɪʃn/ n)批准
★ the act of proving that something is true or correct
★ the act of making something legally recognized
★ the act of stating officially that something is useful and of an acceptable standard
★ the feeling that others recognize that you are right or good enough
peers /pɪr/ n)同僚・仲間
thoughts   /θɔːt/ n)考え・気持ち
perspective /pər'spektɪv/ n)観点・見通し per;通して spect;見る
tip /tɪp/ n)祝儀チップ、役立つ情報・助言・ヒント・秘訣
profile   /'prəƱfaɪl/ n)人物像・プロフィール
cautious /'kɔːʃəs/ adj)注意を払う・慎重な
cyberbullying   /'saɪbərbƱliɪŋ/ 
invade   /ɪn'veɪd/
privacy /'prɪvəsi/ /'praɪvəsi/

Impact of Social Media
・In your opinion, does social media have a good or a bad impact on you?
1⃣I think social media can be good and bad.
2⃣It helps us connect but can distract and make comparisons.
3⃣Social media can help share important information and raise awareness for important issues.
4⃣Some bad things about social media are cyberbullying, lack of privacy, and spreading lies.
1⃣良くも悪くも can be good and and
2⃣~に役立つが、~になってしまう help us +動詞原形, but
distract /dɪ'strækt/   v)心をかき乱す
comparison /kəm'pærɪsn/ n)比べる事・比較・比較できること
心をかき乱し can distract and 比較されちゃう make comparisons.
3⃣役に立つ、重要な情報をシェア can help share
▢社会的意識・関心を高める raise awareness
raise /rəɪz/ v)手を上げる・持ち上げる
awareness /ə'wernəs/ n)気づいていること・自覚・認識
▢重要な出来事 important issues
4⃣プライバシーの欠如 lack of privacy
サイバーブリング  cyberbullying
bully n)いじめっ子 v)いじめる
cyber adj)サイバーの・コンピューターに関係した 
嘘の広がり spreading lies

・Do you think it’s okay to constantly use social media?
1⃣It's important to have a balance
2⃣Spending too much time on social media can affect productivity, relationships, and mental health.
3⃣Moderation is important.
1⃣バランスが大事 have a balance
2⃣やりすぎ(時間の使い過ぎ) spending too much time
▢(悪い)影響を及ぼす affect
▢生産性 productivity,   つきあい・交流 relationship   心・精神的健康 mental health
3⃣節度 moderation

・How would you describe a person addicted to social media sites? (ex. they always talk about social media content, they don't have other activities aside from social media)
1⃣Someone addicted to social media may check their accounts a lot, feel anxious without their phone, and prioritize online stuff over real life.
1⃣目を向ける・注目する・着目する check
▢沢山のアカウント their account a lot
▢電話なしだと不安を感じる feel anxious without their phone
▢現実よりネット上の事を優先する prioritize online stuff over real life

About one in six American teens, aged 13 to 17, said that they use YouTube and TikTok "almost constantly."
YouTube is still the most popular site among teens, with 71% saying that they use it at least daily. TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram are also part of the list of popular sites. This information comes from a survey by the Pew Research Institute.

Three of those four sites showed a drop in usage over the past year. The survey also reports that Facebook's total teen usage has dropped from 71% to 33% in 2023. And only 3% use it almost constantly. According to the survey, teen usage of social media hasn't decreased much. However, there are concerns about the negative impact of social media on their mental health.

More and more social media sites are being criticized for using techniques that draw in and retain younger users. In October, 33 states complained about Meta for adding to the youth mental health crisis. The states said that the company designed sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, to make younger users addicted to them. But Meta has denied the claims.

criticize v)批判する
◆cert, cri 区別し決める ize,iza ~化する
My teacher always criticizes my handwriting.
technique /tek'niːk/
draw /drɔː/ v)手で軽く引く、くじを引く
draw in v)人を引き込む
retain /rɪ'teɪn/ v)しっかり保つ、保有する、維持する
crisis /'kraɪsɪs/ n)危機・重大局面、山場
deny /dɪ'naɪ/ v)認めない・否認する

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