
Alvar Aalto

The film, biography of a Finnish architect.
The captivating exploration of Alvar Aalto, the defining figure in Scandic design and one of Europe's greatest modern architects, focuses on his remarkable and loving partnership with wife, Aino. Theirs was a profoundly humanist vision that put people at the centre of design, and ranged from work in furniture design through to huge architectural projects. They mixed with, and influenced, major figures of modernist art and design including Le Corbusier, Gropius, Moholy-Nagy, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Come on a cinematic tour of their iconic buildings all over the world, from a library in Russia, a student dormitory at MIT, an art collector's private house near Paris, to a pavilion in Venice. Narrated by experts in the field and featuring never before seen archive footage, Aalto tells the love story of an extraordinary couple with a great passion for human scale architecture.

biography /baɪ'ɒgrəfi/ /baɪ'ɑːgrəfi/ n)
Finnish /'fɪnɪʃ/ adjective   ★from or connected with Finland
captivate /'kæptɪveɪt/ v)人の心を奪う・魅了する・夢中にする
Theirs theyの所有代名詞 彼らのもの(単複両扱い)




swimsuit は女性用のイメージがあるので swimwear が無難
あえて短パンの意味の単語は (swimming) trunks/shorts
trunks は丈が長め shorts は丈が短め
競泳用水着は athlete swimsuit, racing suits, competitive swimwear など




Triathlon is a combination of swimming, biking and running.
Are you training for one?

combination   n)組み合わせること・結合、チームワーク


That's impressive!
Your dedication is inspiring.

That's awesome!

dedication  n)献身・専念


can't "not do"

I can't "not go".

I can't "not eat".


dipping noodles

dipping-style ramen with sauce


prepare my body
I prepare my body by walking before the race.

organize/collect my mind
walking is a good way to organize my mind before the events.


cheap but delicious local food

super affordable
a budget- friendly restaurant

famous gourmet food

street food
casual dining
at a delicious street food


新しい活力を与える:revitalize /,riː'vaɪtəlaɪz/
to revitalize the town

to boost the local economy

to promote its food and culture
with its unique food and culture



a rental car
I will get a rental car.
I will drive a rental car

I get a rental car to drive around there.


have long been


Japanses people have long been considered shy.



There's nothing better than ...

There is nothing better than the original one.


... flavor

soda flavor
tomato flavor

... flavored ...

lemon flavored water
Matcha green tea flavored ice cream


How does it taste?  It tastes good!

Does it taste OK?
It doesn't taste so bad.


VO2 max

Maximum rate of oxygen consumption
as measured during incremental exercise, most typically on a motorized treadmill.

maximum adj)最大の n)最大
rate /reɪt/ n)占める割合・比率・度数、料金・値段
oxygen n)酸素
consumption n)消費、飲食・摂取、消耗
measured adj)正確に計った、つり合いのとれた
incremental   /,ɪŋkrə'məntl/ n)増加・増大、利益
motorized adj)動力設備をつけた
treadmill  n)トレッドミル


go down
My VO2 Max went down to 51 tonight.




Last weekend, I watched the movie ”Nyad” which is sports uplift.
It based on a true story. 
Dianna Nyad is a long distance swimmer at age 64 to swim form Cuba to Key West, Florida, a brutal stretch about 100 miles.
It was her 5th attempt.


With her outstanding athletic achievements and outsized ego, Diana Nyad seems like the perfect subject for filmmakers.
She is the legendary long-distance swimmer at age 64 to swim from Cuba to Florida, a brutal stretch of 110 miles.

It's a pretty standard story of sports uplift, a familiar tale of triumph over adversity. When Nyad finally crossed successfully, with the help of a crew of coaches, kayakers, and a medic, it was her fifth attempt. We witness all the setbacks, all the ways in which the journey went frustratingly wrong before it went right. An unexpected encounter with a swarm of box jellyfish provides a harrowing scene of nighttime horror, for example.

What elevates "Nyad" above the expected terrain are the performance from Annette Bening and Jodie Foster, both individually and with each other. Benning brings swagger and a steely-eyed ferocity as Diana, reveling in the swimmer's self-aggrandizement and narcissistic knack for ignoring social cues

Nyad thinks a lot of herself, and you need that kind of ironclad sense of your abilities if you're going to succeed at this elite level of athletics. But as an actress, Bening appears to have zero vanity: makeup-free, with wet, messy hair, and often wearing a swimsuit or faded T-shirt, this is far from a glamorous depiction.

outstanding    adj)突き出した・目立つ・傑出した・すぐれた
athletic   adj)運動選手の・運動選手らしい・運動好きの・元気旺盛な
achievement n)達成・成就・偉業
outsized=outsize  adj)特大の
ego /'iːgəƱ/ n)エゴ・自我・自尊心・うぬぼれ
legendary  /'ledʒəndri/ /'ledʒəndəril/ adj)伝説的な
brutal   adj)非人間的な・残忍な・荒々しい
stretch  n)伸ばすこと、ストレッチ、散歩、長さ・距離、広がり
uplift /'ʌplɪft/ v)持ち上げる、高揚させる n)持ち上げる事、感情的高揚
tale 話・物語
triumph n)勝利・征服・大成功・偉業
adversity n)逆境・不運
cross v)横切る・渡る
successfully adv)上手く、無事に、成功のうちに
medic n)救急医療隊員
attempt n)試み・企て・記録を破ろうとすること
setback /'setbæk/ n)つまずき・挫折
frustratingly /'frʌstreɪtɪŋli/ adv)
all the ways あらゆる方法・あらゆる面・すべての方法
in which 関係代名詞:前記を後記で説明するだけ
swarm   n)動物などの移動する群れ・大群
jellyfish  n)クラゲ
box jellyfish n)ハコクラゲ・毒クラゲ
harrow /'hærəƱ/ v)人を精神的に苦しめる、土地をハローで耕す
horror n)恐怖
elevate v)高く持ち上げる、高める、昇進させる
terrain /tə'rəɪn/ n)[仏]地形、土壌、~場、戦場、分野・状況
Annette Bening アネッテ・ベニング
individually adv)めいめい・ひとつひとつ・個別的に・個性的に
swagger n)いばった態度・自慢気どり v)いばって・自慢する
ferocity /fə'rɒsəti/ /fə'rɑːsəti/ n)残忍・凶暴
steely adj)鋼鉄製の・鋼鉄のような
aggrandizement /ə'grændɪzmənt/ n)富・地位などの増大・強化
self-aggrandizement   自己強化・自己権力の拡大
narcissistic /,nɑːsɪ'sɪstɪk/ /,nɑːrsɪ'sɪstɪk/ adj)自己陶酔的な
knack /næk/ n)才覚・要領のよさ・コツ
cue  n)きっかけのセリフ、合図、しぐさ、ビデオなどの頭出し
social cues 人前での態度


I'm not an expert, but I do enjoy watching Bollywood movies.


develop/move/progress quickly

The story develops/moves quickly.
This drama progresses really fast.

I never get tired/bored of watching the movie that develops very fast.

story development

The story development is so fast.

plot change

plot 物語の筋
The plot change is so quickly.
The plot changes very fast.
The plot is developing fast.

Plot Twist!

fast/slow development/progression

The story is the slow development.

fast story development

I was surprised by the fast story development.

a sudden development in the story/situation.

There was a sudden development in the situation.


Indian Hindi-language action thriller film

It stars Shan Rukh Khan. He was born in 1965.



I feel a sense of accomplishment.


About U.S.

It's hard to pick just one, but some popular cultures in the US are American, Hispanic, African American, and Asian. Each has its own contributions and influences.

contribution   n)貢献

influence n)影響・感化


spiritual abundance

It brings spiritual abundance.
It provides a wealth of spirituality.
It brings an abundance of spirituality.

spiritual /'spɪrɪtʃuəl/ adj)精神的な・霊的な・気高い

spirituality   /,spɪrɪtʃu'æləti/ n)精神的であること

abundance   /ə'bʌndəns/ n)豊富・豊かさ
★ abundance (of something)  a large quantity that is more than enough
・The brochure promised beautiful walks with an abundance of wildlife.
・The country has an abundance of natural resources.
・We are amazed by the sheer abundance of food.
brochure   n)パンフレット
sheer adj)まじりっけなしの・純然たる、量を強調する時に使われる


a good way of thinking

That's a good way of thinking.

That's a good mental way/attitude of thinking.



It's just your imagination.

Maybe it's just me but ...



The chances of being selected are 1 in 10.
The odds of winning are 1 in 1,000.
The probability of 


Age Group

Triathlon has been widely adopted to compete by age group which means in 5 -year intervals in every discipline. 

adopt   /ə'dæpt/ v)採用する

interval   /'ɪntəvl/ /ɪntərvl/ noun   2つの空間・時間的間隔、休止期間
★ a period of time between two events
・The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years.
・He knocked on the door and after a brief interval it was opened.

discipline   /'dɪsəplɪn/ noun   訓練、自制・自律心
★ the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behavior or situation that is the result of this training
・The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.
・Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.
・harsh/rigorous/rigid/iron discipline
・She keeps good discipline in class.
・to instill/enforce/impose/maintain discipline
・Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school.
・a serious breach of discipline

reputation   n)評判・うわさ・名声
impose v)強制する
harsh adj)ざらざらの・不快な・厳しい・過酷な
rigorous /'rɪrəs/ ガレス adj)厳格な
rigid /'rɪdʒɪd/   adj)物が固くて曲がらない・頑固な・厳格な
instill /in’stɪl/ v)点滴する、主義感情などを徐々にしみ込ませる


Why don’t we

Would you like to

Let’s mak





representative adj)代理の、表す n)代理人・代表・代議士
unidentified   /,ʌnaɪ'dentɪfaɪd/   adj)身元不明の・国籍不詳の・確認できない
certain adj)確信して、きっと、確実な、ある一定の、とある
numerous adj)非常に多い・おびただしい、多数からなる
theft /θeft/ サァフト n)盗み・窃盗事件
favela /fɑː'vel.ə/
store v)備える・貯蔵する
valuable   adj)価値のある・大切な
valuables   n)貴重品
safe   adj)安心・安全な n)金庫
in hotel room safes
immediately /ɪ'miːdiətli/
further /'fɜːðə(r)/ /'fɜːrðər/ adj)もっと遠い・さらにいっそうの
the stolen bag

More than a meal: Restaurant-based programs feed seniors’ social lives

Mutual Support
Why do you think mutual support is important?
>>共同体意識・地域社会>>a sense of community
>>親しくなる>>grow together
It creates a sense of community and helps us grow together.
It's always nice to have someone there for you when you need it.
mutual   /'mjuːtʃuəl/ adj)お互いの・相互の

What challenges can stop people from practicing mutual support (ex. being shy, lack of time and money)?
>>共感欠如>>lack of empathy
>>傷つく恐怖心>>fear of vulnerability
Some challenges that can stop people from practicing mutual support include individualism, lack of empathy, and fear of vulnerability. It takes effort and courage to support others sometimes. 
practice v)習慣的に行う n)習慣的に行うこと
challenge v)異議を唱える n)異議・抗議
individualism   /,ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəlɪzəm/ n)個人主義・独立的思考
empathy n)感情移入・共感
fear n)恐怖・恐怖心・不安・懸念
vulnerability /,vʌlnərə'bɪləti/ n)傷つきやすいこと・もろさ・脆弱性
fear of vulnerability: a feeling of dread about being emotionally open with others. People who fear vulnerability often strive for perfectionism, close themselves off to friends, and keep loved ones at arm's length. 

How do the seniors in your country show their support to each other (ex. eat together, organize sports clubs)?
>>形成されている>>by forming ...
>>さまざまなニーズに>>with various needs
Seniors in my country often show their support by forming senior groups or clubs where they can socialize, share experiences, and help each other with various needs.
various adj)さまざまの・多数の

Every week, a group of New Hampshire seniors gather to eat and talk with each other. This is part of social programs that help elderly people keep their mind and body healthy. The government gives money to restaurants to provide several nutritious food options to seniors. In addition, these restaurants become a place for senior citizens to have meaningful conversations. All these activities help the elderly restaurant visitors feel less lonely.

”Isolation is the new pandemic." said Jon Eriquezzo, president of Meals on Wheels of Hillsborough County. He delivers meals to senior centers and seniors who cannot leave their homes. He said giving them food to eat is nice. But he thinks it's even better for seniors to eat with other people and receive mutual support.

From a nutrition standpoint, "we eat better in groups," said Jean Lloyd, a nutrition consultant. She thinks eating in groups is especially good for seniors because they are vulnerable and they usually feel lonely. Studies show that widespread loneliness in the U.S. is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes daily. The social programs hope to reduce hunger, but more importantly, promote social interaction among the elderly.

provide v)提供・供給する
nutritious   /nju'trɪʃəs/ /nu'trɪʃəs/ adj)栄養になるあっめんma
in addition 加えて・さらに
meaningful /'miːnɪŋfl/ adj)意味のある
isolation   /,aɪsə'leɪʃn/ n)隔離・孤立・孤独
nutrition   n)栄養補給・栄養
standpoint n)観点・視点・見方
consultant n)コンサルタント・相談役
vulnerable adj)傷つきやすい
widespread adj)まん延した・普及した・広範囲に及ぶ・幅広い・広げた
deadly adj)死のような・致命的な
hunger n)空腹感・飢え・ひもじさ・強い欲求
importantly adv)重要なことだが
promote v)促進・増進させる
interaction n)交流・ふれあい・相互作用
expense   n)出費

Social Interaction and Loneliness
Do you agree that social interaction can make people feel less lonely?
>>人とつながりを持つ>>connect with others 
>>孤独と戦い>>combat loneliness
Absolutely! Social interaction is a great way to connect with others and combat loneliness.
combat n)戦い・闘争 v)戦う

Do you like eating alone or with friends and family?
>>いつも楽しい>>It's always more fun
>>人と食事をする>>share a meal
>>思い出をつくる>>create memories
Personally, I enjoy eating with friends and family. It's always more fun to share a meal and create memories together.

Is it possible to feel happy even when you are alone?
>>幸せは心にある>>Happiness comes from within.
>>人と離れて>>in solitude
Absolutely! Happiness comes from within, and it's possible to find joy in solitude.
within   前)副)名)数量時間~の内側・範囲内に、心の内側に
joy n)大きな喜び
solitude /'sɒlətjuːd/ /'sɑːlətuːd/ n)独居・孤独、その自由さを歓迎


 /rɪ'siːt/ noun
★ a piece of paper or an electronic document that shows that goods or services have been paid for
・Can I have a receipt, please?
receipt for something Do you need a receipt for that?
・We will email the receipt to you.
・I kept the receipt, so I can return it if you don't like it.
・to make out (=write) a receipt
・They have to submit receipts to support all expenditure.

submit   v)従う
expenditure   n)費用・経費・支出

Let me check if I have the receipt.



/'envələƱp/ noun
★ a flat paper container used for sending letters in, with a part that you stick down to close it
・Writing paper and envelopes are provided in your room.
・a padded/prepaid envelope

container n)入れ物・容器・コンテナ
pad n)綿などを中に入れた詰め物  padded envelopes  クッション性のある封筒
prepaid adj)料金前払いの prepaid envelopes 料金先払いの封筒

Did you put coupons in all of the envelopes before they 封筒 were sent out? 


/'kƱriə(r)/ /'kƱriər/ noun   配達人・運搬人・宅配業者
★ a person or company whose job is to take packages or important papers somewhere
・We sent the documents by courier.
・I'll send a courier with the blueprints.
・Urgent deliveries of medicine may be sent by motorcycle courier.


Keep that in mind

keep in mind that ...

Please note that ...

LGBT people

LGBT is an initialism that stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender". In use since the late 1980s, the initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for marginalized sexualities and gender identities.

A six-band rainbow flag representing the LGBT community

initialism  n)頭文字略語
in use

Pride Parade

Pride Toronto is an annual event held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in June each year. A celebration of the diversity of the LGBT community in the Greater Toronto Area, it is one of the largest organized gay pride festivals in the world, featuring several stages with live performers and DJs, several licensed venues, a large Dyke March, a Trans March and the Pride Parade. 

Justin Trudeau marched in Pride Toronto.

each year 毎年


About Canadian food culture

Canadian food culture is diverse and influenced by various cultures.
Some popular Canadian dishes include poutine, butter tarts, and Nanaimo bars.

include   v)含む、持つ、加える

Canadian Butter Tarts

Nanaimo Bars

About Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains in Canada are a beautiful mountain range.
They have stunning scenery and offer a lot of outdoor activities like hiking and skiing.
The Rocky Mountains are also home to many wildlife species like bears, moose 単複同型, and mountain goats.
It's a great place for nature lovers.
The views are breathtaking and the hiking trails are amazing.

goat   /gəƱt/ n)ヤギ
breathtaking /'breθteɪkɪŋ/ adj)息をのむような


身近な例:a familiar example

familiar   adj)よく知っている・なじみの・どこにでもある
Could you give us a familiar example about multiculturalism? 

具体例:   a specific example

About Canada

Canada is known for its multiculturalism and beautiful natural landscapes.
But I have never been to any of the Canadian provinces.
Someone recommend visiting Banff National Park in Alberta.
It's absolutely stunning.

multiculturalism   /,mʌlti 'kʌltʃərə lɪzəm/ noun
the practice 慣習・習慣的に行う of giving importance to all cultures in a society
landscape   /'lændskeɪp/ noun
everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country
province   /'prɒvɪns/ /'prɑːvɪns/   noun
★ one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government
Banff   /bænf/
★ a town in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada, that is popular with people who ski
Alberta /æl'bɜːtə/ /æl'bɜːrtə/
★ a province in western Canada, east of British Columbia and west of Saskatchewan. The capital is Edmonton.
stunning adj)びっくりさせるような・驚くほど美しい
stun v)気絶させる・びっくりさせる n)びっくりさせること


Do you think that her political skill gets/earns high praise from the citizens of Canada?

Prime Minister Ardern leads the government with power and love.

高い評価:high praise
政治手腕:political skill
praise  v)ほめる n)賞賛


I feel like riding a bike in order to speed up at Chiba in the morning.
After training for a bike ride, we have some options like swimming at the gym or shopping around Ueno area.


tomorrow morning

その日の午後;that afternoon, that day's afternoon


According to the weather forecast, it will rain heavily tomorrow morning.


Sorry: 気の毒に思う
I feel sorry for him.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm sorry to hear about your job.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job.

Poor: かわいそう・気の毒な
Poor John. かわいそうなジョン
Oh, poor thing! かわいそうに
Oh, you poor thing! かわいそうに

That's ...
That's too bad.
That's sad.
That's unfortunate.

Must Have Been: 同情を表す
(過去)It must have been hard/tough (for you).
(現在)  It must be hard/tough (for you). That's hard/tough, isn't it?

I hope things get better (for you) soon.
I hope you feel better soon.

condolence   必ず-sを付ける
loss  喪失・遺失
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my condolences.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time of loss.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
You are in my thoughts.
Is there anything I can do for you?
Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
If there is anything I can do I'm here for you.
If you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here for you.
I will miss him/her.

Justin Trudeau

Canada sets October start for legal recreational Marijuana sales

Marijuana sales will become legal in Canada beginning 17 October 2018, prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Wednesday, making it  成功/実行する the first major economy to legalize its recreational use.

Stocks of marijuana producers, which have rallied in anticipation of legalization, extended gains 株価/価格の上昇 on Wednesday after the Senate voted on Tuesday to approve 認可・承認する adult use of cannabis.

Officials said the governor general was expected to sign the bill on Thursday, the final step for it to become low.

The start date marks a delay by the government, which had previously said recreational use of marijuana would become legal within eight to 12 weeks of the law being passed.

Canada's 10 provinces had complained to Ottawa that that schedule was too tight for them to set up distribution and sales networks.

"We've listened to the provinces, which have been asking us for more time to implement it," Trudeau told legislators.

Shares of Canopy Growth Corp WEED.TO, Canada's biggest marijuana producer by market value, closed up 6.7 percent C$45.36 in Toronto.

Shares of Aurora Cannabis Inc ACB.TO, the second biggest producer, ended 4.7 percent higher at C$9.99, while Aphria Inc APH.TO, the third-largest, rose 4.2 percent.

The Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences ETF HMMJ.TO close up 3.6 percent at C$19.64.

Statistics Canada estimates that the marijuana market in Canada was worth C$5.7 billion($4.28 billion) in 2017.

Trudeau's Liberals had made legalizing recreational use of marijuana part of their successful 2015 election campaign.

Critics accused the government of moving too quickly and said the new distribution and sales network was too limited to curb black market sales.

"I am confident that at the beginning we're going to take a significant part of the market share right now occupied almost entirely by organized crime," Trudeau told reporters.

Canada's regulatory roll out will be closely watched by other countries and by investors, who have already poured billions into Canadian marijuana companies.

Share gains of some of these companies have been muted over the past year on concerns that they had become over-valued, as well as by delays to the legislation that was originally expected to take effect by July, and strict rules around supply and branding.

A report by the Conference Board of Canada released on Tuesday showed that more than half of Canadian employers are concerned about the potential use of marijuana in the workplace.

rally  v)結集する、取り戻す・元気づける
anticipation n)予測、先取りする
Stocks have rallied in anticipation of ...  景気や株式市場が~を期待して持ち直した


K: What do you think was the impact of COVID-19 in students?

A: It has been a challenging time for students, with disruptions in learning and changes to their daily routines. But they've shown resilience.

K: According to the article, many students are struggling with their lessons because of the pandemic. Why do you think students are struggling?

A: The pandemic has caused a shift to online learning, which can be difficult for some students. They may miss the in-person interaction and find it challenging to stay motivated.

K: What can school systems do to help students catch up?

A: We don't have a specific system, but we provide a cozy place for students to study and offer resources to help them catch up

disruption n)破裂・分裂・崩壊
resilience n)弾性、回復力
struggle   v)もがく・あがく・取っ組み合う・奮闘する・なんとかがんばる
interaction n)交流、相互作用
cozy  adj)居ごごちのよい
resource n)資源(自然)・財源(金)・人材(人)


I wish people wouldn't walk on a commuter train.

 An Annoying Man

I get hot easily. 
The office is roasting sometimes.
Train seats are sometimes roasting.

for a rehearsal

turn the thermostat up

It looks a mess.

fire escape

reprimanding staff


The elevator was being serviced today.



common annoyances

a general desire for someone to behave


the delivery guy


computer people/person





sales rep


delivery drivers 

block up the entrance

security guard


indicate frustration





K: What do you like about Japan/Australia?
A: Japan is amazing! I love the rich culture and the beautiful landscape. It's a fascinating country to explore.

K: What do you like living in Japan?
A: Living in Japan is great! Friendly people, delicious food, and lots to explore.


A big purchase

About Marathon

K: About tomorrow. I'm going running the half marathon for practice.
A: Marathons are exciting events where people run long distance. They require stamina and training. It's a great accomplishment to finish one!

accomplishment   /ə'kʌmplɪʃmənt/ /ə'kɑːmplɪʃmənt/ n)達成・成果・実績・偉業


Ghirardelli Chocolate Company

Founded in 1852, the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a manufacturer and marketer of premium chocolate products. Ghirardelli is one of the few companies in America that controls the entire chocolate manufacturing process, from cocoa bean to finished product. This control over the manufacturing process combined with Ghirardelli's proprietary bean blend and unique methods of roasting and processing, ensures that you are rewarded with the highest quality and richest products. Ghirardelli has the richest heritage of any American chocolate company and continues to honor it to this day.

manufacturer n)製造
marketer n)商人・マーケター・マーケットリサーチ
premium adj)高級な
one of the few ...   数少ない一つの~
entire adj))品物がこの上ない・完全な
combine v)統合して一体にする・両立させる
proprietary adj)所有の、製造販売の独占権を持つ(専売特許の)
method n)方法・方式・筋道・順序
ensure  v)確実に保証する ≠ make sure
reward v)報酬を与える・~に値する
heritage n)継承物・遺産・伝承・受け継いだもの
honor v)尊敬する・名誉を与える・光栄に感じさせる・守る n)敬意・名誉・光栄・優等

Back in Full Form: Ultra-Trail Mt. Fuji 2023

Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Japan, and a world heritage site. At its foot, one of Asia's biggest trail-running races in held: The Ultra Trail Mt. Fuji. The race stretches 達するa hundred miles, or 164 kilometers. And those looking to 目を向ける・目指す win will have no time to rest. For the first time in four years, this race will see a truly international line-up of the world's top runners. I want to win every race. This course will be a picnic! 


Drinking Culture in Australia

Australians enjoy socializing over drinks in pubs and bars, but it's important to drink responsibly and in moderation.

Compared to other western countries, Australian drinking culture is often more relaxed and informal, with a focus on enjoying a good time rather than excessive drinking.

pub ≠ public house 社交の場:
bar カウンターを備えた酒場:音楽の音量が大きい
moderation /,mɒdə'reɪʃn/ /,mɑːdə'reɪʃn/ n)節度・適度
in moderation   ほどよく・適度に

excessive adj)過度の・極端な

Australian Cuisine

Australian cuisine is diverse, with dishes like Vegemite on toast, meat pies, and barramundi fish being popular. 

Vegemite   /'vedʒɪmaɪt/
★ (in Australia and New Zealand) a dark substance made from yeast, spread in bread, etc.
yeast   /jiːst/ n)イースト・パン種・酵母
barramundi  /,bærə'mʌndi/ n)バラムンディ・オーストラリア産の海水魚

Australian culture

Australian culture is diverse, with a laid-back attitude, love for outdoor activities, and sports like cricket and Australian Rules Football.

diverse   adj)さまざまの・多様な
laid   /leɪd/ v) Past Tense, Past Participle of lay 
back /bæk/
laid-back   のんきな・のんびりした
Australian Football = Footy = Aussie Rules


Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste called miso. It's nutritious and has probiotic properties for a healthy gut.

Japanese healthy food

Eating healthy is important for our overall well-being.
What specific aspects of healthy food are you interested in discussing?

Japanese cuisine focuses on fresh ingredients and balance.
Sushi, miso soup, and steamed vegetables are some popular healthy dishes.




Tom overlooked the decimal point. トムは小数点を見落とした
The teacher overlooked his tardy.  先生は彼の遅刻を見過ごした
The rooftop terrace overlook the city.  その屋上のテラスは街を見渡す



The new factory manager will oversee the production.


3 days holiday in early October. I booked the mountain lodge 2 days before my stay. Most lodges are already closed at this time of year. My plan was not a main trail. 
For once, I'm all set.

It snowed a lot in alpine mountains the day before the hike. I didn't prepare anything for hiking snow-covered mountains at all. On top of that, at this time, my trail plan was a bit hard.

for once めずらしく



a once in a lifetime opportunity

It's a once in a lifetime opportunity/chance.


fell totally in love with the mountains.
I often post pictures and videos of what I love about mountains.
I've been posting about trekking, and it's one of my most popular subjects.

Japan, a place where 70% of the land is mountainous.
We are able to appreciate the wide variety of nature that mountain offer.
It's like a fairy tale.

mountainous adj)山の多い
fairy tale  おとぎ話
fairy n)妖精 adj)妖精の・架空の
tale n)架空のお話・物語

Yatsugatake, a mountain range of over 30 mountains

景観・景色   It's an amazing view there.

iconic sights 象徴的な風景
Mt Yari is one of the most iconic sights in north Alps.

iconic adj)象徴的な
sight n)見ること・光景・風景

ridge /rɪdʒ/ n)山の背・尾根・稜線
ridgeline 稜線
massif   /mæ'siːf/ n)山塊

You've probably never seen.

最初に登る: to first hike up
順番待ち: queueing
queueing patiently
queue n)列 v)列をつくる
patiently   adv)根気よく・気長に
下山: descent trails
descent /dɪ'sent/ n)下ること
scramble down: 急いで下りる
We scrambled down off the summit pyramid.
pyramid n)ピラミッド形のもの・錐体

a refreshing walk along the stream which brings me to a dynamic view

主要道: a main trail
短い道: a short way
一般登山道: the normal hiking trail
どのくらいの時間と体力があるかによる: depending on how much time/energy you have
reverse day 逆の道
reverse v)逆にする・バックする・あべこべの
magnificent /mæg'nɪfɪsnt/ adj)壮大な・とびっきり上等に
magnificent route
This route is especially recommended for beginners.

Conditions were perfect.

below the summit
It's located below the summit.
You'll be greeted at many unique mountain lodges with a warm welcome.
greet v)出会って人に挨拶する・応対する・出迎える

~の方向に: in the direction of ...

take real care
look out for each other all the way down
look out   用心する
look out for   ~に用心する
all the way down 端から端まで・ずっと向こうまで 
come all the way   わざわざやって来る

gully /'gʌli/   n)雨裂・小峡谷・渓谷
★ a small, narrow channel, usually formed by a stream or by rain
・The slope was still awash with water spilling down deep gullies.

awash   /ə'wɒʃ/ /ə'wɔːʃ/ adj)
awash (with water) covered with water
・The river had burst its banks and the road was awash. 

spill /spɪl/  v)こぼれる・あふれ出る

a hot spring surrounded by an incredible view.


water shortage

I think the possibility of water shortage is higher than usual.

possibility   /,pɒsə'bɪləti/ /,pɑːsə'bɪləti/ n)可能性


It didn't rain much this year.

dry rainy season

This is a dry rainy season.
It's a dry rainy season this year.


It snowed.


I had a refreshing sleep.

I got lots of sleep.

I got 8 hours sleep.
Go home and get some sleep.
I didn't get much sleep. あまり寝ていない
I didn't any sleep.   一睡もしていない
How much sleep did you get?  どのくらい寝たの?

I slept well.



climb ≠ go up ≠ hike up

go up/down a hill

run up/down

walk up/down

I went up mountains 2,000 meters a day.


The Hotels are almost full.


Take good care of

I take good care of my physical condition

So I needed to take a rest this morning


It works for

It's effective 

It's really works for

It's really/more effective in/to/for


I decided not to go.