
About Canada

Canada is known for its multiculturalism and beautiful natural landscapes.
But I have never been to any of the Canadian provinces.
Someone recommend visiting Banff National Park in Alberta.
It's absolutely stunning.

multiculturalism   /,mʌlti 'kʌltʃərə lɪzəm/ noun
the practice 慣習・習慣的に行う of giving importance to all cultures in a society
landscape   /'lændskeɪp/ noun
everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country
province   /'prɒvɪns/ /'prɑːvɪns/   noun
★ one of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government
Banff   /bænf/
★ a town in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada, that is popular with people who ski
Alberta /æl'bɜːtə/ /æl'bɜːrtə/
★ a province in western Canada, east of British Columbia and west of Saskatchewan. The capital is Edmonton.
stunning adj)びっくりさせるような・驚くほど美しい
stun v)気絶させる・びっくりさせる n)びっくりさせること

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