
Going to the Police


Have you ever witnessed an accident before?
I have seen some accidents but I have never testified any accidents. If I say "to testify", People tend to pretend not to see an accident. If we witness an accident, it's going to get in trouble sometimes. 
<<<面倒なことになる>>>be in trouble<<<
It's going to get in trouble if we give a testimony about the accident.
<<<見て見ぬふり>>>pretend not to see<<<turn a blind eye>>>ignore<<<
Safety is a top priority.

What kind of accidents or incidents are common in your city (ex. fires, robberies)?
<<<交通事故>>>car accidents<<<高齢者事故が社会問題>>>caused by elderly drivers<<<becoming a serious issue>>>
Accidents caused by elderly drivers are becoming a serious issue.
Slip and fall accidents, car accidents, and occasional natural disasters like storms or earthquakes are common in my city.

If you saw a robbery. what would you do?
<<<考えたことない>>>never thought
I've never thought about that before.
If I saw a robbery, I would prioritize everyone's safety, stay calm, and immediately contact the authorities to report the incident.

If you saw a car accident, what would you do?
I'm not rubbernecking but if I saw that at country side, I don't pretend not to see that.
If I saw a car accident, I would ensure my safety, assess the situation, and call for emergency help if necessary.

incidents  n)事故・事件(accidents より影響が小さく重大ではない)
witness    n)目撃者、証言 v)目撃する、証言する
testify    v)証言する
testimony n)証言
issue  n)外に出る事、発行、外に出た問題点a social issue ≠ a social problem 
slip   v)すべる・滑り落ちる
fall v)落ちる・倒れる
disaster   n)災害
storm n)あらし・暴風
authority   n)権限、権限を持つ機関
ensure v)確実にする、身を守る
assess /ə'ses/ v)~を判断する

mug v)襲う
rob   v)強盗する
kidnap   v)誘拐する
hit v)ぶつける
overcharge   v)不当請求する
snatch v)ひったくる

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