
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company

Founded in 1852, the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a manufacturer and marketer of premium chocolate products. Ghirardelli is one of the few companies in America that controls the entire chocolate manufacturing process, from cocoa bean to finished product. This control over the manufacturing process combined with Ghirardelli's proprietary bean blend and unique methods of roasting and processing, ensures that you are rewarded with the highest quality and richest products. Ghirardelli has the richest heritage of any American chocolate company and continues to honor it to this day.

manufacturer n)製造
marketer n)商人・マーケター・マーケットリサーチ
premium adj)高級な
one of the few ...   数少ない一つの~
entire adj))品物がこの上ない・完全な
combine v)統合して一体にする・両立させる
proprietary adj)所有の、製造販売の独占権を持つ(専売特許の)
method n)方法・方式・筋道・順序
ensure  v)確実に保証する ≠ make sure
reward v)報酬を与える・~に値する
heritage n)継承物・遺産・伝承・受け継いだもの
honor v)尊敬する・名誉を与える・光栄に感じさせる・守る n)敬意・名誉・光栄・優等

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