
More than a meal: Restaurant-based programs feed seniors’ social lives

Mutual Support
Why do you think mutual support is important?
>>共同体意識・地域社会>>a sense of community
>>親しくなる>>grow together
It creates a sense of community and helps us grow together.
It's always nice to have someone there for you when you need it.
mutual   /'mjuːtʃuəl/ adj)お互いの・相互の

What challenges can stop people from practicing mutual support (ex. being shy, lack of time and money)?
>>共感欠如>>lack of empathy
>>傷つく恐怖心>>fear of vulnerability
Some challenges that can stop people from practicing mutual support include individualism, lack of empathy, and fear of vulnerability. It takes effort and courage to support others sometimes. 
practice v)習慣的に行う n)習慣的に行うこと
challenge v)異議を唱える n)異議・抗議
individualism   /,ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəlɪzəm/ n)個人主義・独立的思考
empathy n)感情移入・共感
fear n)恐怖・恐怖心・不安・懸念
vulnerability /,vʌlnərə'bɪləti/ n)傷つきやすいこと・もろさ・脆弱性
fear of vulnerability: a feeling of dread about being emotionally open with others. People who fear vulnerability often strive for perfectionism, close themselves off to friends, and keep loved ones at arm's length. 

How do the seniors in your country show their support to each other (ex. eat together, organize sports clubs)?
>>形成されている>>by forming ...
>>さまざまなニーズに>>with various needs
Seniors in my country often show their support by forming senior groups or clubs where they can socialize, share experiences, and help each other with various needs.
various adj)さまざまの・多数の

Every week, a group of New Hampshire seniors gather to eat and talk with each other. This is part of social programs that help elderly people keep their mind and body healthy. The government gives money to restaurants to provide several nutritious food options to seniors. In addition, these restaurants become a place for senior citizens to have meaningful conversations. All these activities help the elderly restaurant visitors feel less lonely.

”Isolation is the new pandemic." said Jon Eriquezzo, president of Meals on Wheels of Hillsborough County. He delivers meals to senior centers and seniors who cannot leave their homes. He said giving them food to eat is nice. But he thinks it's even better for seniors to eat with other people and receive mutual support.

From a nutrition standpoint, "we eat better in groups," said Jean Lloyd, a nutrition consultant. She thinks eating in groups is especially good for seniors because they are vulnerable and they usually feel lonely. Studies show that widespread loneliness in the U.S. is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes daily. The social programs hope to reduce hunger, but more importantly, promote social interaction among the elderly.

provide v)提供・供給する
nutritious   /nju'trɪʃəs/ /nu'trɪʃəs/ adj)栄養になるあっめんma
in addition 加えて・さらに
meaningful /'miːnɪŋfl/ adj)意味のある
isolation   /,aɪsə'leɪʃn/ n)隔離・孤立・孤独
nutrition   n)栄養補給・栄養
standpoint n)観点・視点・見方
consultant n)コンサルタント・相談役
vulnerable adj)傷つきやすい
widespread adj)まん延した・普及した・広範囲に及ぶ・幅広い・広げた
deadly adj)死のような・致命的な
hunger n)空腹感・飢え・ひもじさ・強い欲求
importantly adv)重要なことだが
promote v)促進・増進させる
interaction n)交流・ふれあい・相互作用
expense   n)出費

Social Interaction and Loneliness
Do you agree that social interaction can make people feel less lonely?
>>人とつながりを持つ>>connect with others 
>>孤独と戦い>>combat loneliness
Absolutely! Social interaction is a great way to connect with others and combat loneliness.
combat n)戦い・闘争 v)戦う

Do you like eating alone or with friends and family?
>>いつも楽しい>>It's always more fun
>>人と食事をする>>share a meal
>>思い出をつくる>>create memories
Personally, I enjoy eating with friends and family. It's always more fun to share a meal and create memories together.

Is it possible to feel happy even when you are alone?
>>幸せは心にある>>Happiness comes from within.
>>人と離れて>>in solitude
Absolutely! Happiness comes from within, and it's possible to find joy in solitude.
within   前)副)名)数量時間~の内側・範囲内に、心の内側に
joy n)大きな喜び
solitude /'sɒlətjuːd/ /'sɑːlətuːd/ n)独居・孤独、その自由さを歓迎

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