

You take pieces of chicken and cook it, 
and then you add some egg to it.
And serve it over rice. It's super good.

piece   /piːs/   n)(全体の)一片・かけら、パーツ・ピース
chicken /'tʃɪkɪn/   n)ニワトリ・鶏肉
serve /sɜːrv/ v)人に使える、食卓で仕える、ボールをサーブする
Let’s start with you.
Tokyo is a great city, it has always got the amazing food.


sorely needed

💢It was a sorely needed vacation.

sorely  sorely is more like "terribly" than "very" 

👄It was sorely needed relaxation/a lot of calories.

👄English was sorely need in overseas.


/ə'dɔːr/ verb
★ to like/love somebody/something very much


can't stand

I was up in ....

I was up in Sichuan, China at that time.

Christmas or New Year's back home

unwelcome disaster


sweet tooth
I have a sweet tooth.
pollen /'pɑːlən/



👄I gained some weight during the winter holidays.
I really need to stop overeating.
I went to Sichuan, China for about two weeks that is world-famous for its spicy food.
I visited markets to soak up the local atmosphere and also tried as much local food as I could. 
Now I'm really addicted  to hot food.


on a diet = 食習慣

Healthy Eating
From now on, I really need to start eating healthy.
eating healthy
drinking more water
eating more vegetables

Cheat Day
I had a juicy cheeseburger on my cheat day.
a juicy cheeseburger
two scoops of ice cream
six bottles of beer

Binge Eat
I binged on fried chicken late last night.
fried chicken
an entire pizza

binge /bɪndʒ/ v)度を超す・爆食いする《on》主に食べる・TVを見るに使用
binge eat   v)爆食いする
I binge eat when I'm stressed.

👄I really need to stop overeating.
I hope there is some healthy food.

👄I got fat during the winter holidays.
ーDid you?  I don't see it. そうは見えないけど
I try to stop eating so much oily food.
ーI also gained some weight actually.


wasn't ready for ...
I wasn't ready for it at all.


anybody good
Do you know anybody/anyone good? 


can/can't make it
I can make it on Thursday morning.


consist of ....
A relay team consists of three runners. Do you know anybody good?


over drinks
It's a good opportunity socializing over drinks after the event.


It will be nice to socialize with/among participants over drinks.


will be held
Relay in Toyosu will be held one week before The Fukui.


I've never thought ....
I've never thought that she would join us.
I've never thought about it.


Surprisingly, ....
Surprisingly, I never thought that she would join us.


That's impressive!
I admire your dedication.

impressive adj)見事な・印象的な
admire v)~を立派だと思う・感心する
dedication   /,dedɪ'keɪʃn/ n)専念・献身

be impressed by/with ....
I'm impressed that you cycled today.


decided not to ....
I decided not to cycle tonight.


/'relɪʃ/ v)行動を楽しむ・うれしく感じる n)風味・薬味
★ to get great pleasure form something; to want very much to do or have something
relish something   to relish a challenge
・to relish the chance/opportunity to do something
・to relish the idea/thought of something
・I don’t relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.
relish (somebody/something) doing something   Nobody relishes cleaning the oven.

prospect   /'prɑːspekt/   n)見通しのきく眺め、将来の見通し


Family is more important than anything.


Please consider something.
Please consider it.

Please have a think about it.
Have a think about it tonight.


a perfect calendar
I don't have a perfect calendar in my head.
Check the calendar.
Husbands are notorious for not checking the calendar.


/,steriə'tɪpɪkl/ adj)型にはまった

・the stereotypical image of feminine behavior

This is a stereotypical situation.


/nəƱ'tɔːriəs/ adj)悪名高い・有名だ(悪名で)


《語源 ous  ~でいっぱいの・豊富な》
delicious おいしい
famous 有名な
nervous 緊張している

The summit ridge of Ben Nevis is notorious for its difficult navigation.

My wife is notorious for her temper.

ridge /rɪdʒ/ n)頭部・頂上部・山の背(尾根)

Post Office scandal

What is the Post Office scandal?
More than 900 sub-postmasters and postmistresses were prosecuted for stealing money because of incorrect information provided by a computer system called Horizon.

prosecute   /'prɑːsɪkjuːt/ v)推し進める、起訴する《for》

scandal /'skændl/ n)不祥事・疑惑




Under no circumstances ....

At no point ....

On no account ....

At no time ....

thanks to

Just a little note. This can also be used sarcastically to talk about something bad. Because it’s a little bit funny it’s a little bit silly. And when you're having a hard time, sometimes humor is the best medicine.

So you might say, "Thanks to my neighbor's dog barking all night, I couldn't sleep." I'm not really thanking my neighbor's dog, I'm pretty annoyed that my neighbor's dog barked all night. But I'm using this expression with a little bit of a sarcastic tone.

So listen to the tone of my voice when I say it. "Thanks to my neighbor's dog barking all night, I couldn't sleep." So here, if there's something negative that's affecting your life, you can also use this expression. Just make sure your tone of voice reflects that.

sarcastic   /sɑːr'kæstɪk/ adj)皮肉な・いやみな
sarcastically /sɑːr'kæstɪkli/ adv)皮肉を込めて・嫌味っぽく

bark /bɑːrk/ v)犬などが吠える n)犬などの吠え声
annoy /ə'nɔɪ/ v)悩ます・苦しめる・困らせる
affect /ə'fekt/ v)影響を及ぼす・人の心を動かす
reflect /rɪ'flekt/ v)反射する・感情などを反映する

humor /'hjuːmər/ n)ユーモア・こっけい・おかしみ

funny /'fʌni/ adj)おもしろい、変な・奇妙な
silly /'sɪli/ adj)何かを真剣に受け止めないことを表し、馬鹿げている等の意
negative /'negətɪv/ adj)ネガティブな


fall for a trick
I'm not going to fall for that trick. その手はくわない
I'm ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.


sneaky   /'sniːki/ adjective


refund   /'riːfʌnd/ noun
Why don't you ask for a refund?
They're very sneaky. It says they don't do refunds. All sales are final. 


It almost tastes like ....
It almost tastes like pancakes.

It is so close to ....
The taste is so close to pancakes.


How does it taste ?

What does it taste like ?


It doesn’t taste bad.
The pancake doesn't taste bad.

The taste is not bad.

s と sh

/siː/ と /ʃi/

see/sea   /siː/
she   /ʃi/  

あらかじめ /i/ の口の形、横に引っ張る

意識的に /ʃʃʃi/ と出だしをゆっくりと少し長めに息を吹きかけるように発音する

she は /ʃiː/ と最後を伸ばさない!


I'm ashamed
I'm ashamed of my mistake.
I'm ashamed of what I did.
I'm ashamed to be seen here.
I'm ashamed of how I behave last night.

I'm ashamed of myself
I'm ashamed of myself to meet you last Sunday even though you caught stomach flu and recovering it. 
I'm ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.


I feel lucky.
After finishing running, it starts raining. So I feel lucky.


an interval of clear weather

A break in the rainy season.
A break in the weather.
Today is an interval of clear weather.
A gap in the rainy season.


literally /'lɪtərəli/ adverb
Today is literally recovery day.


branch   /bræntʃ/

Do you have a branch in India?
We have a branch in Mumbai.
We have two branch in Asia.
I'll introduce you to the branch manager.
I used to be the branch manager in Hong Kong.
The sales manager left/quit last month.
This is the new marketing manager, Cindy.


a member of our team
staff スタッフは stuff と間違えやすいので team がお勧め
英語の staff は個人ではなく数人のスタッフに対して使用する

I'll introduce you to a member of our team.
I have a team of seven people. 7人のスタッフを抱えています



lead to ....

Mistakes will lead to success.
Eating too much fast food can lead to serious health problems.
Smoking could lead to heart disease.
One problem often lead to more problems.
Requiring excess overtime can lead to lower productivity as employees become tried and less alert.
That leads to my next point.
That led to our common interest in organic farming.

excess /ɪk'ses/ adj)超過の n)超過・過剰
alert   /ə'lɜːrt/ adj)油断のない・警戒して、機敏な・活発な


have .... in common
You and me have something in common.
I think you guys will get a long. You guys have a lot of hobbies in common.
My sister and I have nothing in common.
Oh, you are into running. we have so much in common.
It sounds like you and him have many things in common.


Japan lost the war.


in the way S+V   ~する方法・やり方で

Compared to China, are there any differences in the way you teach English in Japan?

Compared to kids, are there any differences in the way you teach English to adults?
I'm a quite middle-aged man. So, these days I like looking for the possibility of rejuvenation in aging. Exercising a lot is an invitation for relaxation and rejuvenation. More than anything, The food goes down a treat. 


subtler, more nuanced
The midlife crises are subtler, more nuanced.

subtle   /'sʌtl/ adj)微妙な・とらえがたい
nuanced   /'nuːɑːnst/ adj)ニュアンスな・微妙な差異の
subtler   /'sʌtələr/  subtle の comparative
nuance n)ニュアンス・微妙な差異   ←仏語
crisis /'kraɪsɪs/ n)危機・転機    複) crises   /-siːz/
midlife  n)中年 adj)中年の



a sense of purpose in life
We struggle with looking for a sense of purpose in life. 


mortality /mɔːr'tæləti/ n)死すべき運命
We struggle with mortality.


It's not unusual to ....
It's not unusual to feel unhappy and restless, ....

restless  /'restləs/  adj)少しも休止しない、落ち着かない・不安な・安眠できない


get my appetite back
I'm getting my appetite back.

start to get hungry again
I'm starting to get hungry again.


administrative work
/əd'mɪnɪstreɪtɪv/ adj)管理上の・総務の・事務の

専門知識のない事務職;clerical work, a clerical job
clerical /'klerɪkl/ adj)牧師の、書記の、事務の
◆ clerical の語源はラテン語の clericus から来ています。この言葉は聖職者や教会関係者を意味していました。その後、英語に取り入れられ文書や書類の処理などの事務作業を行う職業やその関連の事務作業を指すようになりました。
◆ 語源 al「~な性質の」
exponential 急激な , professional 職業の , equal   等しい

She has excellent clerical skills.
He works in the clerical department of a low firm.
The priest has clerical duties to perform every day.

priest   /priːst/ n)聖職者・牧師



Off the top of my head, ....


Just out of curiosity, ....


viticulture   /'vɪtɪkʌltʃər/ n)ブドウ栽培の分野
Some people are a deep dive into Kiwi viticulture.

Kiwi /'kiːwi/ n)ニュージーランド・ニュージーランド人


a deep dive into ...
I am a deep dive into triathlon.


make the most of ....
We should make the most of a rare sunny day for running.


starting today
Starting today, I get up at 5 am everyday.


turn things around

When I turned 48, I decided to turn things around. I reconsidered my lack of exercise.

turn /tɜrːn/


struggle with aging
I struggle with aging.


a sense of purpose
I was looking for a sense of purpose in life. 人生における目的意識の模索
It gives me a sense of purpose.

English Etiquette ~A history of English etiquette and good manners

Whilst the English penchant for manners and socially appropriate behavior is renowned across the world, the word etiquette to which we so often refer actually originates from the French estiquette -"to attach or stick". Indeed the modern understanding of the word can be linked to the Court of the French King Louis XIV, who used small placards called etiquettes, as a reminder to courtiers of accepted 'house rules' such as not walking through certain areas of the palace gardens.

Every culture across the ages has been defined by the concept of etiquette and accepted social interaction. However, it is the British - and the English in particular - who have historically been known to place a great deal of importance in good manners. Whether it be in relation to speech, timeliness, body language or dining, politeness is key.

British etiquette dictates courteousness at all times, which means forming an orderly queue in a shop or for public transport, saying excuse me when someone is blocking your way and saying please and thank you for any service you have received is de rigueur.

The British reputation for being reserved is not without merit. Overfamiliarity of personal space or behavior is a big no-no! When meeting someone for the first time a handshake is always preferable to a hug and a kiss on the cheek is reserved for close friends only. Asking personal questions about salary, relationship status, weight or age (particularly in the case of more 'mature' ladies) is also frowned upon.

Traditionally, one of the best examples of the British etiquette is the importance placed on punctually. It is considered rude to arrive late to a business meeting, medical appointment or formal social occasion such as a wedding. As such it is advisable to arrive 5-10 minutes early to appear professional, prepared and unflustered as a mark of respect to your host. Conversely, should you arrive too early to a dinner party this could also appear slightly rude and ruin the atmosphere for the evening if the host is still completing their preparations. For the same reason an unannounced house call is often frowned upon for risk of inconveniencing the home owner.

Should you be invited to a British dinner party it is customary for a dinner guest to bring a gift for the host or hostess, such as a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers or chocolates. Good table manners are essential (particularly if you want to be invited back!) and unless you are attending a barbeque or an informal buffet it is frowned upon to use fingers rather than cutlery to eat. The cutlery should also be held correctly, i.e. the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand with the prongs pointing downwards and the food pushed onto the back of the fork with the knife rather than 'scooped'. At a formal dinner party when there are numerous utensils at your place setting it is customary to begin with the utensils on the outside and work your way inward with each course.

As the guest it is polite to wait until everyone at the table has been served and your host starts eating or indicated that you should do so. Once the meal has begun it is impolite to reach over someone else's plate for an item such as seasoning or a food platter; it is more considerate to ask for the item to be passed to you. Leaning your elbows on the table whilst you are eating is also considered rude.

Slurping or making other such loud noises whilst eating is completely frowned upon. As with yawning or coughing it is also considered very rude to chew open-mouthed or talk when there is still food in your mouth. These actions imply that a person was not brought up to adhere to good manners, a criticism against not only the offender but their family too!

Social classes
Rules of etiquette are usually unwritten and passed down from generation to generation, although in days gone by it was common for young ladies to attend a finishing school to ensure their manners were up to scratch. An attribute which was felt particularly crucial in securing a suitable husband!

Whilst today good manners and etiquette are seen as a sign of respect, particularly to those more senior (in either age or position), in Victorian England when the class system was alive and well, etiquette was often used as a social weapon in the interests of social advancement or exclusion.

The evolution of etiquette
More recently, a rise in multiculturalism, a changing economy and the introduction of social and gender specific equality laws have all played a part in Britain moving away form its rigid class system of old and therefore a more informal attitude to social etiquette has arisen. However, today - like the rest of the world - Britain has been influenced by the importance of corporate etiquette, with a shift in focus from the social or household setting to an emphasis on business etiquette and protocol, With the whole concept of etiquette being dependent on culture, for a business to succeed internationally it is important to be aware that what is considered good manners in one society may be rude to another. For instance the "okay" gesture - made by connecting the thumb and forefinger in a circle and holding the other fingers straight, is recognized in Britain and North America as a signal to question or confirm that a person is well or safe. However in parts of southern Europe and South America this is an offensive gesture.

Thus the etiquette of business has become a set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more smoothly, whether during interaction with a co-worker or contact with external or international colleages.

Indeed, the rise in online business and social media sites has even seen the creation of a worldwide 'online society', necessitating its own rules of conduct, commonly referred to as Netiquette, or network etiquette. These rules regarding the protocol for such communications as email, forums and blogs are constantly being redefined as the internet continues to evolve. So whilst the traditionally accepted behaviors of old may not have the influence they once did, it could be argued that etiquette is as crucial in today's far-reaching society as it has ever been.

whilst   /waɪlst/ conjunction =while ~なのに対して・~だけれども
penchant   /'pentʃənt/ n)強い好み・傾向 [仏語]
appropriate /ə'prəƱpriət/ adj)適した・ふさわしい・適切な
renowned /rɪ'naƱnd/ adj)有名な・名高い・名声のある
refer to  ~に関心・注意を向ける
originate /ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt/ v)~から生じる・起こる


social/business etiquette
We Japanese need to learn more western social and business etiquette.
Business etiquette is essential for building strong relationships with clients. 
Cloud you brief us on English etiquette and good manners?

etiquette /'etɪkət/ n)エティケット
social media etiquette


brief on .../ tell
Could you brief us on western business manners?
Can you tell us the specific reasons? 


personal motives
All of us have personal motives to come to Japan.

personal /'pɜːrsənl/ adj)個人の、個性がある・自分らしい
motive  /'məƱtɪv/  n)動機・真意・目的


attachment   /ə'tætʃmənt/ n)くっつけること・添付・付属、愛着

I have an attachment to England.
I have a great attachment to my old friends.
I'm a little worried about her strong attachment to her son.
That's the country I have an attachment to.


Mǎ lā gāo 


Make sure to try this.


It's easy on the wallet.


wild party
have a wild party

party like crazy

make/cause a ruckus 

ruckus   /'rʌkəs/ n) AmE:大騒ぎ

Japanese apricot/plum blossom

梅の花(ume blossom)
The plum blossoms are in full bloom now. 満開

Japanese apricot/plum garden/orchard.

apricot   /’eɪprɪkɑːt/ /'æprɪkɑːt/ n)あんず
plum /plʌm/ n)すもも
orchard   /'ɔːrtʃərd/ n)果樹園


cherry-blossom viewing party


 even though/though/although 接続詞

despite/in spite of   前置詞
In spite of the heavy snow, we have to go to the office.

for all that/for all one's ....
For all her poverty, she really likes shopping.

in the face of
My boss said we do need the meeting, in the face of the typhoon.


・What makes a ryokan unique.
伝統的/食事: Many ryokans offer traditional rooms and meals for overnight stays.

象徴的な(独自の)/一体となる: Japanese ryokans have their iconic style that become one with nature or townscape.

・What are some do's and don'ts in a ryokan?
どんちゃん騒ぎ: We sometimes make a ruckus until midnight at ryokan.

・Aside from sleeping and resting, what else can you do in a ryokan.
食事/温泉: Popular ryokans in Japan offer nice meals and hot springs.
浴衣: We can put on 'yukata' that is a casual and single-layered cotton 'kimono' after taking a hot spring. 
日本を感じる: Wearing a casual kimono can gives a true Japanese atmosphere.

・What are the disadvantages of staying in a ryokan?
高級/財布に優しくない: Popular ryokans in Japan are classy. So it's NOT easy on the wallet
食事付: 1 night, 2 meals is common, so we don't have a chance to visit the popular restaurants.

do's and don'ts   すべきこととすべきでないこと
aside from   ~は別として・~はさておき・~はおいといて


that with a ....
It was (that with a) heart united we overcame difficulties and reached the peak of Everest together.

overcome   /,əƱvər'kʌm/ v)乗り越える・克服する
overcome something     to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you form achieving something

difficulty   /'dɪfɪkəlti/ n)困難・苦労
★ a problem; a thing or situation that causes problems


get over something
You are getting over an illness.

get better from something
My son is getting better from a sickness.

recover from something
You are recovering from the cold.
I've just fully recovered.

no longer
I'm no longer feeling sick.


become one with
Japanese ryokans have their iconic style that become one with nature.
Triathlon combines swimming, biking and running. 

Kyoto is a city where traditional buildings and nature are united.


Montessori School Education

Montessori Education is based on the principles developed by Maria Montessori, who opened her first school for children of low-income workers in an apartment building in Rome in 1907. The school was called "Casa dei Bambini", Home for Children.

principle /'prɪnsəpl/ n)基本理念・(~s)信念


daycare AmE /day nursery BrE

preschool  AmE/BrE   /'priːskuːl/ 

5歳児が通う場所 AmE
kindergarten   /'kɪndərgɑːrtn/   ドイツ語
a school or class to prepare children aged five for school

4歳児が通う場所 BrE 
reception /rɪ'sepʃn/  also "reception class"
(in England and Wales) the first class at school for children aged 4 or 5


stomach flu/bug
The stomach flu is going around.

gastroenteritis   /,gæstrəƱ,entə'raɪtɪs/
Gastroenteritis is spreading/prevailing at the daycare center.

prevail /prɪ'veɪl/ v)力が及ぶ・広がっている・普及/流行っている


Have a good rest

Get some rest

Rest well



behave gracefully/elegantly
Behave gracefully/elegantly, not wildly as usual.


grab a quick bite to eat
I usually grab a quick bite to eat for lunch.


Reservation is required.
Reservation is required for the restaurant because it's so popular. 

Reservation is a must.


to fit something
You can carry backpack to fit them.


participant   /pɑːr'tɪsɪpənt/ 
Which city is convenient for participant, Oita or Beppu?


Is something wrong?
Is something wrong with your eyes?



a change of clothes
Take a change of clothes just to be safe.

extra clothes



have second thoughts
I'm having second thoughts about going, actually.

hesitate to/be hesitant to
I'm hesitant to do that.
I hesitate to do that.

not ready
I'm not ready to do that.
I'm not ready for that.

be still on the fence
I'm still on the fence about that. It's a complicated issue.

hesitate   /'hezɪteɪt/ v)ためらう・躊躇する
hesitant /'hezɪtənt/ adj)ためらう・躊躇する



I speak to someone.

Someone spoke to me.
Someone ask me ....
I often get asked directions from tourists. It's annoying.
When I'm walking down the street, sometimes random guys come and speak to me.




How do you have your coffee?

English has milk in their tea.


for the first time in 2024
for the first time this year


early in the morning

in the early morning

from early in the morning
from in the early morning

It's very refreshing from very early in the morning.


Emphasizing what you like or are good at

If there's one thing I love to ....  , it's ....
If there's one thing I love to do, it's hiking.

Listening A
a: Can you help me with this?
b: Sure. Move over. If there's one thing I'm really good at, it's preparing squid.
a: Wow. You're so fast. Where did you learn how to do that?
b: From my mom. We used to eat a lot of seafood in our house.
a: Really? So you can debone fish and things like that too?
b: Yeah, of course. Now, do you want rings or strips? 

Listening B
a: Hey, look. it's really sunny.
b: Oh, yeah. If there's one thing I love to do on a morning like this, it's eat breakfast outside in the fresh air.
a: Won't it be too cold?
b: Not if you put on a scarf and a sweater. Besides, a mug of hot coffee will soon warm you up.
a: Well, okay. I suppose I could give it a try.

Listening C
a: We'll need to get some steaks for tonight.
b: Leave that to me. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's choose a good cut of meat.
a: Really? How do you do it?
b: It's all in the color and the marbling.

leave that/it to me   私にまかせて下さい

food addiction

I struggle with unhealthy relationship with processed food.
I can't help myself eating sweets after meals.

struggle with ...   ~に取り組む・奮闘する・苦労する
processed food   加工食品

struggle   /'strʌgl/ verb
★ to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems

process   /'prəƱses/ /'prɑːses/ 


What a pity!

pity   /'pɪti/ noun
★ used to show that you are disappointed about something
★ a sad feeling caused by the pain and troubles of others

Such a pity
So sorry but my wife Sela has to go into a town today for an urgent matter. Such a pity since she was looking forward to meeting you all.

but ; 謝罪の言葉の後に理由を説明する時に使用する「でも../しかし..」


name/call A B

A restaurant call tonkatsu "Oshikatsu".


There's a thing called ....
In Japan, there's something called 'Tonkatsu'. 

We have a thing called ....
We have a thing called "rice cake".

a thing 特定性が強い
someting 個人的な事など
we have 距離感がある 「あなたと違って」のニュアンス
There is 距離感がない


lose my strength
Without exercise, I'm losing my strength.


I didn't cook every day when I was living by myself.
Some men living by themselves don't cook so often.

cook for oneself
How often do you cook for yourself?
I haven't been cooking for myself lately.

cook one's own food
kylie has been cooking her own food since she started college.
How many days a week do you cook your own food?


funeral   /'fju:nərəl/

attend a funeral
I attended the funeral for my friend who died in an accident. 

hold a funeral
I hold a funeral ceremony for my mother. 
It was a small, private funeral for family and friends only. 

I have to pay my respect to my friend since he passed away.
We go to a celebration of life for my mother-in-low in Osaka.


~というよりはむしろ ....

rather than
I've been busy rather than feel sad. 



shovel/clear/remove the snow
I cleared away snow on the road in front of my house.


Did something happen?

Did you see or do something different from usual/always?


heavy snow warning
Tokyo is under heavy snow warning.


.... than I expected
There is more snow than I expected.


Chinese New Year 
Chinese New Year is going to start this Saturday.