
on a diet = 食習慣

Healthy Eating
From now on, I really need to start eating healthy.
eating healthy
drinking more water
eating more vegetables

Cheat Day
I had a juicy cheeseburger on my cheat day.
a juicy cheeseburger
two scoops of ice cream
six bottles of beer

Binge Eat
I binged on fried chicken late last night.
fried chicken
an entire pizza

binge /bɪndʒ/ v)度を超す・爆食いする《on》主に食べる・TVを見るに使用
binge eat   v)爆食いする
I binge eat when I'm stressed.

👄I really need to stop overeating.
I hope there is some healthy food.

👄I got fat during the winter holidays.
ーDid you?  I don't see it. そうは見えないけど
I try to stop eating so much oily food.
ーI also gained some weight actually.

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