
Cost of living

1. Do you like to travel on a budget?
Budget travel not only helps save money but/it also could have a wonderful/valuable experience.
When I travel on a budget, I prioritize experiencing local culture over staying in fancy hotels.

2. If you were traveling on a budget, What country would you visit?
I guess, it's the same for all countries.
As for me, I go hiking on a trip/holiday.
Basically, it doesn't cost money.

3. If you were traveling on a budget, what would you prioritize (ex. food, hotel)?
I mentioned before, My main priority is experiencing different culture, such as food, nature, weather, architecture and also people.

4. Do you think traveling on a budget is safe?
I guess bad people, like criminals come close to the rich/wealthy.

the cost of living
dirt cheap
cost an arm and a leg
cost a fortune
consonant   n)子音      consonant sound
vowel n)母音           vowel sound
expat /'ekspæt/ = expatriate /,eks'pætriət/ n)外国に移住する、国外追放する

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