
health benefits of seaweed

It's highly nutritious.
Each type of seaweed may contain slightly different nutrients and minerals.
Eating marine alga may be a simple way to boost a person's intake of vitamins and minerals without adding many calories.
Seaweed also contains antioxidants, which may protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation at the cellular level.

nutritious /nu'trɪʃəs/ adj)栄養になる
nutrient   /'nuːtriənt/ n)栄養物・栄養素
mineral /'mɪnərəl/ n)鉱物・鉱石・ミネラル
algae /'ældʒiː/ n)藻(も)・藻類(そうるい)
antioxidant /,ænti'ɑːksɪdənt/ n)酸化防止剤・老化防止材
oxidative adj)酸化的な
inflammation /,ɪnflə'meɪʃn/ n)炎症・燃えること・興奮
cellular /'seljələr/ adj)細胞の・セル携帯電話の

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