
Getting to your destination

1- Do you usually ask people for help when you get lost?
asking people; 
I'm a bit old-school.
old-school 古き良き out-of-date 時代遅れ 
using maps; paper maps, traditional folded paper maps for hiking
When I go hiking, I use traditional folded paper maps.
At the end of the day, it’s quicker to ask someone who knows it.

2- Which do you think is more reliable for directions, people or GPS?
有益な情報;valuable information
よいアドバイス; the good tips
助かるアドバイス; the helpful advice
状況により使い分ける;use A or B depending in the situation
I use "GPS" or "People" depending in the situation.
GPS is good with numbers, I think.
On the other hand, people sometimes give us the helpful advices, such as latest information, roads with many ups and downs, I mean height difference, something risky and so on. It's really reliable. 

3- When you are in a new place, do you prefer to take public transportation or walk?
都会では歩く方が好き;prefer walking to taking public transportation in a big city like Tokyo.
最上位の・一流の;in the front ranks
I prefer walking in the front ranks,
Walking leads to new discoveries.
Walking leads to come across something new.
come across  たまたま遭遇する

4- Can you remember spoken directions, or do you have to write everything down?
When I'm at a station or a tourist spot, I'm often asked for directions by foreign tourists, so I always show them the way.

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