

A divorced mother works as a caregiver while living in a converted greenhouse, striving to earn enough to move with her middle school son into a real home.

Moon-jung is an unassuming woman who is killing time until the day her juvenile son, currently detained for an unknown crime, come back home. She lives in a makeshift home inside a greenhouse but dreams of having a decent rented place in time for her son to return. To facilitate this, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple, with the woman, who suffers from paranoid bouts, claiming.....

Kim Seo-hyeong(キム・ソヒョン)

Crime・Drama・Thriller  2022 Korea

convert v)改造する・模様替えする・変更する
strive v)~しようと努力する・懸命に試みる
unassuming adj)気取らない
juvenile adj)年少者に特有の・未熟な
detain v)拘留・留置する、引き留める・待たせる
unknown  adj)不明な・知られていない unknown crime
makeshift   adj)仮の・間に合わせの
facilitate v)活動を容易にする・楽にする
paranoid  adj)被害妄想を持った・わけもなくおびえた
bout n)一期間、発作
claim v)要求する

I have three young children, so I have to strive to earn more money.

Why do you study English? ー When I was a junior high, I was killing time by listening to music.

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