

/'mɑːnərki/ n)君主制・君主国
★ usually the monarchy   a system of government by a king or a queen
★ a country that is ruled by a king or a queen
★ the monarchy   the king or queen of a country and their family

The United Kingdom is a monarchy.
The British king and queen are still very popular.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy whose head of state is the queen.
Some people are not happy with the monarchy.
A monarchy is a form of government in which the monarch is heading the state.
What do you think about the monarchy?
That country is a monarchy.
Saudi Arabia has a form of monarchy in which the king is both the head of state and the head of government.
Liechtenstein, the world's sixth-smallest country, is a semi-constitutional monarchy.
A monarchy is a system or rule by a king or queen.
According to a poll, three-quarters of the population want the country to remain a monarchy.
The royal wedding is said to have secured the future of the monarchy.
The monarchy is a divisive issue in the UK.
And support for the monarchy is quite different depending on the age group.
Among those 65 and older, 77% believe the monarchy is good for the country.
The survey also found less support for the monarchy in Scotland and Wales than in England.
However, the YouGov survey found that the majority of Brits are still in favor of the monarchy, with 62% saying they want to keep it.
But YouGov has done this survey every year since 2011, and the data suggests that support for the monarchy has decreased over the years.
A recent survey by YouGov asked more than 2,000 British adults if they thought the monarchy should be replaced with an elected head of state.
This angered many Nepalis, especially those who were supporters of the monarchy.
Estimates suggest that the total net value of the monarchy is about 84 billion US dollars.

royalty     王族
monarch   君主・帝王
princess   王女
prince  王子
sovereignty   主権・統治権・支配権・独立国

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