
University of Tokyo Offers Rent Assistance to Female Students

rent: n賃料 v貸す、借りる(いづれも対価を伴なう) rent-rented-rented
assistance: n手伝い、援助

Japan's top university is offering subsidized rent to female students in an attempt to improve gender balance in the student population.

offer: v提供する、申し出る n提供
subsidize: サブシイズ v助成金を支給する、補助する、援助する、
attempt: ア ンプト n試み v試みる
gender: ジェンダァ n性別、性(sex)

The unversity of Tokyo announced that it will give a monthly housing assistance worth ¥30,000(around $270) to its female students for two years.

The housing program, which will start in April 2017, aims to increase the percentage of female students in the university.

Currently, only 20% of students who apply to the university are female.

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