
a haircut

Many hairdressers will have a menu outside.


習性、習慣、傾向 : ~ するものだ

基本的に主語は 3 人称で、しばしば話し手にとって迷惑な習性、習慣、傾向に用いられます。

Boys will be boys.

( 男の子はどこまでも男の子です。 ) ※いたずらは仕方ないという ことわざ

Oil will float on water.

( 油は水に浮くものだ。 )

He will often watch TV all night.

( 彼はよく一晩中テレビを見ることがあります。 )

After today, it will be March (from tomorrow). 明日から3月です。

I hope Spring will come soon.



A dozen of bottles of French wine and 320 grapevine snippets arrived in the Gulf of Mexico after months of orbiting Earth aboard the International Space Station(ISS).

dozen ダズン n)かなりたくさん、12個、ダース

grapevine グイプ ヴァイン n)ブドウのつる

snippet ピット n)切れ端、 snippet of information

orbit オービット v)軌道を描いて回る n)軌道、旋回   The rocket launched into orbit after blasting off from the new space center.

blast ブスト v)爆破して n)爆風

aboard ード adj)乗船して、乗って、新たに加わって Welcome aboard!  Welcome back!


What do you do for lunch/dinner?


自炊する cook at home


boardroom ボーァドルーム n)重役室 a room where the directors of a company have meetings

Ms. Gray will be here in a few minutes. Is the heating on in the boardroom?

No, I don't think so.

I thought someone would've gone in and turned it on by now. It must be freezing in there.

Sorry. I didn't think. I'll go and do it now.

by now もう、今頃

Recently mymother became unable to do many things such as using rice steamer.

chick-fil-A and Target are suing poultry processors because of alleged collusion to manipulate chicken prices.

sue ー v)訴える suing  suer n)法廷に苦情の救済か権利の回復を申し立てる人

poultry ウトリー n)家畜(鶏・七面鳥など)

processor プロセッサー n)加工する人、加工業者、加工装置、プロセッサー

allegedッジット adj)疑わしい

collusion ージョン n)なれあい、共謀

manipulateピュレイト v)改ざんする、巧みに操る



let bygones be bygones

wipe the slate clean

forgive and forget

keen on

KZ, guess what Korea is running out of right now? KZ、韓国で今どんなものが品薄になっていると思う?

Hmm... I know they had heavy snowfall recently. I don't know, rain boots? ん~、最近、大雪が降ったのは聞いたけど。わからないなあ、長靴?

Nope, it’s snow sledges. ブー、そりだよ。

Really? I didn't know Koreans were keen on sledging. そうなの?韓国人がそり好きだって知らなかった。

According to this article, most ski resorts closed in recent weeks because of the pandemic, so... この記事によると、スキーリゾートの多くはコロナ対策のためにここ数週間で閉まっちゃったんだ。だから、、、

Oh, I get it. Instead of going to ski resorts, they're enjoying snow slopes nearby. そうか、スキーリゾートに行く代わりに近所の坂で楽しんでいるんだね。

Yup. They've got heavy snow, but the resorts are closed, そう。雪はあるけど、リゾートは閉鎖、

and since they've only their families to spend time with anyway because of COVID, they've taken to sledging. でコロナのせいでどうぜ家族ぐらいとしか一緒にいられないから、ってわけ。

Nice! いいね。

And listen to this, because major retailers ran out of their stock plastic sledges, one family said they brought picnic mats for their kids to slide on. そのくだりを聞いて、大手の小売店でプラスティック製のそりが売り切れてたから、ある家族は子供が滑って遊べるようにそり代わりにレジャーシートを持って行ったって。

That's the way. We need flexible minds to find ways to enjoy life. ナイスアイディア。柔軟に考えて人生楽しまなきゃね。

Plus, it helps to avoid the "Three Cs": closed space, crowding, and close contact. しかも、3密も避けられる。

Some ski resorts are open, but I'm sure a lot of people will continue enjoying sledging in their neighborhood. リゾートはいくつか再開したけど、そのままそりで楽しむ人も多いと思うよ。

For sure. I admire their positive mindset even in such challenging circumstances. 間違いないね。こういう難しい状況下でも前向きに考えている彼らを尊敬するよ。

run out of...  ...を切らす

snowfall   heavy snowfall 大雪


sledge  そり  snow sledge

keen on 夢中になっている、心待ちにしている

in recent weeks

take to  ...を好きになる


picnic mat

slide on

flexible minds

mindset 考え方

challenging 困難だがやりがいのある



go bankrupt 倒産する、破産する

bankrupt ンクラプト n)破産者 adj)破産した v)破産させる

go out of business 廃業する、商売をやめる

shut one's door 店を閉じる、倒産する


It shut its doors a couple years ago. そこは2,3前に店をやめた。

Most of stores there went out of business. そこの大半の店が廃業した。

have resort to... / resort to...(よくないことに)頼る

Virtual Babysitting Services in Demand for Working Parents in UK

Many working parents in the UK have resorted to virtual nanny services for their children in the past year.

resortゾーァト v)よく行く、行きつける n)行楽地、手段

have resort to... /resort to...(よくないことに)頼る、...に訴える

have resort to force/arms 力に頼る He resorted to violence/lying

So many cities have resorted to service cuts.

That's only as a last resort それは最後の手段だ last resort 最後の手段 

virtual ヴァ-ァチャル adj)仮想の

nanny ニーィ n)ベビーシッター

in the past year 過去1年以内に

Britain to offer all adults a COVID-19 vaccine by end of July

LONDON- All adults in Britain will be offered a first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of July, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday ahead of a planned announcement on the cautious reopening of the economy from lockdown. 

cautious コ-シャス adj)注意を払う


Exercise helps relieve stress.

relieveリーヴ v)重荷から解放する

reliefリーフ n)解放


Autumn Leaves

Look at the leaves! They've started changing colors.

 Awesome! I love the warm colors of the autumn leaves. They let me forget about the cold temperature.

I check the autumn foliage forecast on my phone. It shows us the best time for viewing leaves nationwide.

 Next weekend I'm going to visit some of the local parks famous for their colored leaves.

I recommend the illumination events in the botanical gardens. The illuminated maple leaves are beautiful.

 Thanks for the recommendation. I think ginkgo trees are also stunning in autumn.

I agree! You should also check out the gorgeous ginkgo avenue near out office, too!

change colors 色付く

autumn foliage 紅葉 foliage フォウリッジ n)草木の全部の葉

nationwide 全国的に

maple メイプル n)モミジ 

ginkgo ンコウ n)イチョウ

stunning ニングadj)素晴らしい、見事な

avenue 並木道

New Zealand confirms first cases of UK coronavirus variant as Auckland goes into lockdown

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said investigators were trying to trackdown the source of the UK infections

The prime minister of New Zealand confirmed that the coronavirus infections that triggered the country's first lock down in months are the UK variant, raising fears of a setback to the country's previously successful fight against the disease.

Jacinda Ardern said on Monday that no new community cases had been found since New Zealand's largest city was placed into an emergency three-day lockdown on Sunday night, raising hopes that the lockdown would be short.

"We were right to take a cautious approach and focus on safety because we've confirmed it is the UK variant," she told Radio New Zealand.

"This is a highly transmissible and a fast-moving strain, one that requires extra care in order to stamp it out, and this is exactly what our approach entails," she added.

It is the first time the more infectious UK variant has been found in New Zealand, which has achieved one of the lowest infection rates in the world thanks to strict border controls.

Three people - a mother, father and daughter from the same Auckland family - tested positive for coronavirus over the weekend.

The mother works at Auckland's international airport for a company that does laundry for international aircrew.

Initial speculation had focused on the strain escaping from a quarantine hotel, but Mrs Ardern said genome sequencing of the latest case had failed to "link it to any of the cases we've had come through our managed isolation facilities... it tells us it wasn't someone who went from an airline into our managed isolation."

She said investigations tracing the source were focusing on three scenarios, including whether the variant arrived with a transit passenger who stayed airside at the airport, or international aircrew via a uniform cleaned by the laundry company.

trackdown v)追及する、追いつめる


Valentine's Day

The truth about Valentine's Day- Why some people choose Not to celebrate it

Nationwide- Every year on February 14th, millions of people around the world celebrate Valentine's Day. It is usually celebrated in the form of a man buying flowers, candy and/or a greeting card for his wife or girlfriend. He is generally expected to also take her to dinner that night. Some men even do this for their mothers, grandmothers, and other women in the family- especially if they are single.

But where did this holiday come from? And how did it start?

Valentine's Day Has Pagan Origins

According to The World Book Encyclopedia, 1976 edition, Vol.20, Page 24:

"Valentine's Day comes on the feast day of two different Christian martyrs named Valentine. But the customs connected with the day... probably come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia which took place every February 13-15. This pagan festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature." 

That word "pagan" by the way is defined as a person that holds religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. In other words, pagan means non-Christian. Some find it very disturbing that a non-Christian holiday is so popular among millions of Christians worldwide.

Valentine's Day Is Related To... Birds

According to Wikipedia:

During the Middle Ages it was believed that birds paired couples in mid-February. This was then associated with the romance of Valentine. This is the reason why Valentine's day is widely recognized as a day for romance and devotion.

Why Some Choose Not To Celebrate

Many people choose not to celebrate Valentine's Day citing that it originates with the honoring and worship of mythological gods. Others don't like the fact that it was once related to a pagan festival. And others don't celebrate it because... well, they feel that showing love to someone should be an every day thing- not just once a year!

Others are more frank; They say, "I want chocolate and flowers everyday!"

What do you think?

In the form of...   ...の形式をとって

feast フィ-スト n)祝宴

feast day (協会の)祝祭日

martyr マ-ダーァ n)犠牲者、殉教者(じゅんきょうしゃ:信仰のために命を失った者)

honor オーナァ v)礼遇する、敬意を払う

Juno ジュウノ- n)ユノ(ローマ神話)  Pan パァ-ン n)パン(ギリシャ神話)

goddess ガァデス n)女神(⇒god)

cite サアイト v)引き合いに出す、引用する

I don't do anything. But many young people take their girlfriends out on a date. Many women buy or make chocolates for their boyfriends.


Speaking of...


As for...人・物

As to 物

Speaking of...

On the topic/subject of...



Killing two birds with one stone. 一石二鳥(なんと日本語と同じ使い方!)

 It's like killing two birds with one stone! それって一石二鳥だね!


 The last time I went on a trip was a couple of years ago.


'me' time

What do you enjoy doing most? 何をするのが一番楽しいですか?

I'm trying to make time to let myself go. I mean "me time" after work.

something like running, swimming or coming to Nova school after work.

make time 時間をつくる

let myself go 自由に振舞う、自身を解放する

Take hiking trips

I love taking hiking trips.

It could be beneficial to our mental health.

frenetic フレティック adj)猛烈な、てんてこまいの、大忙しの、

What do you like about traveling?

What do you like about traveling/

I enjoy eating. So I travel to try out different cuisines. I always ask the locals for their recommendations.

I enjoy 

try out 試してみる

locals 地元住民

How often/I try to take a trip to a new country almost every year.

How many countries/I visited about 20 countries and regions. No wander I'm old!

no wander 道理で...なわけだ


 よく日本語でも「うちから...くらい離れている」と家のことを「うち」というが英語ではよく「my place」という言葉をよく聞く。


I heard Australia bring coronavirus under control

New Zealand's teacher said something like his country contains COVID-19 under control.

contain コンイン v)含む、収容する、抑制する、食い止める

New Zealand ニュ-ジーィランド




establishment イスブリッシュメント n)設立、施設(学校/病院/会社/営業所/ホテル/店...)

 an educational establishment(=a school, collage etc) It's a large educational establishment with over 2000 pupils. 

 a medical establishment(=a hospital) New employees must undergo an examination at a medical establishment nominated by the Company.

 a nuclear establishment Local people are against having a nuclear establishment on their doorstep.

 a catering establishment(=a restaurant, cafe etc) She runs a successful catering establishment in LA.

 a modest establishment(=a small business, shop etc) His Pizza House is a modest but busy establishment just off the High Street. 

 high-class establishment

 pupil ピュ-パル n)弟子、生徒、門下生

 undergo アンダー- v)受ける、経験する、耐える

 nominate ミネイト v)指名・推薦する

 on one's doorstep すぐ近くで、目の前で、目と鼻の先で

 doorstep ドァステップ n)戸口の踏段

 catering ケイタリング n)仕出し

 modest モァーデスト adj)控えめな、品のよい、質素な

 high street 英)大通り main street 米)大通り

establish v)設立、開設する

established adj)確立された

It's an established fact that smoking causes cancer.


”mention” と "say"

①Some Australian teachers said...

②Some Australian teachers said something like...

③Some Australian teachers mentioned...


①She said that she was going away. 「実際にどこかに行く」と言ったことになる

②She said something like she was going away.

③She mentioned that she was going away.


お礼を言われた後の定番表現”Don't mention that.” 「いえいえ、たいしたことありませんといったニュアンスのどういたしまして」


I forgot to mention that some of us are out for exposition on coming Wednesday.
I forgot to say”と言うところでmentionを使ってみると、かっちり聞こえます。

Regarding the document that you have sent me, it doesn’t mention about detail schedule.
こちらも普段なら“it doesn’t say”と言うところですが、



Under no circumstances


At no point should anyone split up from the group during the trip.

Under no circumstances should anyone stand up in the boat.


On no account is anyone to feed the monkeys.

At no time are any food items to be kept in the tent with you.

Everybody, can I have your attention, please? The ferry will be leaving in ten minutes, so under no account is anyone to go back on shore.

split/split up スプリット v)裂く、割る、分割する、分裂する n)分裂

account アウント n)収支報告書、勘定、報告、弁明、理由、意見

shore ショア- n)岸

false フォ-ス adj)本物ではない、誤った a false alarm

prompt プロンプトゥ adj)迅速な v)素早く行動させる n)せりふ、動機

lean リ-ン v)傾く、もたれる

rail レイル n)手摺

Under no circumstances will she be allowed into that restaurant. どんな場合でも彼女はあのレストランに二度と入れないだろう

Pre corona days, spending my weekends was skiing and hiking at this time of the year. But now, that makes me studying English hard at all. 

What do you think of the KEY difference between both countries.

key キ-ィ n)カギ、要所、重要な

I have front row seats! 最前列の席ですよ!

Enjoy the rest of your day/week!


We greet people on a daily basis in some way or the other. During pre corona days, greetings were in the forms of handshakes, high fives, and hugs. Be it personal or professional, every greeting had some form of physical contact. Now, with the coronavirus, people are either switching to verbal greetings, the traditional namaste, or finding other innovative ways to greet people without any physical contact.

greet v)挨拶をする

basis n)基礎、基盤、根拠

in some way/in some way or the other どうにか、なんとか、何らかの形で 

high fives ハイタッチ

either イ-ザァ/イザー  adj)どちらか一方の

verbal ヴア-バル adj)言葉の、口頭の

nnovative ノヴェイティヴ adj)革新的な


changed our lives

 lives アイヴス lifeの複数形

These days I forget to bring a mask and a reusable bag.

reusable bag

Many stores charge for plastic bags now.

②face mask

Coronavirus completely changed our lives.



Wearing a mask is now mandatory when stepping outEarlier we would associate masks with doctors, but now they are the new normal. Although it may have felt a little odd at first, everyone's got used to it now. With the increase in demand, the price of masks shot up. From DIY masks for daily wear, to fancy masks for wedding, we've seen it all. It's like our accessories have now been replaced by masks!

mandatory マェンダトリー adj)義務的な、強制的な

step out ちょっと家を出る

earlier adv)以前は

odd オーッドゥ adj)半端の、奇妙な、変な
Did you feel a little add to put on a mask at first?

shoot シューゥト v)撃つ、素早く伸びる -shot-shot
fancy フアンシー adj)気まぐれ、手の込んだ、派手な



There weren't as many safety regulations (when I was young).

There weren't as many kids playing on their phones.

There wasn't as much traffic on the roads when I was young.

lesser amount in the past

There weren't as many career paths for women. キャリアの道⇒昇進の道

There wasn't as much pressure(social pressure) to fit in.

(You feel that you Must be normal like everyone else)

There wasn't as much concern for the environment then.

There weren't as many products related to ...

nearlyは not as much/many の強意語としてよく使われる

There weren't nearly as many traffic accidents back then

nearly adv)おおよそ

『当時は』 back then/at the time/in those days

It was normal back then. I was a student back then.

People got married much younger back then.

I was living in LA back then.

I was young and naive back then.

They didn't have the internet/celphone back then. 当時はインターネットはなかった

naive ナイーヴ adj)世間知らずの

gullible だまされやすい

credulous だまされやすい

ignorant 無知な

blunt 鈍感な

inexperienced 経験が浅い

sensitive 敏感な、傷つきやすい

innocent 潔白な、無邪気な


cramming for their university entrance exam

when I was that age. 私がその年齢の時

There seem to be a lot more pressure these days.

I'm pretty sure.

trash separate

(with Thomas, thanks)


go to/go on

go to Thailand

go on holiday/vacation/a trip/a tour/an excursion/a cruise/strike 

 she's gone on vacation to India.

 My son went to Australia on a school trip.

go for a walk/a run/a swim/a drink/a ride  ※冠詞のaは「ちょっと」の意

go -ing

I go/he is going/we went/they have gone/she wants to go shopping/swimming/fishing/sailing/skiing/jogging 

crown n)王冠

clown n)ピエロ

A 68-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly injuring a doctor who asked him not to wear his face mask on the chin at a hospital in Okinawa Prefecture, police said Tuesday.

Mask-related violence will never end.

I wonder what it take for these stubborn mules to comply in the very least.


chin    あご

Corona Vaccination, Jan/2021

Hey Z, have you heard the news about the vaccines for COVID-19?

 Yes. In some countries, it became available to elderly people and medical workers.

I'm not sure if it's safe to get vaccinated.

 I see. People are worried about the side effects since it's a new vaccine.

I heard that two companies said their vaccines are 95% effective.

 Let's see how it goes. I hope that it will slow the spread of the virus.

I hope so. too. However, it's still good news that there is a vaccine.

vaccine ヴァクシーン n)ワクチン

vaccinate ヴァクシネイト v)予防接種をする、ワクチン注射をする


Some senior lawmaker quit the Diet after visiting hostess bars late at night under the circumstances/during state of emergency. he was bowing. it's a must lol. They are comics at all!