
have resort to... / resort to...(よくないことに)頼る

Virtual Babysitting Services in Demand for Working Parents in UK

Many working parents in the UK have resorted to virtual nanny services for their children in the past year.

resortゾーァト v)よく行く、行きつける n)行楽地、手段

have resort to... /resort to...(よくないことに)頼る、...に訴える

have resort to force/arms 力に頼る He resorted to violence/lying

So many cities have resorted to service cuts.

That's only as a last resort それは最後の手段だ last resort 最後の手段 

virtual ヴァ-ァチャル adj)仮想の

nanny ニーィ n)ベビーシッター

in the past year 過去1年以内に

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