

We greet people on a daily basis in some way or the other. During pre corona days, greetings were in the forms of handshakes, high fives, and hugs. Be it personal or professional, every greeting had some form of physical contact. Now, with the coronavirus, people are either switching to verbal greetings, the traditional namaste, or finding other innovative ways to greet people without any physical contact.

greet v)挨拶をする

basis n)基礎、基盤、根拠

in some way/in some way or the other どうにか、なんとか、何らかの形で 

high fives ハイタッチ

either イ-ザァ/イザー  adj)どちらか一方の

verbal ヴア-バル adj)言葉の、口頭の

nnovative ノヴェイティヴ adj)革新的な


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